Yassi Yer va Quron: Difference between revisions
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[[File:Flat Earth The Wonders of Creation.jpg|right|thumb|175px|Taken from Zekeriya Kazvinî's "Acaib-ül Mahlûkat" (The Wonders of Creation). Translated into Turkish from Arabic. Istanbul: ca. 1553. <BR>This map depicts "a traditional Islamic projection of the world as a flat disk surrounded by the sundering seas which are restrained by the encircling mountains of Qaf".<ref>[http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/world/earth.html Views of the Earth] - World Treasures of the Library of Congress, July 29, 2010</ref> ]] | |||
This article takes a closer look at some of the [[Qur'an|Qur'anic]] verses that imply its author assumed the earth is flat. | |||
[[File:Flat Earth The Wonders of Creation.jpg|right|thumb|175px| | |||
== Kirish == | == Kirish == | ||
The fact that the earth is not flat has been known for thousands of years. The Ancient [[Greece|Greeks]] Pythagoras (570 - 495 BC), Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) and Hipparchus (190 - 120 BC) all knew this. The [[India|Indian]] astronomer and mathematician, Aryabhata (476 - 550 AD) knew this. And so did the early Christian scholars Anicius Boëthius (480 - 524 AD), Bishop Isidore of Seville (560 - 636 AD), Bishop Rabanus Maurus (780 - 856 AD), the monk Bede (672 - 735 AD), Bishop Vergilius of Salzburg (700 - 784 AD) and Thomas Aquinas (1225 - 1274 AD). In fact, contrary to what we are often told, the sphericity of the earth was common knowledge among early medieval [[Europe|Europeans]]<ref>{{cite web|url= http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Myth_of_the_Flat_Earth&oldid=556807448|title= Myth of the Flat Earth|publisher= Wikipedia|author= |date= accessed June 12, 2013|archiveurl= http://www.webcitation.org/query?url=http%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FMyth_of_the_Flat_Earth&date=2013-06-12|deadurl=no}}</ref> and the Holy Roman Empire from as early as 395 AD used an orb to represent the spherical Earth.<ref>[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Globus_cruciger&oldid=312872920 Globus cruciger] - Wikipedia, accessed September 9, 2009</ref> | |||
If the [[Qur'an]] is a letter-by-letter dictation from [[Allah]], it should also concur with this fact that was known throughout the world ''before'' its [[revelation]], and it should contradict the flat earth model widely believed in by the 7<sup>th</sup> century Bedouins of Arabia. | |||
== Quron oyatlarining tahlili == | == Quron oyatlarining tahlili == | ||
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== Conclusion == | == Conclusion == | ||
Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Ibn Baaz, the supreme religious authority of [[Saudi Arabia]], believes the earth is flat,<ref>[{{Reference archive|1=http://www.nytimes.com/1995/02/12/world/muslim-edicts-take-on-new-force.html|2=2011-11-30}} Muslim Edicts Take on New Force] - New York Times, February 12, 1995.</ref><ref>Sheikh Abdul Aziz Ben Baz (1395 AH [1974 AD]), ''"Evidence that the Earth is Standing Still"'', Islamic University of Medina, Saudi Arabia. First edition, p. 23.</ref> and so does Muslim Researcher on Astronomy Fadhel Al-Sa'd, who declared in a televised debate aired on [[Iraq|Iraqi]] Al-Fayhaa TV (October 31, 2007) that the Earth is flat as evidenced by Qur'anic verses and that the sun is much smaller than the Earth and revolves around it.<ref>[http://www.memritv.org/clip/en/1684.htm Iraqi Researcher Defies Scientific Axioms: The Earth Is Flat and Much Larger than the Sun (Which Is Also Flat)] - MEMRI TV, Video No. 1684</ref> | |||
As devout Muslims, they have good reason to conclude the Earth is flat; the Qur'anic verses 15:19, 20:53, 43:10, 50:7, 51:48, 71:19, 78:6, 79:30, 88:20 and 91:6 all clearly state this and not a single verse in the Qur'an hint to a spherical earth. | |||
{{Core Science}} | {{Core Science}} | ||
Revision as of 02:26, 15 December 2013
This article takes a closer look at some of the Qur'anic verses that imply its author assumed the earth is flat.
