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==Defensive Fighting Permitted==
These verses call on Muslims to defend themselves if they are attacked, but they do not require Muslims to defend themselves.

Several months after the Muslims' arrival in Medina, the Muslims started to raid the caravans of the Meccan traders who passed near their area. These Muslim raids would eventually cause the Meccans to attack the Muslims in defense of their caravans; with the first Meccan attack, known as the Battle of Badr, occurring in 624.  
Medieval Islamic scholars categorised Jihad into two forms: One form involved expanding the realm of Islam, called in Arabic جهاد الطلب "jihad at-talab", "the jihad of request" (referring to the invitation to Islam which must be sent to the opposing infidels before hostilities may commence). Muslims are also commanded by the Qur'an to fight to defend the religion (and the Islamic State) from outside aggressors, and this too constitutes the holy duty of jihad. Islamic modernist scholars and some academic scholars regard this division as a product of the expansionist ideology prevalent in the emerging empire and early Caliphates, and that the Quran itself only sanctions defensive and pre-emptive fighting, with the battles mentioned in the earliest sources aligning with these principles (though this is certainly contested).

It was at this time that Muhammad gave permission to the Muslims to defend themselves by fighting and killing the idol worshiping Meccans. These new verses abrogated the [[Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars:Pacifism Promoted|previous non-aggressive verses]] that were revealed by Muhammad.
{{Main|Jihad in Islamic Law}}


Permission is given to Muslims to go to war in order to defend themselves.
Permission is given to the believers to go to war in order to defend themselves.

{{quote | {{cite quran|22|39|end=41|style=ref}} |  
{{quote | {{cite quran|22|39|end=41|style=ref}} |  
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(They are) those who, if We establish them in the land, establish regular prayer and give regular charity, enjoin the right and forbid wrong: with Allah rests the end (and decision) of (all) affairs.}}
(They are) those who, if We establish them in the land, establish regular prayer and give regular charity, enjoin the right and forbid wrong: with Allah rests the end (and decision) of (all) affairs.}}

Allah will reward those Muslims who die while waging Jihad.
If attacked then believers are to fight against their attackers until the attackers desist from fighting, stop persecuting Muslims and Islam to be established.
{{Quote|{{Quran|22|58}}|Those who leave their homes in the cause of Allah, and are then slain or die,- On them will Allah bestow verily a goodly Provision: Truly Allah is He Who bestows the best provision.}}
==Defensive Fighting Mandated==
These Islamic texts mandate that Muslims defend themselves if they or their fellow Muslims are being attacked.
A few months after Muhammad gave permission to the Muslims to defend themselves from attacks, Muhammad made defensive fighting obligatory for all able Muslims. These verses abrogated the previous verses that only gave permission, but did not mandate, that Muslims are to fight in self defense; new commands which themselves would later be abrogated by even newer commands that ordered [[Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars:Offensive Fighting Mandated|Muslims to attack and subdue]] all non-Muslims ([[Kafir|Kuffar]]).
At this stage Muhammad did not consider the Jews to be his enemies since he was still expecting them to embrace him as their prophet, but the Jews who did not accept him as a prophet would later become Muhammad's enemies. Starting with the Battle of Uhud the hypocrites, who were Muslim only in name and who did not actually believe in Muhammad, started becoming Muhammad's enemies.
If attacked then Muslims are to fight against their attackers until the attackers desist from fighting, stop persecuting Muslims and Islam to be established.

{{quote | {{cite quran|2|190|end=194|style=ref}} |  
{{quote | {{cite quran|2|190|end=194|style=ref}} |  
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That, and also because Allah is He Who makes feeble the plans and stratagem of the Unbelievers.}}
That, and also because Allah is He Who makes feeble the plans and stratagem of the Unbelievers.}}

