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===Adam and Eve===
===Adam and Eve===

{{Quote|{{Quran-range|2|29|36}}|It is He Who hath created for you all things that are on earth; Moreover His design comprehended the heavens, for He gave order and perfection to the seven firmaments; and of all things He hath perfect knowledge.  
{{Quote|{{Quran-range|2|29|38}}|It is He Who hath created for you all things that are on earth; Moreover His design comprehended the heavens, for He gave order and perfection to the seven firmaments; and of all things He hath perfect knowledge.  
Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: "'''I will create a vicegerent on earth.'''" They said: "Wilt Thou place therein one who will make mischief therein and shed blood?- whilst we do celebrate Thy praises and glorify Thy holy (name)?" He said: "I know what ye know not."  
Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: "'''I will create a vicegerent on earth.'''" They said: "Wilt Thou place therein one who will make mischief therein and shed blood?- whilst we do celebrate Thy praises and glorify Thy holy (name)?" He said: "I know what ye know not."  

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According to Muhammad b. Sahl b. 'Askar -Ismail b. 'Abd al-Karim -'Abd al-Samad b. Ma'qil i -Wahb : Five thousand six hundred years of this world have elapsed. I do not know which kings and prophets lived in every period (zaman) of those years. I asked Wahb b. Munabbih: How long is (the total duration of) this world? He replied: '''Six thousand years'''.}}
According to Muhammad b. Sahl b. 'Askar -Ismail b. 'Abd al-Karim -'Abd al-Samad b. Ma'qil i -Wahb : Five thousand six hundred years of this world have elapsed. I do not know which kings and prophets lived in every period (zaman) of those years. I asked Wahb b. Munabbih: How long is (the total duration of) this world? He replied: '''Six thousand years'''.}}

{{Quote|{{Tabari|1|pp. 183-184}}|All these facts taken together make it clear that of the two statements I have mentioned concerning the total extent of time, the one from Ibn 'Abbas, and the other from Kab, the one more likely to be correct in accordance with the information coming from the Messenger of God is that of Ibn 'Abbas transmitted here by us on his authority: '''The world is one of the weeks of the other world-seven thousand years'''.'
{{Quote|{{citation|title=The History of al-Tabari|trans_title=Ta’rikh al-rusul wa’l-muluk|volume=vol. I|ISBN=0-88706-562-7|year=1989|publisher=SUNY Press|author=al-Tabari (d. 923)|editor1=Franz Rosenthal|editor2=W. Montgomery Watt|url=https://archive.org/details/HistoryAlTabari40Vol/History_Al-Tabari_10_Vol/page/n1/mode/2up|page=183-184}}<br><br>{{citation|title=تاريخ الرسل والملوك|author=أبو جعفر الطبري|url=https://app.turath.io/book/9783|publisher=al-Maktabah al-Shamilah|volume=vol. 1|page=16-17}}
|All these facts taken together make it clear that of the two statements I have mentioned concerning the total extent of time, the one from Ibn 'Abbas, and the other from Kab, the one more likely to be correct in accordance with the information coming from the Messenger of God is that of Ibn 'Abbas transmitted here by us on his authority: '''The world is one of the weeks of the other world-seven thousand years'''.'

Consequently, because this is so and '''the report on the authority of the Messenger of God is sound'''-namely, that he reported that what remained of the time of this world during his life was half a day, or five hundred years, since five hundred years are half a day of the days, of which one is a thousand years-the conclusion is that '''the time of this world that had elapsed to the moment of the Prophet's statement corresponds to what we have transmitted on the authority of Abu Tha'labah al-Khushani from the Prophet, and is 6,500 years or approximately 6,500 years'''. God knows best!
Consequently, because this is so and '''the report on the authority of the Messenger of God is sound'''-namely, that he reported that what remained of the time of this world during his life was half a day, or five hundred years, since five hundred years are half a day of the days, of which one is a thousand years-the conclusion is that '''the time of this world that had elapsed to the moment of the Prophet's statement corresponds to what we have transmitted on the authority of Abu Tha'labah al-Khushani from the Prophet, and is 6,500 years or approximately 6,500 years'''. God knows best!

