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No it does not. Like the German Wikipedia, all of our pages are under "Pending-changes protection", meaning they are open for editing, but changes will only become visible to readers once they have been reviewed by a user with the appropriate access, known as a "reviewer", or by the administration. WikiIslam prides itself on being an accurate source of information on Islam. There is even a page dedicated to [[WikiIslam:Arguments Not To Use|arguments not to use]] on the website.
No it does not. Like the German Wikipedia, all of our pages are under "Pending-changes protection", meaning they are open for editing, but changes will only become visible to readers once they have been reviewed by a user with the appropriate access, known as a "reviewer", or by the administration. WikiIslam prides itself on being an accurate source of information on Islam. There is even a page dedicated to [[WikiIslam:Arguments Not To Use|arguments not to use]] on the website.

===WikiIslam is only a wiki and seems biased. Why should I trust its contents?===
===Why should I trust WikiIslam's contents?===

WikiIslam's focus on the criticism of Islam does not make it unreliable. The implementation of "Pending-changes protection" eliminates most of the common problems associated with wikis, and we also take great care in providing readers with copious references and footnotes that can be used to independently verify facts.
WikiIslam's focus on the criticism of Islam does not make it unreliable. The implementation of "Pending-changes protection" eliminates most of the common problems associated with wikis, and we also take great care in providing readers with copious references and footnotes that can be used to independently verify facts.
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==Sources Used==
==Sources Used==

===Does WikiIslam use polemical sources?===
===What sources does WikiIslam permit the usage of?===

No, it does not. Statements of fact concerning Islamic history and theology from polemic sources such as books, articles or commentaries by individuals such as Robert Spencer, Pamela Gellar, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Mark A. Gabriel, Wafa Sultan, Ali Sina, Walid Shoebat, Brigitte Gabriel etc., are not permitted under any circumstances as [[WikiIslam:Reliable Sources|references on WikiIslam]]. Editors are advised to remove any such statements immediately if they come across them.
The wiki relies on Islamic and academic sources which are readily available, either on the net or through retailers. They are the same sources you will see being used and accepted by thousands of Muslim websites. Wherever possible, we link directly to these Muslim websites which, for example, host [{{Compendium-of-muslim-texts-base-url}}/quran/ Qur'an], [{{Compendium-of-muslim-texts-base-url}}/hadith/ Hadith], [ fatwa], [ fiqh] and [ Tafsir] text.

===Does WikiIslam use fabricated sources?===
Statements of fact concerning Islamic history and theology from polemic sources such as books, articles or commentaries by individuals such as Robert Spencer, Pamela Gellar, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Mark A. Gabriel, Wafa Sultan, Ali Sina, Walid Shoebat, Brigitte Gabriel etc., are not permitted under any circumstances as [[WikiIslam:Reliable Sources|references on WikiIslam]]. Editors are advised to remove any such statements immediately if they come across them.

No, it does not. The wiki relies on Islamic and academic sources which are readily available, either on the net or through retailers. They are the same sources you will see being used and accepted by thousands of Muslim websites. Wherever possible, we link directly to these Muslim websites which, for example, host [{{Compendium-of-muslim-texts-base-url}}/quran/ Qur'an], [{{Compendium-of-muslim-texts-base-url}}/hadith/ Hadith], [ fatwa], [ fiqh] and [ Tafsir] text.
===What Qur'an translation does WikiIslam use?===

===What Qur'an translation do you use?===
Unless otherwise stated, we use the respected and widely accepted translations of Yusuf Ali, Marmaduke Pickthal or M. H. Shakir. All Qur'an quotes are taken from the widely referenced [] and are properly sourced and linked with the context of three preceding and subsequent verses.

