Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars:Animals: Difference between revisions

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The Islamic tradition has much to say on different animals. Perhaps most strikingly, the hadith provide the remarkable story of the buraq, a flying creature which took Muhammad on a tour of the [[al-masjid al-aqsa]] as well as the [[jannah|heavens]]. Outside of the [[buraq]], the tradition presents [[Muhammad]] and the [[sahabah]] as having strong opinions on different animals. Above all the tradition shows a great antipathy towards dogs, who will keep angels from entering the house of those who possess them. Their killing is condoned, along with some other "troublesome" animals such as mice, scorpions, geckos and snakes. In addition, only some animals may be killed and eaten by the believers, including cows, goats, and sheep. While animals that aren't allowed to be eaten include carnivores with fangs such as dogs, cats and lions. Birds with talons are also not allowed to be eaten such as falcons. 
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{{Quote|{{Abu Dawud|16|2851}}|Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As: There was a bedouin called AbuTha'labah. He said: Apostle of Allah, I have trained dogs, so tell me your opinion about (eating) the animal they hunt. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: If you have trained dogs, then eat what they catch for you. He asked: Whether it is slaughtered or not? He replied: Yes. He asked: Does it apply even if it eats any of it? He replied: Even if it eats any of it. He again asked: Apostle of Allah, tell me your opinion about my bow (i.e. the game hunted by arrow). He said: Eat what your bow returns to you, whether it is slaughtered or not. He asked: If it goes out of my sight? He replied: Even if it goes out of your sight, provided it has no stench, or you find a mark on it other than the mark of your arrow. He asked: Tell me about the use of the vessels of the Magians when we are forced to use them. He replied: Wash them and eat in them.|See also: {{Abu Dawud|16|2845}}, {{Abu Dawud|16|2846}}, {{Abu Dawud|16|2850}}, and {{Muwatta|25|1|4|}}}}
{{Quote|{{Abu Dawud|16|2851}}|Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As: There was a bedouin called AbuTha'labah. He said: Apostle of Allah, I have trained dogs, so tell me your opinion about (eating) the animal they hunt. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: If you have trained dogs, then eat what they catch for you. He asked: Whether it is slaughtered or not? He replied: Yes. He asked: Does it apply even if it eats any of it? He replied: Even if it eats any of it. He again asked: Apostle of Allah, tell me your opinion about my bow (i.e. the game hunted by arrow). He said: Eat what your bow returns to you, whether it is slaughtered or not. He asked: If it goes out of my sight? He replied: Even if it goes out of your sight, provided it has no stench, or you find a mark on it other than the mark of your arrow. He asked: Tell me about the use of the vessels of the Magians when we are forced to use them. He replied: Wash them and eat in them.|See also: {{Abu Dawud|16|2845}}, {{Abu Dawud|16|2846}}, {{Abu Dawud|16|2850}}, and {{Muwatta|25|1|4|}}}}

{{Quote|{{Muwatta|25|2|7|}}|Yahya related to me from Malik that he had heard that Sad ibn Abi Waqqas had said, when asked about a trained dog killing game, "Eat, even if only one piece of it remains."|See also: {{Muwatta|25|2|5a}}}}
{{Quote|{{Muwatta|25|2|7|}}|Yahya related to me from Malik that he had heard that Sad ibn Abi Waqqas had said, when asked about a trained dog killing game, "Eat, even if only one piece of it remains."|See also: {{Muwatta|25|2|5}}}}

====Angels do not like Dogs====
====Angels do not like Dogs====
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====Killing Crows, Kites, Mice, Scorpions and Dogs====
====Killing Crows, Kites, Mice, Scorpions and Dogs====