Fight the unbelievers until they stop fighting, they stop persecuting Muslims and they allow Islam to be established. A fifth of all war booty goes to Muhammad.
{{Quote|{{Quran|9|14}}|Fight them! Allah will chastise them at your hands, and He will lay them low and give you victory over them, and He will heal the breasts of folk who are believers.}}
The believers should fight in defense and rouse other believers to fight as well. If the group of Muslims is divided (betrayal) then do not join the hypocrites, instead seize them and slay them wherever ye find them.
{{quote | {{cite quran|4|84|end=89|style=ref}} |
Then fight in Allah's cause - Thou art held responsible only for thyself - and rouse the believers. It may be that Allah will restrain the fury of the Unbelievers; for Allah is the strongest in might and in punishment.<BR><BR>
Whoever recommends and helps a good cause becomes a partner therein: And whoever recommends and helps an evil cause, shares in its burden: And Allah hath power over all things.<BR><BR>
When a (courteous) greeting is offered you, meet it with a greeting still more courteous, or (at least) of equal courtesy. Allah takes careful account of all things.<BR><BR>
Allah! There is no god but He: of a surety He will gather you together against the Day of Judgment, about which there is no doubt. And whose word can be truer than Allah's?<BR><BR>
Why should ye be divided into two parties about the Hypocrites? Allah hath upset them for their (evil) deeds. Would ye guide those whom Allah hath thrown out of the Way? For those whom Allah hath thrown out of the Way, never shalt thou find the Way.<BR><BR>
They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks;-}}
{{Quote|Reliance of the Traveler, o9.1-9.2  |The second state is when non-Muslims invade  a Muslim country or near to one, in which case jihad is personally obligatory (def: c3.2) upon the inhabitants of that country, who must repel the  non-Muslims with whatever they can). Jihad is personally obligatory upon all 'those present in the battle lines (A: and to flee is  an enormity (dis: pH)) (0: provided one is able to
fight. If unable, because of illness or the death of  one's mount when not able to fight on foot, or  because one no longer has a weapon, then one  may leave. One may also leave if the opposing  non-Muslim army is more than twice the size of the Muslim force).}}
{{Quote|Ibn Taymiyyah - al-Nubūwāt 1/140|الكفار إنما يقاتلون بشرط الحراب كما ذهب اليه جمهور العلماء وكما دل عليه الكتاب والسنة
<BR />
The unbelievers are only fought on the condition that they declare war according to the majority of scholars, as is evident in the Book and Sunnah.}}

{{quote | {{cite quran|8|38|end=42|style=ref}} |  
{{Quote|Ibn al-Qayyim - Hidāyat al-Ḥayārá 1/237|وَلَمْ يُكْرِهْ أَحَدًا قَطُّ عَلَى الدِّينِ وَإِنَّمَا كَانَ يُقَاتِلُ مَنْ يُحَارِبُهُ وَيُقَاتِلُهُ وَأَمَّا مَنْ سَالَمَهُ وَهَادَنَهُ فَلَمْ يُقَاتِلْهُ وَلَمْ يُكْرِهْهُ عَلَى الدُّخُولِ فِي دِينِهِ
Say to the Unbelievers, if (now) they desist (from Unbelief), their past would be forgiven them; but if they persist, the punishment of those before them is already (a matter of warning for them).<BR><BR>
<BR />
And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah altogether and everywhere; but if they cease, verily Allah doth see all that they do.<BR><BR>
The Prophet never forced the religion upon anyone, but rather he only fought those who waged war against him and fought him. As for those who made peace with him or conducted a truce, then he never fought them and he never compelled them to enter his religion}}
If they refuse, be sure that Allah is your Protector - the best to protect and the best to help.<BR><BR>
And know that out of all the booty that ye may acquire (in war), a fifth share is assigned to Allah,- and to the Messenger, and to near relatives, orphans, the needy, and the wayfarer,- if ye do believe in Allah and in the revelation We sent down to Our servant on the Day of Testing,- the Day of the meeting of the two forces. For Allah hath power over all things.<BR><BR>
Remember ye were on the hither side of the valley, and they on the farther side, and the caravan on lower ground than ye. Even if ye had made a mutual appointment to meet, ye would certainly have failed in the appointment: But (thus ye met), that Allah might accomplish a matter already enacted; that those who died might die after a clear Sign (had been given), and those who lived might live after a Clear Sign (had been given). And verily Allah is He Who heareth and knoweth (all things).}}

==See Also==
==See Also==

Latest revision as of 21:42, 20 December 2022

Medieval Islamic scholars categorised Jihad into two forms: One form involved expanding the realm of Islam, called in Arabic جهاد الطلب "jihad at-talab", "the jihad of request" (referring to the invitation to Islam which must be sent to the opposing infidels before hostilities may commence). Muslims are also commanded by the Qur'an to fight to defend the religion (and the Islamic State) from outside aggressors, and this too constitutes the holy duty of jihad. Islamic modernist scholars and some academic scholars regard this division as a product of the expansionist ideology prevalent in the emerging empire and early Caliphates, and that the Quran itself only sanctions defensive and pre-emptive fighting, with the battles mentioned in the earliest sources aligning with these principles (though this is certainly contested).

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Permission is given to the believers to go to war in order to defend themselves.

To those against whom war is made, permission is given (to fight), because they are wronged;- and verily, Allah is most powerful for their aid;-

(They are) those who have been expelled from their homes in defiance of right,- (for no cause) except that they say, "our Lord is Allah". Did not Allah check one set of people by means of another, there would surely have been pulled down monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques, in which the name of Allah is commemorated in abundant measure. Allah will certainly aid those who aid his (cause);- for verily Allah is full of Strength, Exalted in Might, (able to enforce His Will).

(They are) those who, if We establish them in the land, establish regular prayer and give regular charity, enjoin the right and forbid wrong: with Allah rests the end (and decision) of (all) affairs.
Qur'an 22:39-41

If attacked then believers are to fight against their attackers until the attackers desist from fighting, stop persecuting Muslims and Islam to be established.

Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors.

And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have Turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith.

But if they cease, Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.