Unless otherwise stated, we use the respected and widely accepted translations of Yusuf Ali, Marmaduke Pickthal or M. H. Shakir. All Qur'an quotes are taken from the University of Southern California Muslim Students Association's [[Compendium of Muslim Texts]] and are properly sourced and linked with the context of three preceding and subsequent verses.
If a misquoted Qur'an verse is brought to the editors' attention, it will be corrected immediately. Most claims of "misquoted Qur'an verses" consist of an apologists using an obscure translation of the Qur'an and pointing out that the translation on the wiki is different from theirs (e.g. see [ here]). If someone fails to check the sources, they may assume that it is a misquotation on the part of the editors. However, the wiki's policy is such that it relies on the most widely accepted and established translations of the Qur'an (i.e. Yusuf Ali, Marmaduke Pickthal or M. H. Shakir).

===Does WikiIslam misquote Qur'an verses?===
===What Hadith translations do WikiIslam use?===

No, it does not. If a misquoted Qur'an verse is brought to the editors' attention, it will be corrected immediately. Most claims of "misquoted Qur'an verses" consist of an apologists using an obscure translation of the Qur'an and pointing out that the translation on the wiki is different from theirs (e.g. see [ here]). If someone fails to check the sources, they may assume that it is a misquotation on the part of the editors. However, the wiki's policy is such that it relies on the most widely accepted and established translations of the Qur'an (i.e. Yusuf Ali, Marmaduke Pickthal or M. H. Shakir).
All hadith translations are taken from []. If the translation used is produced by the editor or not from, this should be brought to the administration's attention, and it will be corrected. Editors are also instructed to make such corrections themselves.

===What Hadith translations do you use?===
===Does WikiIslam permit the use of weak hadiths or allow partial hadiths to be quoted out of context?===
All hadith translations are taken from []. translations may also sometimes be used on occasion (however, these are often the same as those used on, and the source linked will always link to the relevant page).
===Does WikiIslam use weak hadiths or quote partial hadiths out of context?===

No, it does not. The hadith collections used most often at WikiIslam form what is known as the "Authentic Six" i.e. the six canonical hadith collections of mainstream Islam, especially Bukhari and Muslim. Bukhari and Muslim are labeled as entirely authentic (sahih). The others are from Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Nasa'i, and Ibn Majah. Malik's Muwatta' is also used and is placed just below the two Sahihs for its reliability, but is not generally included among the six. If possible, when hadith from collections such as Nasa'i and Ibn Majah are quoted, the grading of its authenticity is also provided.  
No, it does not. The hadith collections used most often at WikiIslam form what is known as the "Authentic Six" i.e. the six canonical hadith collections of mainstream Islam, especially Bukhari and Muslim. Bukhari and Muslim are labeled as entirely authentic (sahih). The others are from Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Nasa'i, and Ibn Majah. Malik's Muwatta' is also used and is placed just below the two Sahihs for its reliability, but is not generally included among the six. If possible, when hadith from collections such as Nasa'i and Ibn Majah are quoted, the grading of its authenticity is also provided.  
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No, WikiIslam not in any way related to or endorsed by these organizations. The only commonality is WikiIslam's use of the same [ Mediawiki] software which is also used by many other wiki websites.
No, WikiIslam not in any way related to or endorsed by these organizations. The only commonality is WikiIslam's use of the same [ Mediawiki] software which is also used by many other wiki websites.

===Why should I choose WikiIslam over Wikipedia for information critical of Islam?===
===Why should I use WikiIslam over Wikipedia for information on Islam?===

The [ Jagged 85 incident] is a good example of the problems faced by Wikipedia with respect to Islam-related articles. Jagged 85 was an editor who contributed to 8,115 separate articles with over 67,000 edits made over a period of 5 years until they were caught in 2010. Focusing efforts on improving the image of Islam and downplaying the achievements of the western world, for 5 years he/she was left largely unhindered, misrepresenting sources in various ways, misrepresentations which were then reproduced all over the net by other sites which use Wikipedia as a source.
The [ Jagged 85 incident] is a good example of the problems faced by Wikipedia with respect to Islam-related articles. Jagged 85 was an editor who contributed to 8,115 separate articles with over 67,000 edits made over a period of 5 years until they were caught in 2010. Focusing efforts on improving the image of Islam and downplaying the achievements of the western world, for 5 years he/she was left largely unhindered, misrepresenting sources in various ways, misrepresentations which were then reproduced all over the net by other sites which use Wikipedia as a source.
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==About Us==
==About Us==