{{Quote|{{Bukhari|3|29|54}}|Narrated Hafsa: Allah's Apostle said, "It is not sinful (of a Muhrim) to kill five kinds of animals, namely: the crow, the kite, the mouse, the scorpion and the rabid dog."|See also: {{Bukhari|3|29|52}}, {{Bukhari|3|29|53}}, {{Bukhari|3|29|54}}, {{Bukhari|3|29|55}},  {{Bukhari|4|54|531}}, {{Bukhari|4|54|532}},   {{Muslim|7|2717}}, {{Muslim|7|2718}}, {{Muslim|7|2719}}, {{Muslim|7|2720}}, {{Muslim|7|2721}}, {{Muslim|7|2722}}, {{Muslim|7|2723}}, {{Muslim|7|2724}}, {{Muslim|7|2725}}, {{Muslim|7|2726}}, {{Muslim|7|2727}}, {{Muslim|7|2728}}, {{Muslim|7|2729}}, {{Muslim|7|2730}}, {{Muslim|7|2731}}, {{Abu Dawud|10|1844}}, {{Muwatta|20|26|89|}}, {{Muwatta|20|26|90|}}, and {{Muwatta|20|26|91|}}}}
{{Quote|{{Bukhari|3|29|54}}|Narrated Hafsa: Allah's Apostle said, "It is not sinful (of a Muhrim) to kill five kinds of animals, namely: the crow, the kite, the mouse, the scorpion and the rabid dog."}}
{{Quote|{{Bukhari|3|29|55}}|Narrated Aisha: Allah's Apostle said, "Five kinds of animals are harmful and could be killed in the Haram (Sanctuary). These are: the crow, the kite, the scorpion, the mouse and the rabid dog."}}
{{Quote|{{Bukhari|4|54|531}}|Narrated 'Aisha: The Prophet said, "Five kinds of animals are mischief-doers and can be killed even in the Sanctuary: They are the rat the scorpion, the kite, the crow and the rabid dog."}}
{{Quote|{{Bukhari|4|54|532}}|Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar:
Allah's Apostle said, "It is not sinful of a person in the state of Ihram to kill any of these five animals: The scorpion, the rat, the rabid dog, the crow and the kite."}}
{{Quote|{{Muslim|7|2718}}|A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) as saying: Five are the harmful things which should be killed in the state of Ihram or otherwise: snake, speckled crow. rat. voracious dog, and kite.}}
{{Quote|{{Muslim|7|2719}}|A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Five are the vicious beasts which should be killed even in the state of Ihram: scorpion, rat, kite, crow and voracious dog.}}
{{Quote|{{Muslim|7|2724}}|Salim reported on the authority of his father (Allah be pleased with them) that the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Five are the (beasts) which if one kills them in the precincts of the Ka'ba or in the state of lhram entail no sin: rat, scorpion, crow, kite and voracious dog. In another version the words are:" as a Muhrim and in the state of lhram".}}
{{Quote|{{Muslim|7|2725}}|Hafsa, the wife of Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him), reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) having said this: There are five beasts, all of them are vicious and harmful and there is no sin for one who kills them (and these are): scorpion, crow, kite, rat and voracious dog.}}
{{Quote|{{Muslim|7|2726}}|Zaid b. Jubair reported: A person asked Ibn Umar which beast a Muhrim could kill. Thereupon he said: One of the wives of Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) told me: He (the Holy Prophet) commanded to kill rat, scorpion, kite, voracious dog and crow.}}
{{Quote|{{Muslim|7|2727}}|Zaid b. Jubair reported: A person asked Ibn 'Umar which beast a Mubrim could kill, whereupon he said: One of the wives of Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) told me: He (the Holy Prophet) commanded to kill voracious dog, rat, scorpion, kite, crow, and snake (and this is allowed) likewise in prayer.}}
{{Quote|{{Muwatta|20|26|89|}}|Yahya related to me from Malik from Nafi from Abdullah ibn Umar that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "There are five kinds of animal which it is not wrong for some one in ihram to kill: crows, kites, scorpions, rats and mice, and wild dogs."}}
{{Quote|{{Muwatta|20|26|90|}}|Yahya related to me from Malik from Abdullah ibn Dinar from Abdullah ibn Umar that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,said,"There are five (kinds of) animal which it is not wrong for some one in ihram to kill: scorpions, rats and mice, crows, kites and wild dogs. "}}
{{Quote|{{Muwatta|20|26|91|}}|Yahya related to me from Malik from Hisham ibn Urwa from his father that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "There are five trespassers that can be killed in the Haram: rats and mice, scorpions, crows, kites and wild dogs."}}
{{Quote|{{Muwatta|20|26|92|}}|Yahya related to me from Malik from Ibn Shihab that Umar ibn al-Khattab told people to kill snakes in the Haram.
Malik said, about the "wild dogs" which people were told to kill in the Haram, that any animals that wounded, attacked, or terrorised men, such as lions, leopards, Iynxes and wolves, were counted as"wild dogs." However, someone who was in ihram should not kill beasts of prey that did not attack (people), such as hyenas, foxes, cats and anything else like them, and if he did then he had to pay a forfeit for it. Similarly, someone in ihram should not kill any predatory birds except the kinds that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, specified, namely crows and kites. If someone in ihram killed any other kind of bird he had to pay a forfeit for it.}}

