
Sahih Muslim 1:1

This template is used to provide sources for Sahih Muslim references from USC-MSA and other indexing conventions. It formerly produced links to the cmje website, which no longer works. We are currently using QuranX.com instead, which is able to handle USC-MSA, In-book, and Dar-us-Salam reference conventions.

Note that all of Muslim is Sahih.


First Parameter is the Book Number.
Second Parameter is the Hadith Number.
Third Parameter (optional) is used to indicate that you are using one of the alternative referencing systems: Dar-us-Salam or In-book (default is USC-MSA).

With the Dar-us-Salam Reference system, only a hadith number is specified, and is the same as in the Dar-us-Salam print edition.

With the In-book system, the book number for a hadith is the same as in the Dar-us-Salam print edition, and the hadith number is a simple incremental index starting at 1 for the first hadith in each book.

To use this template with USC-MSA numbering: {{Muslim|#|#}}

To use this template with Dar-us-Salam Reference numbering: {{Muslim||#|reference}} (note the empty first parameter)

To use this template with In-book numbering: {{Muslim|#|#|in-book}}

Example for hadiths using MSA-USC numbering


Sahih Muslim 7:2650
Example for the same hadith using Dar-us-Salam Reference numbering


Sahih Muslim 1178 (Fuwad Abdul Baqi reference, Dar-us-Salam)
Example for the same hadith using in-book numbering


Sahih Muslim 15:4 (In-Book Ref)