The fact that the earth is not flat has been known for thousands of years. The Ancient Greeks Pythagoras (570 - 495 BC), Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) and Hipparchus (190 - 120 BC) all knew this. The Indian astronomer and mathematician, Aryabhata (476 - 550 AD) knew this. And so did the early Christian scholars Anicius Boëthius (480 - 524 AD), Bishop Isidore of Seville (560 - 636 AD), Bishop Rabanus Maurus (780 - 856 AD), the monk Bede (672 - 735 AD), Bishop Vergilius of Salzburg (700 - 784 AD) and Thomas Aquinas (1225 - 1274 AD). In fact, contrary to what we are often told, the sphericity of the earth was common knowledge among early medieval Europeans[2] and the Holy Roman Empire from as early as 395 AD used an orb to represent the spherical Earth.[3]
If the Qur'an is a letter-by-letter dictation from Allah, it should also concur with this fact that was known throughout the world before its revelation, and it should contradict the flat earth model widely believed in by the 7th century Bedouins of Arabia.
Quron oyatlarining tahlili
15-sura 19-oyat
مَدَدْ = yoymoq, cho'zmoq, kengaytirmoq, tortirmoq, taranglamoq
20-sura 53-oyat
مَهْدًا = (Ot) beshik yoki to'shak, (fe'l) yoymoq, tekislamoq, bosib yoymoq, kirgizmoq, dumalatmoq.
43-sura 10-oyat
مَهْدًا = (Ot) beshik yoki to'shak, (fe'l) yoymoq, tekislamoq, bosib yoymoq, kirgizmoq, dumalatmoq.
50-sura 7-oyat
مَدَدْ = yoymoq, cho'zmoq, kengaytirmoq, tortirmoq, taranglamoq
51-sura 48-oyat
فَرَشَْ = yoymoq, ezg'ilamoq, cho'zmoq, dumalatmoq, tahlamoq, r.
الْمَهِدُونَ dan boshlab مَهِدُ = yoymoq, yumshatmoq, tekislamoq, ezg'ilamoq, dumalatmoq
71-sura 19-oyat
بِسَاطًا = jundan qilingan mato, gilam, kigiz
ushbu fe'l orqali بسط = yoymoq, tekislamoq, tenglashtirmoq, ezg'ilamoq, dumalatmoq
78-sura 6-oyat
مهاد = tekis joy, tekis, tekislik, to'shalgan.
79-sura 30-oyat
Ko'pchilik musulmonlar Qurondagi Quron 79:30 oyatini qo'llagan holatda Quronda Yer yassi deya ta'kidlanmagan deb uni oqlaydilar. Ushbu oyatdagi "dahaha" iborasi bunga asosa qilib olinadi, bu ibora ko'p ma'noli bo'lib, "ajratmoq", "yoymoq" yoki "cho'zmoq" ma'nolarini bildiradi.
Talaffuzi: Va al-ardh[a] baﻋd[a] dhalika dahaha
So'zma so'z tarjimasi: Va shundan keyin yerni yoyib-tekis qildi [4]Tarjimalar hilma hilligi
Quronning arabchadan boshqa tillarga tarjimalari orasida juda katta tafovutlar mavjuddir. Aynan Quron 79:30 oyatidagi "dahaha" iborasi ham bundan mustasno emasdir. Ko'pchilik islomshunos olimlar Quronning ingilizcha, fransuzcha yoki boshqa xalqaro tillaridagi tarjimalarida bu so'zni qaysi ma'noda ishlatish hususida haligacha bir to'htamga kelishmagan. O'zbek tilidagi Quron tarjimasida ham aynan shu oyat ikki hil tarzda tarjima qilingan, birinchi tarjimada yerni yoyiq-tekisligi haqida aytilsa[5], uning yana bir tarjimasida yerni tuxum shalida ekanligi [6] ta'kidlanadi.