====Killing Dogs====
====Killing Dogs====
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{{Quote|{{Muslim|24|5248}}|Maimuna reported that one morning Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) was silent with grief. Maimuna said: Allah's Messenger, I find a change in your mood today. Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Gabriel had promised me that he would meet me tonight, but he did not meet me. By Allah, he never broke his promises, and Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) spent the day in this sad (mood). Then it occurred to him that there had been a puppy under their cot. He commanded and it was turned out. He then took some water in his hand and sprinkled it at that place. When it was evening Gabriel met him and he said to him: you promised me that you would meet me the previous night. He said: Yes, but we do not enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture.''' Then on that very morning he commanded the killing of the dogs until he announced that the dog kept for the orchards should also be killed, but he spared the dog meant for the protection of extensive fields (or big gardens)'''.}}
{{Quote|{{Muslim|24|5248}}|Maimuna reported that one morning Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) was silent with grief. Maimuna said: Allah's Messenger, I find a change in your mood today. Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Gabriel had promised me that he would meet me tonight, but he did not meet me. By Allah, he never broke his promises, and Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) spent the day in this sad (mood). Then it occurred to him that there had been a puppy under their cot. He commanded and it was turned out. He then took some water in his hand and sprinkled it at that place. When it was evening Gabriel met him and he said to him: you promised me that you would meet me the previous night. He said: Yes, but we do not enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture.''' Then on that very morning he commanded the killing of the dogs until he announced that the dog kept for the orchards should also be killed, but he spared the dog meant for the protection of extensive fields (or big gardens)'''.}}

{{Quote|{{Muslim|16|2840}}|Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah: The Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) ordered to kill dogs, and we were even killing a dog which a woman brought with her from the desert. Afterwards he forbade to kill them, saying: Confine yourselves to the type which is black.}}
{{Quote|{{Abu Dawud|16|2840}}|The Prophet of Allah () ordered to kill dogs, and we were even killing a dog which a woman brought with her from the desert. Afterwards he forbade to kill them, saying: Confine yourselves to the type which is black.

{{Quote|{{Muslim|16|2839}}|Narrated Abdullah ibn Mughaffal: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: '''Were dogs not a species of creature I should command that they all be killed;''' but kill every pure black one.}}
{{Quote|{{Abu Dawud|16|2839}}|Narrated Abdullah ibn Mughaffal: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: '''Were dogs not a species of creature I should command that they all be killed;''' but kill every pure black one.}}

{{Quote|{{Muslim|10|3811}}|Abdullah (b. Umar) (Allah be pleased with them) reported: '''Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) ordered the killing of dogs''' and we would send (men) in Medina and its corners and '''we did not spare any dog that we did not kill''', so much so that we killed the dog that accompanied the wet she-camel belonging to the people of the desert.}}
{{Quote|{{Muslim|10|3811}}|Abdullah (b. Umar) (Allah be pleased with them) reported: '''Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) ordered the killing of dogs''' and we would send (men) in Medina and its corners and '''we did not spare any dog that we did not kill''', so much so that we killed the dog that accompanied the wet she-camel belonging to the people of the desert.}}
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{{Quote|{{Bukhari|3|29|57}}|Narrated 'Aisha the wife of the Prophet: Allah's Apostle called the salamander a bad animal, but I did not hear him ordering it to be killed."}}
{{Quote|{{Bukhari|3|29|57}}|Narrated 'Aisha the wife of the Prophet: Allah's Apostle called the salamander a bad animal, but I did not hear him ordering it to be killed."}}
{{Quote|Sunan Ibn Maajah, No. 3222. He said in al-Zawaa’id, the isnaad of ‘Aa’ishah’s hadeeth is saheeh, its men are thiqaat (trustworthy)|Saa’ibah the slave woman of al-Faakih ibn al-Mugheerah [said] that she entered upon ‘Aa’ishah and saw a spear sitting there in her house. She said, “O Mother of the Believers, what do you do with this?” She said, “We kill these salamanders with it, because the Prophet of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told us that when Ibraaheem was thrown into the fire, there was no animal on earth but it tried to extinguish the fire, except for the salamander, which was blowing on the fire (to keep it burning). So the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) commanded that they should be killed.”<ref>[http://www.islam-qa.com/en/ref/13821/Mischief Killing salamanders by hand] - Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid, Islam Q&A, Fatwa No. 13821</ref>}}