===Is WikiIslam Islamophobic, racist or a hate site?===
===Does WikiIslam permit Islamophobic, racist, or hateful content?===

No, WikiIslam is not Islamophobic, racist or a hate site. To make such a claim requires [[W:special pleading|special pleading]]. If WikiIslam editors are labeled Islamophobes, racists and hate mongers, it is through no fault of their own, but the biases of the individuals who make these claims.
No, WikiIslam does not permit Islamophobic, racist or a hateful content.

WikiIslam is not European or "Western", it is an international site with administrators, editors and contributors from all over the world, and the content and policies reflect this. The site does not have a left or right-wing political agenda, thus articles concerning immigration and other related issues are strictly prohibited, along with political topics in general. Consequently, readership is vast and not monopolized by European or "Western" viewers.  
WikiIslam is not European or "Western", it is an international site with administrators, editors and contributors from all over the world, and the content and policies reflect this. The site does not have a left or right-wing political agenda, thus articles concerning immigration and other related issues are strictly prohibited, along with political topics in general. Consequently, readership is vast and not monopolized by European or "Western" viewers.  
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Many if not most of the site's administrators and editors are from a Muslim background or are skeptics from Muslim majority nations and no infrequently have some level of formal Islamic religious training. The information on WikiIslam reflect what the religious sources say, so any negative or unflattering information concerning Islam or Prophet Muhammad cannot be described as the fault of editors. The information is very simply what the religious texts relate.  
Many if not most of the site's administrators and editors are from a Muslim background or are skeptics from Muslim majority nations and no infrequently have some level of formal Islamic religious training. The information on WikiIslam reflect what the religious sources say, so any negative or unflattering information concerning Islam or Prophet Muhammad cannot be described as the fault of editors. The information is very simply what the religious texts relate.  

There are also many individuals and websites that critique all forms of beliefs, but this does not make them phobic, racist or hatemongers. For instance, Christians are the most widely persecuted religious group on earth, the majority of worldwide Christians are non-white, and Christianity is even sub-Saharan Africa's largest religion. This does not make criticism of Christianity or the actions and claims of its adherents, racist and phobic, as is often made to be the case with Islam (even as it is Christians and not Muslims who comprise the most widely persecuted religious group on earth - it is also worth noting that while left-leaning political parties in Western countries often go out of their way to make Muslim diasporas feel included, the same is hardly if ever the case in Muslim-majority countries with respect to their Christian and other religious minorities).
There are also many individuals and websites that critique all forms of beliefs, but this does not make them phobic, racist or hatemongers. For instance, Christians are the most widely persecuted religious group on earth, the majority of worldwide Christians are non-white, and Christianity is even sub-Saharan Africa's largest religion. This does not make criticism of Christianity or the actions and claims of its adherents, racist and phobic, as is often made to be the case with Islam (even as it is Christians and not Muslims who comprise the most widely persecuted religious group on earth, it is worth noting that while left-leaning political parties in Western countries often go out of their way to make Muslim diasporas feel included, the same is hardly - if ever - the case in Muslim-majority countries with respect to their Christian and other religious minorities).
===Is WikiIslam a propaganda site?===
No, it is not. Propaganda is generally understood to be “a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position.” Sites which support women's rights, gay rights, refute Creationism or inform the public on matters concerning the science of Evolution could be argued, along with literally any site that possesses a point of view, to fit this definition.
===Is WikiIslam a right-wing or counter-jihad site?===
No, WikiIslam is not a right-wing or counter-jihad site. We do not endorse any particular political ideology. Thus, contributors to WikiIslam are from all positions of the political spectrum.  

