Talk:List of Genuine Islamic Inventions Innovations Records and Firsts

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Records and firsts needing source:

  1. Saudi Arabia is the first and only country to ever ban women from driving, for being women.
  2. Youngest divorcee ever in Saudi Arabia or Yemen
  3. The only countries to have no minimum marriage age are Saudi Arabia and Yemen
  4. Gulf states, the first to ever apply 'gay tests'

Inventions - makes the article a joke

The section on inventions with tuban bombs, butt bombs, etc. makes this page look like a 12 year olds fantasy. Could someone fix it and at least put something not idiotic in this section? So maybe Islam invented nothing which is fine since a religion is not alive and can't do things. It is basically impossible that Muslims invented nothing since most human beings are creative and have a good intellect. So, I would recommend either adding a list of Muslim inventions or deleting this section. Thanks Iridium (talk) 14:31, 5 August 2014 (PDT)

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