Hi, thanks for trying to work on the site, but please do not create any new pages. It takes a lot of time and effort to improve the quality and reputation of the existing pages here, and unfortunately the new pages you have been creating are not of a sufficient standard or are unhelpful for this site. Some of them are also too brief for a site of this nature and would be more suitable as blog posts where you want to make one or two short points. Regarding edits to existing pages, please bear in mind that no-one is available (in the foreseeable future at least) who has time to review pending edits and choose which ones to approve/disapprove (this is true for other users too who make pending edits, and there is a large backlog). There is significant risk to your time that these might never be reviewed. Perhaps you might like to consider starting your own blog, website, or using social media as an alternative platform. Thanks. Lightyears (talk) 08:05, 16 June 2018 (EDT)

Hi, do you want to mean the wiki is dying? Guillotino (talk) 10:01, 17 June 2018 (EDT)
It will stay online so long as ExMNA continue to host the site (as they have for the past 3 years since the old admins left and it almost disappeared). ExMNA have found it difficult to find the right people to take over day to day running and monitoring of the site and to work on improving the quality. It may happen eventually, but they also have bigger priorities to deal with. Lightyears (talk) 10:42, 18 June 2018 (EDT)

Scientific Errors in the Quran

I rejected your additions for this article. Historical instances of Mecca being attacked don't really count as science per se, it would be more of a historical than a scientific mistake.