{{Quote|{{Bukhari|4|54|525}}|Narrated Aisha: The Prophet called the Salamander, a mischief-doer. I have not heard him ordering that it should be killed. Sad bin Waqqas claims that the Prophet ordered that it should be killed.}}
{{Quote|{{Bukhari|4|54|525}}|Narrated Aisha: The Prophet called the Salamander, a mischief-doer. I have not heard him ordering that it should be killed. Sad bin Waqqas claims that the Prophet ordered that it should be killed.}}
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{{Quote|{{Abudawud|41|5241}}|Narrated Abdullah ibn Mas'ud: Kill all the snakes except the little white one which looks like a silver wand.}}
{{Quote|{{Abudawud|41|5241}}|Narrated Abdullah ibn Mas'ud: Kill all the snakes except the little white one which looks like a silver wand.}}

===Kindness to Animals===
{{Quote|{{Abudawud|3|921}}|Narrated AbuHurayrah: The Prophet said: Kill the two black things during prayer, the snake and scorpion.}}
{{Quote|{{Bukhari|1|4|174}}|Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "A man saw a dog eating mud from (the severity of) thirst. So, that man took a shoe (and filled it) with water and kept on pouring the water for the dog till it quenched its thirst. So Allah approved of his deed and made him to enter Paradise." And narrated Hamza bin 'Abdullah: My father said. "During the lifetime of Allah's Apostle, the dogs used to urinate, and pass through the mosques (come and go), nevertheless they never used to sprinkle water on it (urine of the dog.)"|See also: {{Bukhari|3|40|551}}, {{Bukhari|3|43|646}}, {{Bukhari|8|73|38}}, {{Muslim|26|5577}}, {{Muslim|26|5578}}, {{Muslim|26|5579}}, and [{{Muwatta-url-only|49|49|10|23}} Muwatta Book 49, Number 49.10.23]}}
{{Quote|{{Bukhari|4|56|673}}|Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "While a dog was going round a well and was about to die of thirst, an Israeli prostitute saw it and took off her shoe and watered it. So Allah forgave her because of that good deed."}}
{{Quote|{{Muslim|24.5283}}|Jabir reported that there happened to pass before Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) an ass the face of which had been cauterised, whereupon he said: Allah has cursed one who has cauterised it (on the face).}}
{{Quote|{{Muslim|24.5284}}|Ibn Abbas reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) saw an ass which had been cauterised on the face. He disapproved of it saying: By Allah, I do not cauterise (the animal) but on a part at a distance from the face, and commanded (for the cauterisation) of his ass and it was cauterised on the buttocks and he was the first to cauterise on the buttocks.}}
{{Quote|{{Muslim|26.5573}}|Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: A woman was punished because of a cat. She had neither provided her with food nor drink, nor set her free so that she might eat the insects of the earth.|See also: {{Muslim|26|5574}}, {{Muslim|26|5575}}, and {{Muslim|26|5576}}}}
{{Quote|{{Muwatta|20|26|92|}}|Yahya related to me from Malik from Ibn Shihab that Umar ibn al-Khattab told people to kill snakes in the Haram. Malik said, about the "wild dogs" which people were told to kill in the Haram, that any animals that wounded, attacked, or terrorised men, such as lions, leopards, Iynxes and wolves, were counted as"wild dogs." However, someone who was in ihram should not kill beasts of prey that did not attack (people), such as hyenas, foxes, cats and anything else like them, and if he did then he had to pay a forfeit for it. Similarly, someone in ihram should not kill any predatory birds except the kinds that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, specified, namely crows and kites. If someone in ihram killed any other kind of bird he had to pay a forfeit for it.}}

