WikiIslam:Latest News
- Jordan: Authorities arrest ten gays and lesbians to "prevent a disturbance of the peace" - Feb. 27, 2014
- Syria: Islamic terrorists impose the rules of the Pact of Umar on Christians, force them to pay Jizyah - Feb. 27, 2014
- Turkey: Minister dismisses artificial rain bombs to combat drought, suggests prayers for rain a more affordable option - Feb. 21, 2014
- UK: Racist, unemployed Muslim who threatened to blow up "white infidel" police officers is jailed for almost 3 years - Feb. 21, 2014
- Uganda: Muslim community laud the nation's anti-gay bill, urge national support for the president - Feb. 20, 2014
- US: Seattle gay club arsonist told a member of the Muslim community that "homosexuals should be exterminated" - Feb. 16, 2014