Musulmonlarning oqlovlari
Musulmonlarning ko'pchiligi Quronda yerning - "dahaha" ya'ni "tuyaqush tuxumi"ga o'hshatilganligini ta'kidlashadi.
Quron ushbu oyatda yerning haqiqiy shaklini bayon qiladi:
“Va undan so'ng yerni tuxum shaklida qildi”. [Quron 79:30]
Arab tilidagi "dahaha" so'zi tuxumsimon degan ma'noni bildiradi. undan tashqari u "kenglik" degan ma'noni ham anglatadi. "Dahaha" so'zi "Duhaya" so'zining buzib ishlatilishi bo'lib, asl ma'nosi Tuyaqushning sharsimon tuxumini anglatadi, ya'ni huddi Yer sharini shakli bilan bir hil.
Shunga qaramasdan, ko'pchilik musulmonlar "dahaha" iborasini "tuyaqush tuxumi" ma'nosini bildiradi degan variantiga ko'proq e'tibor qaratadilar. Aslida esa ilm-fan tomonidan yerning yotiq shar shaklida ekanligi isbotlangan, tuyaqush tuxumining shakli esa cho'zinchoq shar shaklidadir. Shunday qilib yer shari va tuyaqush tuxumlari uch tomonlama olib qaralganda ham bir biriga mos kelmaydigan shakllardir.
Musulmonlarning yana boshqa bir fikricha, "dahaha" so'zi Makkaliklar tomonidan "yumaloqlik" sifatiga yo'g'rilgan so'z o'yinidir.
[Talaffuz] Va al-ardha baﻋda thalika dahaha [79:30]
Ushbu oyatdagi kalit so'z bu "dahaha"dir. Arab tilida shunday ibora mavjud - "iza dahaha" ya'ni "yerdagi teshikka toshlarni otish". Bu ibora aslida "Almadahi" o'yinidan kelib chiqqan bo'lib, o'yin asosan yerda qazilgan teshikchaga uzoqdan turib shu teshikchaga moslab yo'nilgan toshlarni otib tushirishdan iborat bo'lgan. Teshik esa "Udhiyatun" deb atalgan. "Almadhi" o'yinda qatnashuvchilarning teshikcha bo'ylab aylana bo'lib joylashganliklari tufayli, aylana, yumaloq degan ma'nolarni ham bergan. Shunday ekan "dahaha" iborasining asl ildizi bu yumaloqlikdir. Ko'pchilik tilshunoslarni aytishicha arab tilidagi "tuyaqush tuxumi" bilan "dahaha" so'zlarining ildizi birdir. Bundan kelib chiqadiki yerning yumaloqligi ushbu oyatda aniq ta'kidlab o'tilgan.
Arab tilidagi "yassi" yoki "yoyiq" hamda "tekis" so'zlari “sawi” va “al-mustawi” so'zlari orqali ifoda etiladi. Quronning hech qaysi joyida yerni "yassi", yoki "tekis" deya aytilmagan. 2:22, 51:48 oyatlaridagi “farash” so'zi, 4:97, 29:56, 30:10 oyatlaridagi “vasia”, 20:53, 43:10, 78:6 oyatlaridagi “mahd”, 71:19 oyatidagi “basaat”, 88:20 oyatidagi “suttihat” va 91:6 oyatidagi “tahaha”: bu so'larning hammasi albatta o'sha oyatlarning ishlatilishiga qarab "yoyilgan", "cho'zilgan" yoki "tekislangan" degan ma'nolarni bergan bo'lishi mumkin, lekin hech qayerda yerni tekis yoki yassi shaklda demagan.[8]Musulmonlarning "almadahi" va "udhiyatun" iboralari "yumaloqlik" ma'nosini bildirishi haqidagi argumentlari asossizdir, "almadahi" va "udhiyatun" iboralarning "yumaloqligi faqat ikki o'lchamli "yumaloqlik"ni anglatadi, ya'ni ko'proq o'zbekchadagi doiraga mos tushadi, huddi non yoki disk shakli kabi. Lekin "dahaha" so'zining yana bir ma'nosi "irg'itish", "otish" demakdir, aynan shundan "almadahi" va "udhiyatun" so'zlari unga bog'langandir.