According to Wikipedia, "Counter-jihad discourse mixes valid concerns about jihad-inspired terrorism with far more complex political issues about immigration to Europe from predominantly Muslim countries," and that "Bat Ye'Or's Eurabia [and other such conspiracy theories] are important to the movement. The main theme of these theories is an allegation that European leaders allow a Muslim dominance of Europe, whether by intention or not, through multicultural policies and lax immigration laws." WikiIslam does not cover political issues such as multiculturalism or immigration. Nor does it entertain related conspiracy theories such as Barack Obama being a secret Muslim.
===Does WikiIslam permit politically-charged content?===

While criticism of Islam is a favorite topic among far-right political groups, it is an unfortunate stereotype that all those critical of Islam are immediately assumed to hold far-right political views. Indeed, the religiously unaffiliated, of whom ex-Muslims are mostly a part, are widely known to favor a liberal political outlook.
No, WikiIslam does not permit content of a political nature. WikiIslam does not endorse any particular political ideology.  

===I've heard many good things about Islam. Why doesn’t this site talk about them?===
===Does WikiIslam permit content on the "positive" aspects of Islam?===

WikiIslam is naturally comprised of the contributions made to it by its editors, the great majority of whom are interested in critical perspectives on Islam. As a result, often-important "good" and "neutral" matters concerning Islam sometimes receive a less intensive treatment on the wiki. Constructing this base of more general and even positive knowledge about Islam is, like the rest of the wiki, an ongoing project, and it is important to understand, as per WikiIslam's mission statement, that articles on such "polemically-benign" topics are absolutely and incontrovertibly allowed and encouraged on the wiki.   
WikiIslam is naturally comprised of the contributions made to it by its editors, the great majority of whom are interested in critical perspectives on Islam. As a result, often-important "good" and "neutral" matters concerning Islam sometimes receive a less intensive treatment on the wiki. Constructing this base of more general and even positive knowledge about Islam is, like the rest of the wiki, an ongoing project, and it is important to understand, as per WikiIslam's mission statement, that articles on such "polemically-benign" topics are absolutely and incontrovertibly allowed and encouraged on the wiki.   

===Was WikiIslam created by Christian missionaries?===
Editors interested in spreading information on the aspects of Islam they perceive to be positive are encouraged to contribute to the wiki, along with anyone else aiming to contribute accurate and objective content, no matter whether it is perceived as being positive or negative.
No. WikiIslam was founded by an atheist. However, labeling any and all criticism of Islam as "Christian missionary work" unfortunately remains a widespread slur. Any content apologizing for or promoting other religions is strictly prohibited. If one locates such content any where on the wiki, the administrators should be notified, and the content will be removed immediately.  

===Is WikiIslam owned by "the Jews"?===
===Who owns, operates and finances WikiIslam?===

No. WikiIslam is currently managed by the [ Ex-Muslims of North America].
WikiIslam is currently managed by the [ Ex-Muslims of North America], which a registered non-profit. The organization accepts [ donations here].
===Who founded WikiIslam?===

===Is WikiIslam funded by "the Jews"?===
WikiIslam was created on October 27, 2005 by various online activists led by [[User:Axius|Axius]] and was hosted on server space provided by Faith Freedom International. Starting in August 2008, the site separated from FFI and operated as an independent site. In 2015, following excessive amounts of vandalism, the site came under the management of the Ex-Muslims of North America.  
No. However, Ex-Muslims of North America does accept [ donations].
===Is WikiIslam pro-Israel?===
No. This is not a political wiki. WikiIslam focus solely on Islam. Any politically charged articles will be immediately updated, [ deleted] or [ removed] from the wiki.
===Is WikiIslam owned by Ali Sina or Faith Freedom International?===
No, it is not. WikiIslam was created on October 27, 2005 in collaboration with various individuals from Faith Freedom International who provided the site with server space, technical help and exposure. However, in August 2008, the site was moved out of FFI's server and operated as an independent site. In 2015, following excessive amounts of vandalism, the site came under the management of the Ex-Muslims of North America.  

