User talk:Saggy: Difference between revisions

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::::::::::I think you seriously reading to much into the post. I simply realised you were editing the page. Hence I thought id give you guys time to rewrite it - add additions etc- then later address it. Instead of addressing things which may be changed or removed later.
::::::::::I think you seriously reading to much into the post. I simply realised you were editing the page. Hence I thought id give you guys time to rewrite it - add additions etc- then later address it. Instead of addressing things which may be changed or removed later.

::::::::::You removed - Night Time Cold is Caused by the Moon []]
::::::::::You removed - Night Time Cold is Caused by the Moon []] []

::::::::::You removed - Is the Universe contracting according to the Quran? [ 2]
::::::::::You removed - the Universe contracting according to the Quran [] []

::::::::::You reworded this - How Many Planets are in the solar system according to the Quran? [] to Seven Planets in the Universe.
::::::::::You reworded this - How Many Planets are in the solar system according to the Quran? [] [] to Seven Planets in the Universe.