Daha va Duhiya
Arab tilida har bir so'z o'zining boshlang'ich ildiziga ega. Ildiz so'zlar asosan uch harfdan tashkil topadi va talaffuzning o'zgarishi bilan so'zning ma'nosi ham o'zgarib boradi. Unga kelishik qo'shimchalarning qo'shilishi ham so'zni ma'nosini o'zgartirishi mumkin. Masalan: "ka-ta-ba" (yozmoq) ildiz so'zi hozigi ko'p so'zning asosi hisoblanadi - "kitab" (kitob), "maktaba" (kutubhona), "katib" (muallif, "maktub" (qo'lyozma, xat), "kitabat" (qo'lyozmalar, yozishmalar) va hakozolar.
Endi "Tuyaqush tuxumi" ma'nosini bildiruvchi "Duhiya" so'ziga e'tibor qaratsak. Dastavval bu so'z ildiz so'z emas. Bu oddiy so'z bo'lib uning asosi "da-ha-wa" ildiz so'zi bo'lib, u o'z navbatida "dahaha" so'zidan kelib chiqqan. Mana bu haqda arab lug'atlarining eng holislardan biri shunday deydi:
Lison Al 'Arab
Tarjima: Al-udhy, Al-idhy, Al-udhiyya, Al-idhiyya, Al-udhuvva: Tuyaqush tuxumini qo'yadigan qum usti. Tuxum qo'yishdan oldin Tuyaqush yerni yoki qumni kovlaydi, va o'sha joyga tuxumini qo'yadi: Tuyaqushni uyasi bo'lmaydi.
بَنَى السماءَ فَوْقَنا طِباقَا
ثم دَحا الأَرضَ فما أَضاقا
قال شمر : وفسرته فقالت دَحَا الأَرضَ أَوْسَعَها ; وأَنشد ابن بري لزيد بن عمرو بن نُفَيْل : دَحَاها , فلما رآها اسْتَوَتْ
على الماء , أَرْسَى عليها الجِبالا
و دَحَيْتُ الشيءَ أَدْحاهُ دَحْياً بَسَطْته , لغة في دَحَوْتُه ; حكاها اللحياني . وفي حديث عليّ وصلاتهِ , اللهم دَاحِيَ المَدْحُوَّاتِ يعني باسِطَ الأَرَضِينَ ومُوَسِّعَها , ويروى ; دَاحِيَ المَدْحِيَّاتِ . و الدَّحْوُ البَسْطُ . يقال : دَحَا يَدْحُو و يَدْحَى أَي بَسَطَ ووسعTarjima: Yerni daha qilish: tarqatib yubormoq, yoymoq. Keyingi qismda lug'at har xil arab ruboiylardan ushbu so'zni ma'nosini ko'rsatgan holda misollar keltiradi. Arab tilini tushunadigan har bir kishi uchun "Daha" so'zi "yoymoq", "kengaytirmoq" ma'nolarini bildirishini anglash qiyin emas.
Al Qamus Al Muhit
Tarjima: Alloh yerni daha qildi: Alloh yerni yoydi.
Al Wasiit
Tarjima: Dahani nimadir qilish: yoymoq, kengaytirmoq. Masalan: Alloh yerni yoydi.
Lane leksikasi
88-sura 20-oyat
Ushbu so'zga e'tibor qiling: سَطَّحَ ? Agar siz ushbu so'zni Quronda yozilgan arab tilidan qidirib ko'rsangiz mana bu so'zni topasiz سطحت ya'ni bu so'zni سَطَّحَ jenskiy rodi.
سَطَّحَ = yoymoq, ochmoq, kengaytirmiq, yotqizmoq, bosib yoymoq, tekislamoq, tenglashtirmoq, tashqariga qarab yoymoq, qirtishlamoq.