Our statement about the duration of the periods (azman) of this world from its very beginning to its very end '''is the most firmly established of all the statements we have''', on account of the testimony to its soundness as explained by us. Information has (also) been transmitted on the authority of the Messenger of God to prove the soundness of the statement that''' all of this world is six thousand years'''. If its chain of transmitters were sound, we would have to go no further. It is Muhammad b. Sinan al-Qazzaz'43 -'Abd al-Samad b. 'Abd al-Warithf -Zabban -'Asim' -Abu Salih-Abu Hurayrah: The Messenger of God said: AI-hugb is eighty years. The day of them is one-sixth of this world."" According to this tradition, it is clear that '''all of this world is six thousand years'''. That is because, if one day of the other world equals one thousand years and a single such day is one-sixth of this world, the conclusion would be that the total is six of the days of the other world, and that is '''six thousand years'''.}}
Our statement about the duration of the periods (azman) of this world from its very beginning to its very end '''is the most firmly established of all the statements we have''', on account of the testimony to its soundness as explained by us. Information has (also) been transmitted on the authority of the Messenger of God to prove the soundness of the statement that''' all of this world is six thousand years'''. If its chain of transmitters were sound, we would have to go no further. It is Muhammad b. Sinan al-Qazzaz'-'Abd al-Samad b. 'Abd al-Warithf -Zabban -'Asim' -Abu Salih-Abu Hurayrah: The Messenger of God said: AI-hugb is eighty years. The day of them is one-sixth of this world."" According to this tradition, it is clear that '''all of this world is six thousand years'''. That is because, if one day of the other world equals one thousand years and a single such day is one-sixth of this world, the conclusion would be that the total is six of the days of the other world, and that is '''six thousand years'''.}}

{{Quote|{{Tabari|1|pp. 187-188}}|Now then, this being so, there is [also] '''a sound tradition from the Messenger of God''' told us by Hannad b. al-Sari, who also said that he read all of the hadith (to Abu Bakr)'" -Abu Bakr b. 'Ayyash-Abu Sad al-Baggal -'Ikrimah Ibn 'Abbas: The Jews came to the Prophet and asked him about the creation of the heavens and the earth. He said: God created the earth on Sunday and Monday. He created the mountains and the uses they possess on Tuesday. '''On Wednesday, He created trees, water, cities and the cultivated and barren land'''. These are four (days). He continued (citing the Qur'an): "Say: Do you really not believe in the One Who created the earth in two days, and set up others like Him? That is the Lord of the worlds. He made in it firmly anchored (mountains) above it and blessed it and decreed that it contain the amount of food it provides, (all) in four days, equally for those asking -for those who ask. He continued: '''On Thursday, He created heaven. On Friday, He created the stars, the sun, the moon, and the angels, until three hours remained'''. In the first of these three hours, He created the terms (of human life), who would live and who would die. In the second , He cast harm upon everything that is useful for mankind. And in the third, (He created) Adam and had him dwell in Paradise. He commanded Iblis to prostrate himself before Adam, and He drove Adam out of Paradise at the end of the hour.}}
{{Quote|{{citation|title=The History of al-Tabari|trans_title=Ta’rikh al-rusul wa’l-muluk|volume=vol. I|ISBN=0-88706-562-7|year=1989|publisher=SUNY Press|author=al-Tabari (d. 923)|editor1=Franz Rosenthal|editor2=W. Montgomery Watt|url=https://archive.org/details/HistoryAlTabari40Vol/History_Al-Tabari_10_Vol/page/n1/mode/2up|page=188}}
<BR>{{citation|title=تاريخ الرسل والملوك|author=أبو جعفر الطبري|url=https://app.turath.io/book/9783|publisher=al-Maktabah al-Shamilah|volume=vol.1 |page=22}}
|Now then, this being so, there is [also] '''a sound tradition from the Messenger of God''' told us by Hannad b. al-Sari, who also said that he read all of the hadith (to Abu Bakr)'" -Abu Bakr b. 'Ayyash-Abu Sad al-Baggal -'Ikrimah Ibn 'Abbas: The Jews came to the Prophet and asked him about the creation of the heavens and the earth. He said: God created the earth on Sunday and Monday. He created the mountains and the uses they possess on Tuesday. '''On Wednesday, He created trees, water, cities and the cultivated and barren land'''. These are four (days). He continued (citing the Qur'an): "Say: Do you really not believe in the One Who created the earth in two days, and set up others like Him? That is the Lord of the worlds. He made in it firmly anchored (mountains) above it and blessed it and decreed that it contain the amount of food it provides, (all) in four days, equally for those asking -for those who ask. He continued: '''On Thursday, He created heaven. On Friday, He created the stars, the sun, the moon, and the angels, until three hours remained'''. In the first of these three hours, He created the terms (of human life), who would live and who would die. In the second , He cast harm upon everything that is useful for mankind. And in the third, (He created) Adam and had him dwell in Paradise. He commanded Iblis to prostrate himself before Adam, and He drove Adam out of Paradise at the end of the hour.}}