===What is the religious persuasion of the contributors to WikiIslam?===
===What is the religious persuasion of the contributors to WikiIslam?===
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Help is always appreciated and can come in various forms, including: new ideas, content-writing, data scanning and collection, translations, copy-editing, marketing and donations (see [[WikiIslam:Join_the_Team#Ways_To_Help|Ways To Help]] for more details).
Help is always appreciated and can come in various forms, including: new ideas, content-writing, data scanning and collection, translations, copy-editing, marketing and donations (see [[WikiIslam:Join_the_Team#Ways_To_Help|Ways To Help]] for more details).

===Can anyone create a login id and contribute to this website?===
===Can anyone create a login ID and contribute to this website?===

Anyone without destructive and malicious intent is fully welcome to contact administrators and request an editor account. While there is, at present, a screening process (to help avoid the overwhelming bout of vandalism experience by WikiIslam in the recent past), anyone seeking to make genuine, constructive contributions - even if just grammar and formatting edits - is allowed to possess a fully-functional editors account.
Anyone without destructive and malicious intent is fully welcome to contact administrators and request an editor account (these accounts will be readily provided). Anyone seeking to make genuine, constructive contributions - even if just grammar and formatting edits - is allowed to possess a fully-functional editors account.

===I want to create an article about atheism, Christianity or Hinduism. Can I start one?===
===Can I create an article about another religion?===

No. WikiIslam focuses solely on Islam. Any irrelevant articles will be updated, deleted or removed from the wiki.
No. WikiIslam focuses solely on Islam. WikiIslam do not endorse any religion, worldview, or hierarchy thereof. Any such irrelevant and biased articles will be updated, deleted or removed from the wiki.

===I want to create an article proving Christianity or Hinduism is superior to Islam. Can I start one?===
Topics regarding other religious traditions are only allowed insofar as they are discussed in a comparative context with Islam, and even in such cases it is necessary that the article focus on comparisons with Islam and not focus on other topics with no relation to Islam.

No. WikiIslam do not endorse any religion, worldview, or hierarchy thereof. Any such articles will be updated, deleted or removed from the wiki.
===Can I contribute politically-charged content?===

Topics regarding other religious traditions are only allowed insofar as they are discussed in a comparative context with Islam, and even in such cases it is necessary that the Islamic perspective be the main focus of the article.
No. This is not a political wiki. WikiIslam's aim is to remain neutral towards issues of a political rather than religious nature. Any such articles will be updated, [ deleted] or removed from the wiki.
===Can I write an article antagonizing Muslim immigration, multiculturalism, leftists or Barack Obama?===
No. Nor can you create articles promoting any of the above. This is not a political, let alone "[[WikiIslam:Frequently_Asked_Questions#Is_WikiIslam_a_right-wing_or_counter-jihad_site.3F|counter-jihad]]", wiki. WikiIslam's aim is to remain neutral towards issues of a political rather than religious nature. Any such articles will be updated, [ deleted] or removed from the wiki.

===I want to become an admin and open up my own language's sub-domain. Can I start one?===
===I want to become an admin and open up my own language's sub-domain. Can I start one?===

Roughly a front page's worth of translations (about 25-35 full-length articles, excluding links or media pages) before considering to launch a new sub-domain. More information about translations can be found at [[WikiIslam:Translations]]. WikiIslam's core principles must be maintained on all sub-domains, and may be deactivated if they fail to do so.  
Roughly a front page's worth of translations (about 25-35 full-length articles, excluding links or media pages) are required before considering to launch a new sub-domain. More information about translations can be found at [[WikiIslam:Translations]]. WikiIslam's core principles must be maintained on all sub-domains, and may be deactivated if they fail to do so.  

