WikiIslam:Sandbox/Diversity in Islam

This article looks at different branches of Islam and their views.


Name Practice stoning Practice child marriage Freedom of religion Jihad Supports deception/taqiyya
Sunni - Hanafi Yes [1] Yes No
Sunni - Maliki Yes [2] Yes No
Sunni - Shafii Yes [3]
Sunni - Hanbali
Shia - Jafari
Ahmadiyya No [4]


  1. "وهذا قول أبي حنيفة، وقولنا فإن كان الزوج دخل بها رجمت وإن كان لم يدخل بها ضربت الحد مئة جلدة" - "And this was said by Abu Hanifa, and he said to us, so if husband entered her, stone her and if he did not enter her, then beat her, the punishment: one hundered lashes." ("Kitab Al-Athar" by Shaybani, chapter 101)
  2. "الزنا مع الإحصان يوجب الرجم" - "Zina (unlawful sexual intercourse) with an ihsaan (married) requires rajm (stoning)." (As-hal al-Masalik Fi Madhab al-Imam Malik by As-Sayyid Muhammad al-Bashar, chapter of Zina, page 242)
  3. "وحد المحصن والمحصنة ان يرجما بالحجارة حتى يموتا" - "And the hudd (punishment) for a muhsan and muhsanat (married man or woman) is stoning them to death." - (Kitaab al-Umm by Imam Shafi, juz 7, page 391)
  4. "As far as the punishment of stoning to death is concerned, the Holy Qur'an declares that those who indulge in fornication or adultery, (the same Arabic word zana is used for both), should be flogged one hundred times. Here in this verse there is no mention of stoning at all anywhere." (Mirza Tahir Ahmad in interview with BTV, 1988)