{{Quote|{{Tabari|1|pp. 189-191}}|According to al-Qasim b. Bishr b. Ma'ruf and al-Husayn b.
{{Quote|{{citation|title=The History of al-Tabari|trans_title=Ta’rikh al-rusul wa’l-muluk|volume=vol. I|ISBN=0-88706-562-7|year=1989|publisher=SUNY Press|author=al-Tabari (d. 923)|editor1=Franz Rosenthal|editor2=W. Montgomery Watt|url=https://archive.org/details/HistoryAlTabari40Vol/History_Al-Tabari_10_Vol/page/n1/mode/2up|pages=189-191}}<br>{{citation|title=تاريخ الرسل والملوك|author=أبو جعفر الطبري|url=https://app.turath.io/book/9783|publisher=al-Maktabah al-Shamilah|volume=vol.1|page=47}}
|According to al-Qasim b. Bishr b. Ma'ruf and al-Husayn b.
'Ali al-Suda'i -Hajjaj -Ibn Jurayj -Isma'il b. Umayyah-Ayyub b. Khalid -'Abdallah b. Rafi', the mawla of Umm Salamah -Abu Hurayrah: The Messenger of God took me by the hand. Then he said: '''God created the soil on Saturday. Upon it, He created the mountains on Sunday. He created the trees on Monday. He created evil on Tuesday. He created light on Wednesday. He scattered the animals on the earth on Thursday, and He created Adam as the last of His creatures after (the time of) the afternoon prayer in the last hour of Friday''', in the time between the afternoon prayer and night(fall)."'
'Ali al-Suda'i -Hajjaj -Ibn Jurayj -Isma'il b. Umayyah-Ayyub b. Khalid -'Abdallah b. Rafi', the mawla of Umm Salamah -Abu Hurayrah: The Messenger of God took me by the hand. Then he said: '''God created the soil on Saturday. Upon it, He created the mountains on Sunday. He created the trees on Monday. He created evil on Tuesday. He created light on Wednesday. He scattered the animals on the earth on Thursday, and He created Adam as the last of His creatures after (the time of) the afternoon prayer in the last hour of Friday''', in the time between the afternoon prayer and night(fall)."'