One of the key rules to follow when translating these pre-sub-domain articles is that they should always remain absolutely faithful to the original English work, retaining a scholarly tone and information. The reason for accurate translations to begin with is that it allows new editors in that particular language to understand the style, tone, and quality that is expected in all languages.
One of the key rules to follow when translating these pre-sub-domain articles is that they should always remain absolutely faithful to the original English work, retaining a scholarly tone and information. The reason for accurate translations to begin with is that it allows new editors in that particular language to understand the style, tone, and quality that is expected in all languages.
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Those who would like to see a WikiIslam sub-domain in their language are advised to join the [[WikiIslam:Discussions/Translation_Project|WikiIslam Translation Project]] and start translating articles.
Those who would like to see a WikiIslam sub-domain in their language are advised to join the [[WikiIslam:Discussions/Translation_Project|WikiIslam Translation Project]] and start translating articles.

===I want to donate to the site but have no PayPal account. Can you give me your postal address?===
===Can you give me your postal address?===

No, for obvious reasons we cannot. If you would honestly like to help, please open a PayPal account or consider an alternative way to [[WikiIslam:Join the Team|support the site]].
No, for obvious reasons we cannot. If you would honestly like to help, consider an alternative way to [[WikiIslam:Join the Team|support the site]].

===I know a great book/blog/website you could use to improve the wiki. What should I do?===
===I know a great book/blog/website you could use to improve the wiki. What should I do?===
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Modern reinterpretations of classical Islamic doctrine are always welcome on the site, being a part of the intellectual history and development of Islam, but must always be described as such. Attempts to present modern reinterpretations as somehow historically mainstream will (whether to recast the historical tradition in a more positive or negative light) result in content deletion and account deactivation. This applies equally to, for instance, attempts to present modern Salafi perspectives as historically mainstream as it does to attempts to present Islamic modernist or Islamic feminist perspectives as historically mainstream.
Modern reinterpretations of classical Islamic doctrine are always welcome on the site, being a part of the intellectual history and development of Islam, but must always be described as such. Attempts to present modern reinterpretations as somehow historically mainstream will (whether to recast the historical tradition in a more positive or negative light) result in content deletion and account deactivation. This applies equally to, for instance, attempts to present modern Salafi perspectives as historically mainstream as it does to attempts to present Islamic modernist or Islamic feminist perspectives as historically mainstream.

===WikiIslam advocates free speech but you are oppressing my right to free speech by blocking me. Why?===
===Why should I be blocked for including my opinions in an article?===

WikiIslam does not advocate ''any'' political or religious positions. WikiIslam consists of an online community whose rules you agree to abide by when ''voluntarily'' joining it. If those rules are broken (e.g. through vandalism and other forms of disruption) then you will be sanctioned (given a warning or blocked, depending on the situation). Outside of our policies maintain that every individual, no matter their gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, nationality, religious beliefs or political views are equals and should be treated as such. This does not exempt any of the aforementioned groups from being required to adhere to the site's policies and guidelines.  
WikiIslam does not advocate ''any'' political or religious positions. WikiIslam consists of an online community whose rules you agree to abide by when ''voluntarily'' joining it. If those rules are broken (e.g. through vandalism and other forms of disruption) then you will be sanctioned (given a warning or blocked, depending on the situation). Outside of our policies maintain that every individual, no matter their gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, nationality, religious beliefs or political views are equals and should be treated as such. This does not exempt any of the aforementioned groups from being required to adhere to the site's policies and guidelines.  
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===Does WikiIslam claim that Taqiyya allows Muslims to lie whenever they want?===
No. Taqiyya does not mean "lying in Islam". It only refers to a specific doctrine, a predominantly Shi'ite one, used by Shi'ites in order to save their own lives or avoid some other form of severe persecution (often, historically, at the hands of Sunnis). Many tend to conflate this doctrine with that of lying in general, leading to the mislabeling of all forms of religious lying as an example of "taqiyya" (See, "[[Taqiyya]]" and "[[Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars:Lying and Deception|Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars: Lying and Deception]]" for more information on this subject).

===Islam has many sects and interpretations, so what definition of "Islam" does this site use?===
===Islam has many sects and interpretations, so what definition of "Islam" does this site use?===
Editors, recentchangescleanup, Reviewers