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{{Quote|{{Muslim|23|4994}}|This hadith has been reported on the authority of Jabir through another chain of transmitters but with a slight variation of words:" The mouse may set the house on fire over its inhabitants."}}  
{{Quote|{{Muslim|23|4994}}|This hadith has been reported on the authority of Jabir through another chain of transmitters but with a slight variation of words:" The mouse may set the house on fire over its inhabitants."}}  

{{Quote|{{Muwatta|49|49|10|21}}|Yahya related to me from Malik from Abu'z-Zubayr al-Makki from Jabir ibn Abdullah that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Lock the door, tie the waterskin, turn the vessel over or cover it, and put out the lamp. Shaytan does not open a locked door or untie a tied knot, or uncover a vessel. A mouse may set fire to people's houses about them."}}
{{Quote|{{Muwatta|49|49|10|21}}|It was related to me by Malik from Abu'z-Zubayr al-Makki from Jabir ibn Abdullah that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Lock the door, tie the waterskin, turn the vessel over or cover it, and put out the lamp. Shaytan does not open a locked door or untie a tied knot, or uncover a vessel. A mouse may set fire to people's houses about them."}}

===No Prescribed Punishment for Beastiality ===

{{Quote|{{Abu Dawud|38|4450}}|Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: There is no prescribed punishment for one who has sexual intercourse with an animal.}}
{{Quote|{{cite web|url=https://sunnah.com/urn/1080540 |title=Sunan al-Nasai 3:24:2889 |publisher= |author= |date= |archiveurl=https://web-beta.archive.org/web/20121018031507/https://sunnah.com/urn/1080540 |deadurl=no}}|It was narrated from Aishah that the Messenger of Allah said: "Geckos are vermin."}}

===No Vegetarianism in Heaven===
===No Vegetarianism in Heaven===
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{{Quote|{{Muslim|24|5280}}|Abu Bashir Ansari reported that he had had (the opportunity of accompanying Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) in some of his journeys. Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) sent one of his messengers 'Abdullah b Abi Bakr said: I think he said (these words) when the people were at the places of rest: '''No necklace of strings be left on the necks of the camels or the necklace kept unbroken'''. Imam Malik said: To my mind (this practice) of wearing necklace round the necks of camels or animals was because of the fact that they (wanted to save them) from the influence of the evil eye.}}
{{Quote|{{Muslim|24|5280}}|Abu Bashir Ansari reported that he had had (the opportunity of accompanying Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) in some of his journeys. Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) sent one of his messengers 'Abdullah b Abi Bakr said: I think he said (these words) when the people were at the places of rest: '''No necklace of strings be left on the necks of the camels or the necklace kept unbroken'''. Imam Malik said: To my mind (this practice) of wearing necklace round the necks of camels or animals was because of the fact that they (wanted to save them) from the influence of the evil eye.}}
{{Quote|{{Bukhari|2|26|623}}|Narrated Anas bin Malik: Allah's Apostle offered four Rakat of Zuhr prayer at Medina and we were in his company, and two Rakat of the Asr prayer at Dhul-Hulaifa and then passed the night there till it was dawn; then he rode, and when he reached Al-Baida', he praised and glorified Allah and said Takbir (i.e. Alhamdu-lillah and Subhanallah(1) and Allahu-Akbar). Then he and the people along with him recited Talbiya with the intention of performing Hajj and Umra. When we reached (Mecca) he ordered us to finish the lhram (after performing the Umra) (only those who had no Hadi (animal for sacrifice) with them were asked to do so) till the day of Tarwiya that is 8th Dhul-Hijja when they assumed Ihram for Hajj. '''The Prophet sacrificed many camels (slaughtering them) with his own hands while standing. While Allah's Apostle was in Medina he sacrificed two horned rams black and white in color''' in the Name of Allah.}}
{{Quote|{{Bukhari|2|26|774}}. See also {{Bukhari|2|26|775}}, {{Bukhari|2|26|776}}|Narrated 'Ali: The Prophet sent me to supervise the (slaughtering of) Budn (Hadi camels) and ordered me to distribute their meat, and then he ordered me to distribute their covering sheets and skins. 'All added, "The Prophet ordered me to supervise the slaughtering (of the Budn) and not to give anything (of their bodies) to the butcher as wages for slaughtering."}}
{{Quote|{{Bukhari|2|26|778}}|Narrated 'Amra: I heard 'Aisha saying, "We set out (from Medina) along with Allah's Apostle five days before the end of Dhul-Qa'da with the intention of performing Hajj only. When we approached Mecca, Allah's Apostle ordered those who had no Hadi along with them to finish the lhram after performing Tawaf of the Ka'ba, (Safa and Marwa). 'Aisha added, "Beef was brought to us on the Day of Nahr and I said, 'What is this?' Somebody said, ''''The Prophet has slaughtered (cows) on behalf of his wives.' "'''}}

