There is nothing much I could contribute editorially to WikiIslam, yet it would be rewarding to discuss Islam with a view to improve my understanding.

First I admit to being a hater of the dogma of Islam. It is a tragedy for the World that most Muslims are indoctrinated from birth with this most evil and [unbelievable/ridiculous/harmful] set of 'beliefs'. Muslims are as has been often said, the primary victims- except for the estimated 270 million non- believers slaughtered in 1400 years of Islamic conquest. Also, Muslims are blameworthy due to their general ignorance of Islamic texts and refusal to investigate these in a rational manner.

On the particular issue of Aisha's age, I read in many texts that she was 6 when 'married' to Muhammad and 9 at consummation. In the Wiki article it is stated she was 9 at both marriage AND consummation. Can this confusion be cleared up?