And fight them on until there is no more Tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah; but if they cease, Let there be no hostility except to those who practise oppression.

The prohibited month for the prohibited month,- and so for all things prohibited,- there is the law of equality. If then any one transgresses the prohibition against you, Transgress ye likewise against him. But fear Allah, and know that Allah is with those who restrain themselves.
Qur'an 2:190-194

Warfare is ordained for you, though it is hateful unto you; but it may happen that ye hate a thing which is good for you, and it may happen that ye love a thing which is bad for you. Allah knoweth, ye know not.

They question thee (O Muhammad) with regard to warfare in the sacred month. Say: Warfare therein is a great (transgression), but to turn (men) from the way of Allah, and to disbelieve in Him and in the Inviolable Place of Worship, and to expel His people thence, is a greater with Allah; for persecution is worse than killing. And they will not cease from fighting against you till they have made you renegades from your religion, if they can. And whoso becometh a renegade and dieth in his disbelief: such are they whose works have fallen both in the world and the Hereafter. Such are rightful owners of the Fire: they will abide therein.

Lo! those who believe, and those who emigrate (to escape the persecution) and strive in the way of Allah, these have hope of Allah's mercy. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Qur'an 2:216-218

Cut the necks and finger-tips of those who contend against Allah and Muhammad and never turn your backs to them.

Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them."

This because they contended against Allah and His Messenger: If any contend against Allah and His Messenger, Allah is strict in punishment.

Thus (will it be said): "Taste ye then of the (punishment): for those who resist Allah, is the penalty of the Fire."

O ye who believe! when ye meet the Unbelievers in hostile array, never turn your backs to them.

If any do turn his back to them on such a day - unless it be in a stratagem of war, or to retreat to a troop (of his own)- he draws on himself the wrath of Allah, and his abode is Hell,- an evil refuge (indeed)!

It is not ye who slew them; it was Allah: when thou threwest (a handful of dust), it was not thy act, but Allah's: in order that He might test the Believers by a gracious trial from Himself: for Allah is He Who heareth and knoweth (all things).

That, and also because Allah is He Who makes feeble the plans and stratagem of the Unbelievers.
Qur'an 8:12-18
Fight them! Allah will chastise them at your hands, and He will lay them low and give you victory over them, and He will heal the breasts of folk who are believers.

The believers should fight in defense and rouse other believers to fight as well. If the group of Muslims is divided (betrayal) then do not join the hypocrites, instead seize them and slay them wherever ye find them.

Then fight in Allah's cause - Thou art held responsible only for thyself - and rouse the believers. It may be that Allah will restrain the fury of the Unbelievers; for Allah is the strongest in might and in punishment.

Whoever recommends and helps a good cause becomes a partner therein: And whoever recommends and helps an evil cause, shares in its burden: And Allah hath power over all things.

When a (courteous) greeting is offered you, meet it with a greeting still more courteous, or (at least) of equal courtesy. Allah takes careful account of all things.

Allah! There is no god but He: of a surety He will gather you together against the Day of Judgment, about which there is no doubt. And whose word can be truer than Allah's?

Why should ye be divided into two parties about the Hypocrites? Allah hath upset them for their (evil) deeds. Would ye guide those whom Allah hath thrown out of the Way? For those whom Allah hath thrown out of the Way, never shalt thou find the Way.

They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks;-
Qur'an 4:84-89


The second state is when non-Muslims invade a Muslim country or near to one, in which case jihad is personally obligatory (def: c3.2) upon the inhabitants of that country, who must repel the non-Muslims with whatever they can). Jihad is personally obligatory upon all 'those present in the battle lines (A: and to flee is an enormity (dis: pH)) (0: provided one is able to fight. If unable, because of illness or the death of one's mount when not able to fight on foot, or because one no longer has a weapon, then one may leave. One may also leave if the opposing non-Muslim army is more than twice the size of the Muslim force).
Reliance of the Traveler, o9.1-9.2
الكفار إنما يقاتلون بشرط الحراب كما ذهب اليه جمهور العلماء وكما دل عليه الكتاب والسنة

The unbelievers are only fought on the condition that they declare war according to the majority of scholars, as is evident in the Book and Sunnah.
Ibn Taymiyyah - al-Nubūwāt 1/140
وَلَمْ يُكْرِهْ أَحَدًا قَطُّ عَلَى الدِّينِ وَإِنَّمَا كَانَ يُقَاتِلُ مَنْ يُحَارِبُهُ وَيُقَاتِلُهُ وَأَمَّا مَنْ سَالَمَهُ وَهَادَنَهُ فَلَمْ يُقَاتِلْهُ وَلَمْ يُكْرِهْهُ عَلَى الدُّخُولِ فِي دِينِهِ

The Prophet never forced the religion upon anyone, but rather he only fought those who waged war against him and fought him. As for those who made peace with him or conducted a truce, then he never fought them and he never compelled them to enter his religion
Ibn al-Qayyim - Hidāyat al-Ḥayārá 1/237

See Also