===Women are like Animals===
===Women are like Animals===

{{Quote|{{Tabari|9|p. 113, No. 1754}}|Now then, O people, you have a right over your wives and they have a right over you. You have [the right] that they should not cause anyone of whom you dislike to tread on your beds; and that they should not commit any open indecency. If they do, then Allah permits you to shut them in separate rooms and to beat them, but not severely. If they abstain from [evil], they have the right to their food and clothing in accordance with the custom. Treat women well, '''for they are [like] domestic animals with you and do not possess anything for themselves.''' You have taken them only as a trust from Allah, and you have made the enjoyment of their persons lawful by the word of Allah, so understand and listen to my words, O people. I have conveyed the Message, and have left you with something which, if you hold fast to it, you will never go astray; that is, the Book of Allah and the sunnah of his Prophet. Listen to my words, O people, for I have conveyed the Message and understand [it]. Know for certain that every Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, and that all Muslims are brethren. It is not lawful for a person [to take] from his brother except that which he has given him willingly, so do not wrong yourselves. O Allah, have I not conveyed the message?}}
{{Quote|{{citation|title=The History of al-Tabari|trans_title=Ta’rikh al-rusul wa’l-muluk|volume=vol. IX|ISBN=0-88706-691-7|Year=1990|publisher=SUNY Press|author=al-Tabari (d. 923)|editor=Ismail K. Poonawala|url=https://archive.org/details/HistoryAlTabari40Vol/History_Al-Tabari_10_Vol/page/n2267/mode/2up|page=113}}<BR> {{citation|title=تاريخ الرسل والملوك|author=أبو جعفر الطبري|url=https://app.turath.io/book/9783|publisher=al-Maktabah al-Shamilah|volume=vol. 3|page=151}}
|Now then, O people, you have a right over your wives and they have a right over you. You have [the right] that they should not cause anyone of whom you dislike to tread on your beds; and that they should not commit any open indecency. If they do, then Allah permits you to shut them in separate rooms and to beat them, but not severely. If they abstain from [evil], they have the right to their food and clothing in accordance with the custom. Treat women well, '''for they are [like] domestic animals with you and do not possess anything for themselves.''' You have taken them only as a trust from Allah, and you have made the enjoyment of their persons lawful by the word of Allah, so understand and listen to my words, O people. I have conveyed the Message, and have left you with something which, if you hold fast to it, you will never go astray; that is, the Book of Allah and the sunnah of his Prophet. Listen to my words, O people, for I have conveyed the Message and understand [it]. Know for certain that every Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, and that all Muslims are brethren. It is not lawful for a person [to take] from his brother except that which he has given him willingly, so do not wrong yourselves. O Allah, have I not conveyed the message?}}

