Talk:Muslim Statistics

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Unverified Statistics

Unverified statistics can be placed here until a reliable source is found for them.

75% of all babies born in Spain on January 1, 2012 were born to immigrant parents, primarily from Morocco.

Possible Additions

Interesting statistics can be placed here until a suitable place is found for them.

The report [by the Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child (SPARC)] read that minorities make up three to four percent of the country’s population but remain sidelined in state policies. In 2011, extremists killed governor Salmaan Taseer and federal minorities minister Shahbaz Bhatti, as both were advocating minority rights by calling for amendments in the country’s controversial blasphemy law.
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Floods: The 2011 floods affected 4.8 million people, half of them children (an estimated 500,000 below the age of five). It is estimated that over 2.5 million men, women and children still lack essentials of life such as clean water, adequate food and durable shelter. The floods left over 2.4 million children and 1.2 million women vulnerable and exposed; lacking access to safe drinking water, sanitation and healthcare.[1]
September, 2012
Women in Yemen are worse off now than a year ago, when they played a significant part in the country’s revolution that promised political and economic change, an international aid agency has concluded.

In a report released on Monday, Oxfam International said four out of five Yemeni women claim their lives have only become harder over the past 12 months. Faced with an intensifying humanitarian crisis, which has left a quarter of women between the ages of 15 and 49 acutely malnourished, they say they’re struggling to feed their families and are unable to participate in the country’s transition.
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The report, which surveyed 136 women across Yemen in July and August, also says the majority of women asserted they felt less safe than a year ago. They cited concern over the proliferation of small arms “gun battles in the streets of Sana’a” and the risk of sexual assault. In camps for internally displaced individuals, such as in Haradh in the north, women said pressures from current crises have led to higher levels of domestic violence.

Displaced women also said they felt unsafe returning to their homes in provinces like Abyan to the south, where the government recaptured areas from Al Qaida militants this summer. In addition, women said there was a lack of protection provided to them by police and other security authorities.

On the political front, women were emboldened after last year’s uprisings, but now claim they are feeling “sidelined by the transition process and say they have been shut out of decision-making by political parties and the government”, the report said.[2]
September, 2012
The Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo) made a request for five user accounts to be closed for allegedly promoting terrorism.

Google agreed and deleted the 640 videos.

The web giant has previously been criticised by politicians in Britain and the United States for hosting extremist propaganda on YouTube, its video sharing website, including as the sermons of Anwar al-Awlaki, a senior al-Qaeda cleric, who killed by a US drone strike last year.

Awlaki’s online sermons inspired Roshonara Choudhry, 21, to become the first al-Qaeda fanatic to attempt a political assassination in the UK when she stabbed MP Stephen Timms at his constituency surgery in May.

Even after Choudhry was convicted by a jury at the Old Bailey, more than 5,000 postings featuring Awlaki’s videos remained live on YouTube. In one sermon, titled 44 Ways to Support Jihad, he tells followers: “Jihad today is obligatory on every capable Muslim.

"The hatred of kuffar [non-believers] is a central element of our military creed. Jihad [holy war] must be practiced by the child... Arms training is an essential part of preparation for jihad.”[3]
June, 2012


  1. 2,000 minorities girls converted to Islam forcibly: report - Daily Times, September 5, 2012
  2. Yemeni women lose out after revolution - Associated Press, September 24, 2012
  3. Google removes 640 videos from YouTube promoting terrorism - The Telegraph, June 18, 2012

Condensed Statistics

So that people can quickly browse the information, see if all statistics can be condensed at the top into shorter sentences in bullet form for example. Detailed quotes can still be kept. Where possible statistics can be combined into related sub-topics and grouped together. The same reference(s) can be used. Although this creates an extra step for updating these pages, this will further increase the likelihood of these pages being used as incoming links as people like pages where information is condensed and easier to see.

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