91-sura 6-oyat
Qo'shimcha dalillar
2-sura 22-oyat
Ushbu so'z ( بِنَاء ) "binaa" yoki "binan" o'zbek tiliga "chodir" deb tarjima qilinadi ya'ni bino. Quronga ko'ra Yer Samo atalmish yetti qavatli ulkan binoning eng quyi tekis poydevoridir. Ushbu maqolaga qaralsin.
18-sura 86-oyat
Ushbu quyoshning botishi haqidagi oyat, yerning tekis ekanligini qo'llab quvvatlaydi.
18-sura 47-oyat
Ushbu oyatda bizga Quron yerni tekis shaklda ko'rishimizga tog'lar halaqit qilishiga ishora qiladi.
2-sura 144-oyat
Ce verset demande à tous les musulmans de prier en direction de la Ka'aba (la qibla étant la direction que l'on doit prendre pour faire ceci). Ceci n'est possible qu'avec un modèle de terre plate. À cause du caractère sphérique de la terre, une prière dans n'importe quelle direction serait en fait dirigée vers le ciel/l'espace, pas vers la Mecque.
Pour les gens qui prient à grande distance de la Mecque, leur qibla serait quelque part en direction du sol, et les gens vivant de l'autre 'côté' de la terre auraient à prier verticalement, en bas, vers le centre de la terre.
Comme remarqué par AIM, les musulmans situés dans les Îles Salomon blasphèment contre Allah, car ils défèquent en direction de la Ka'aba quand ils répondent à l'appel de la nature.[10]
Même si nous utilisions la méthode traditionnelle musulmane pour étudier la qibla (c'est-à-dire un grand cercle) cela serait quand même un blasphème car nous prierons en face de la Ka'aba et nous lui tournerions le dos à la fois.
En addition à toutes les preuves directes que nous avons donné, cela n'est qu'un des problèmes qui indiquent indirectement que le narrateur/écrivain du Coran croyait à un modèle de terre plate.
2-sura 187-oyat
Ce verset dit aux musulmans que, pendant le ramadan, ils ne mangeront, ne boiront, ni n'auront de relations sexuelles durant les heures où brille le soleil. Cela peut causer un immense problème pour ceux vivant près des Pôles nord ou sud.
Plus l'on s'approche des pôles, plus les jours ou les nuits s'allongent. Ils peuvent même durer plusieurs mois chacun, rendant ce verset, le quatrième Pilier de l'islam, impossible à pratiquer sans mourir de faim. Encore une fois, ce problème n'existerait pas sur une terre plate.
Apologies générales
Al[a]m t[a]ra ann[a] Allah[a] yuliju al-leyla fi an-n[a]hari wayuliju an-n[a]hara fi al-leyli wa s[a]khkh[a]r[a] ach-chamsa wa al-qamara kullun yajri ila ajalin musamman wa anna Allaha bima taﻋmaloona kh[a]beerun
N'as-tu pas vu que Dieu fait que la nuit pénètre dans le jour, et que le jour pénètre dans la nuit? et qu'Il a assujetti le soleil et la lune à couler chacun jusqu'à un terme dénommé? et que Dieu est bien informé vraiment de ce que vous faites?Khalaqa as-samawati wa al-ardha bialhaqqi yukawiru al-leyla ﻋala an-nahari wa yukawiru an-nahara ﻋala al-leyli wa s[a]khkh[a]r[a] ach-chamsa wa alqamara kullun yajri li-ajalin musamman ala huwa alﻋazizu al-ghaffaru
Avec vérité Il a créé les cieux et la terre. Il enroule la nuit au jour, et enroule le jour à la nuit, tandis qu'Il a assujetti le soleil et la lune à couler chacun vers un terme dénommé. N'est-ce pas Lui le puissant, le grand pardonneur?Dhalika bi-ann[a] Allah[a] yuliju al-leyla fi an-n[a]hari wa-yuliju an-n[a]hara fi al-leyli wa ann[a] Allaha samiﻋain basirun
C'est qu'en Vérité Dieu fait que la nuit pénètre dans le jour, et que le jour pénètre dans la nuit. Dieu, cependant, entend, Il observe, vraiment!Les musulmans clament parfois que "Enrouler signifie ici que la nuit se transforme graduellement en jour et vice-versa. Ce phénomène ne peut avoir lieu que si la terre est sphérique. Si la terre était plate, il y aurait un changement soudain de la nuit au jour et du jour à la nuit."