{{Quote|{{Bukhari|1|9|493}}|Narrated 'Aisha: The things which annual prayer were mentioned before me (and those were): a dog, a donkey and a woman. I said, '''"You have compared us (women) to donkeys and dogs.''' By Allah! I saw the Prophet praying while I used to lie in (my) bed between him and the Qibla. Whenever I was in need of something, I disliked to sit and trouble the Prophet. So, I would slip away by the side of his feet."|See Also {{Bukhari|1|9|486}}, {{Muslim|4|1032}}, {{Muslim|4|1034}}, {{Muslim|4|1038}}, {{Muslim|4|1039}} 004:1039 adds "and the asses"}}
{{Quote|{{Bukhari|1|9|493}}|Narrated 'Aisha: The things which annual prayer were mentioned before me (and those were): a dog, a donkey and a woman. I said, '''"You have compared us (women) to donkeys and dogs.''' By Allah! I saw the Prophet praying while I used to lie in (my) bed between him and the Qibla. Whenever I was in need of something, I disliked to sit and trouble the Prophet. So, I would slip away by the side of his feet."|See Also {{Bukhari|1|9|486}}, {{Muslim|4|1032}}, {{Muslim|4|1034}}, {{Muslim|4|1038}}, {{Muslim|4|1039}} 004:1039 adds "and the asses"}}
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{{Quote|{{Bukhari|1|9|490}}|Narrated 'Aisha: The things which annul the prayers were mentioned before me. They said, "Prayer is annulled by a dog, a donkey and a woman (if they pass in front of the praying people)." '''I said, "You have made us (i.e. women) dogs.''' I saw the Prophet praying while I used to lie in my bed between him and the Qibla. Whenever I was in need of something, I would slip away. for I disliked to face him."}}
{{Quote|{{Bukhari|1|9|490}}|Narrated 'Aisha: The things which annul the prayers were mentioned before me. They said, "Prayer is annulled by a dog, a donkey and a woman (if they pass in front of the praying people)." '''I said, "You have made us (i.e. women) dogs.''' I saw the Prophet praying while I used to lie in my bed between him and the Qibla. Whenever I was in need of something, I would slip away. for I disliked to face him."}}

{{Quote|{{Ibn Majah|3|9|1918}}|It was narrated from 'Abdullah bin 'Amr:
{{Quote|{{Ibn Majah|9|3|9|1918}}|It was narrated from 'Abdullah bin 'Amr:
that the Prophet said: “'''When anyone of you gets a new wife, a servant, or an animal, let him take hold of the forelock and say''': Allahumma inni as`aluka min khayriha wa khayri ma jubilat 'alaihi, wa 'audhu bika min sharriha wa sharri ma jubilat `alaih (O Allah, I ask You for the goodness within her and the goodness that she is inclined towards, and '''I seek refuge with you from the evil to which she is inclined''').' ” (Hasan)}}
that the Prophet said: “'''When anyone of you gets a new wife, a servant, or an animal, let him take hold of the forelock and say''': Allahumma inni as`aluka min khayriha wa khayri ma jubilat 'alaihi, wa 'audhu bika min sharriha wa sharri ma jubilat `alaih (O Allah, I ask You for the goodness within her and the goodness that she is inclined towards, and '''I seek refuge with you from the evil to which she is inclined''').' ” (Hasan)}}
Line 277: Line 308:

Keeping dogs nowadays is the habit of the kuffaar, who adopt them as friends, kiss them, let them lick them and their clothes, sleep with them and even leave them money in their wills. Keeping a dog is an imitation of the kuffaar. Some Muslims may claim that they need to keep a dog at home for purposes of protection, to which we respond that nowadays there are burglar alarm systems and other measures one may take for security purposes, and there is no need to keep a dog, praise be to Allaah.}}
Keeping dogs nowadays is the habit of the kuffaar, who adopt them as friends, kiss them, let them lick them and their clothes, sleep with them and even leave them money in their wills. Keeping a dog is an imitation of the kuffaar. Some Muslims may claim that they need to keep a dog at home for purposes of protection, to which we respond that nowadays there are burglar alarm systems and other measures one may take for security purposes, and there is no need to keep a dog, praise be to Allaah.}}
===Sheep sacrifice is recommended as a sunnah upon childbirth===
{{Quote|Chapter 29, {{cite web|url=http://bewley.virtualave.net/Rissac.html |title=The Risala of 'Abdullah ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani (922-996): A Treatise on Maliki Fiqh  |publisher= |author= |date= |archiveurl=http://web.archive.org/web/20160813135329/http://bewley.virtualave.net/Rissac.html |deadurl=no}}|'''29.8 The 'Aqiqa'''
'''29.8a The 'aqiqa is recommended'''
Sacrificing an animal for the birth of a child ('aqiqa) is a recommended sunna. It should be done on the seventh day after the birth of the child, using a sheep similar in age and characteristics to what has been previously mentioned concering sacrifices for the 'id. The day on which the child is born is not counted as one of the seven days. The animal should be sacrificed in the morning.}}

==See Also==
==See Also==

* [[Animals]]'' - A hub page that leads to other articles related to Animals''
{{Template:Translation-links-english|[[Pes a islám (Korán, Prorok Mohamed a islámští učenci o psech)|Czech]]}}

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