Cet argument est faux. Le mouvement graduel du jour à la nuit et vice-versa arriverait quand même dans le modèle d'une terre plate. La seule différence serait que la terre plate serait éclairée partout, il n'y aurait pas de zones que le soleil n'éclairerait pas, seulement la même nuit et le même jour pour tous.
Vous pouvez faire l'expérience vous-mêmes. Tout ce dont vous avez besoin est une chambre sombre, une table et une lampe torche. Laissez la lumière de la lampe torche naître doucement au dessus d'un côté de la table, comme un lever de soleil, (puis continuez) et vous verrez ensuite un passage progressif de la nuit au jour. Les versets 31:29, 39:5 et 22:61 ne nous disent rien sur la forme de la terre. Ce sont de simples observations que n'importe qui pourrait faire.
De plus ces versets se réfèrent de manière erronée à la lumière et à l'obscurité comme étant deux choses différents. Elles sont en fait la même chose. La nuit ne "chevauche" pas le jour, ne s'y "enroule" pas autour parce qu'il n'y a que de la lumière, et l'obscurité n'est que l'absence de lumière.
Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Ibn Baaz, the supreme religious authority of Saudi Arabia, believes the earth is flat,[11][12] and so does Muslim Researcher on Astronomy Fadhel Al-Sa'd, who declared in a televised debate aired on Iraqi Al-Fayhaa TV (October 31, 2007) that the Earth is flat as evidenced by Qur'anic verses and that the sun is much smaller than the Earth and revolves around it.[13]
As devout Muslims, they have good reason to conclude the Earth is flat; the Qur'anic verses 15:19, 20:53, 43:10, 50:7, 51:48, 71:19, 78:6, 79:30, 88:20 and 91:6 all clearly state this and not a single verse in the Qur'an hint to a spherical earth.
Voir aussi
En anglais
- Islamic Prophecies
- Cosmology - A hub page that leads to other articles related to Cosmology
- Une version de cette page est aussi disponible dans les langues suivantes : anglaise.
Liens externes (en anglais)
- Is the Earth Egg-Shaped? - Answering Islam
- The Earth is Flat - Islam Monitor
- A Tribute to a Muslim Genius (Sheik Abdul-Aziz Ibn Baaz) - Islam Watch
- ↑ Views of the Earth - World Treasures of the Library of Congress, July 29, 2010
- ↑ "Myth of the Flat Earth", Wikipedia, accessed June 12, 2013 (archived), http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Myth_of_the_Flat_Earth&oldid=556807448.
- ↑ Globus cruciger - Wikipedia, accessed September 9, 2009
- ↑ http://www.uzislam.com/quran/79?page=2#verse30
- ↑ http://www.uzislam.com/quran/79?page=2#verse30
- ↑ http://www.quran.uz/tarjima/quran/79
- ↑ Q & A (Questions et réponses) - Zakir Naik - dahaha
- ↑ QuranTeachings.co.uk - 79:30
- ↑ Lane's Lexicon - daha (PDF)
- ↑ Abu Taleb - The Earth is Flat - Australian Islamist Monitor, May 22, 2008
- ↑ Muslim Edicts Take on New Force - New York Times, February 12, 1995.
- ↑ Sheikh Abdul Aziz Ben Baz (1395 AH [1974 AD]), "Evidence that the Earth is Standing Still", Islamic University of Medina, Saudi Arabia. First edition, p. 23.
- ↑ Iraqi Researcher Defies Scientific Axioms: The Earth Is Flat and Much Larger than the Sun (Which Is Also Flat) - MEMRI TV, Video No. 1684