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'''The two reports transmitted by us from the Messenger of God have made it clear that the sun and the moon were created after God had created many things of His creation'''. That is because the '''hadith of Ibn 'Abbas on the authority of the Messenger of God''' indicates that God created the sun and the moon on Friday. If this is so, earth and heaven and what is in them, except the angels and Adam, had been created before God created the sun and the moon. All this (thus) existed while there was no light and no day, since night and day are but nouns designating hours known through the traversal by the sun and the moon of the course of the sphere. Now, if it is correct that the earth and the heaven and what is between them, except what we have mentioned, were in existence when there was no sun and no moon, the conclusion is that all that existed when there was no night and no day. The same (conclusion results from) the following '''hadith of Abu Hurayrah reported on the authority of the Messenger of God: God created light on Wednesday-meaning by "light" the sun, if God wills'''.}}
'''The two reports transmitted by us from the Messenger of God have made it clear that the sun and the moon were created after God had created many things of His creation'''. That is because the '''hadith of Ibn 'Abbas on the authority of the Messenger of God''' indicates that God created the sun and the moon on Friday. If this is so, earth and heaven and what is in them, except the angels and Adam, had been created before God created the sun and the moon. All this (thus) existed while there was no light and no day, since night and day are but nouns designating hours known through the traversal by the sun and the moon of the course of the sphere. Now, if it is correct that the earth and the heaven and what is between them, except what we have mentioned, were in existence when there was no sun and no moon, the conclusion is that all that existed when there was no night and no day. The same (conclusion results from) the following '''hadith of Abu Hurayrah reported on the authority of the Messenger of God: God created light on Wednesday-meaning by "light" the sun, if God wills'''.}}

{{Quote|{{Tabari|1|pp. 192-193}}|Reports similar to the one that has come down '''on the Prophet's authority''', namely, that '''God created the sun and the moon after His creation of the heavens and the earth''' and other things, have come down from a number of early (scholars), as follows:
{{Quote|{{citation|title=The History of al-Tabari|trans_title=Ta’rikh al-rusul wa’l-muluk|volume=vol. I|ISBN=0-88706-562-7|year=1989|publisher=SUNY Press|author=al-Tabari (d. 923)|editor1=Franz Rosenthal|editor2=W. Montgomery Watt|url=https://archive.org/details/HistoryAlTabari40Vol/History_Al-Tabari_10_Vol/page/n1/mode/2up|pages=192-193}}تاريخ الرسل والملوك
<br>{{citation|title=تاريخ الرسل والملوك|author=أبو جعفر الطبري|url=https://app.turath.io/book/9783|publisher=al-Maktabah al-Shamilah|volume=vol.1 |page=26}}
|Reports similar to the one that has come down '''on the Prophet's authority''', namely, that '''God created the sun and the moon after His creation of the heavens and the earth''' and other things, have come down from a number of early (scholars), as follows:

According to Abu Hisham al-Rifa'i-Ibn Yaman -Sufyan- Ibn Jurayj-Sulayman b. Musa' -Mujahid-Ibn 'Abbas, commenting
According to Abu Hisham al-Rifa'i-Ibn Yaman -Sufyan- Ibn Jurayj-Sulayman b. Musa' -Mujahid-Ibn 'Abbas, commenting
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'''These reports, mentioned by us on the authority of the Messenger of God and those who mentioned them on his authority, have made it clear that God created the heavens and the earth before He created time, day and night, and the sun and the moon. God knows best!'''}}
'''These reports, mentioned by us on the authority of the Messenger of God and those who mentioned them on his authority, have made it clear that God created the heavens and the earth before He created time, day and night, and the sun and the moon. God knows best!'''}}
{{Quote|{{citation|title=The History of al-Tabari|trans_title=Ta’rikh al-rusul wa’l-muluk|volume=vol. I|ISBN=0-88706-562-7|year=1989|publisher=SUNY Press|author=al-Tabari (d. 923)|editor1=Franz Rosenthal|editor2=W. Montgomery Watt|url=https://archive.org/details/HistoryAlTabari40Vol/History_Al-Tabari_10_Vol/page/n1/mode/2up|page=272-273}}|When Iblis' haughtiness and opposition to the command of his Lord which had been concealed from the angels became apparent to them, and the Lord censured Iblis for the disobedience he had shown to Him by not prostrating himself before Adam, but Iblis persisted in his disobedience and continued in his error and perversion, God cursed him and expelled him from Paradise. He deprived him of the rule that had been his over the lower heaven and the earth, and deposed him from his post as keeper of Paradise.God said to him:"Leave it! "-meaning Paradise-"for you are stoned. The curse will be upon you to the Day of Judgement." (God said this to Iblis) while he
was still in heaven and had not (yet) fallen to earth.}}

====Adam and Eve====
====Adam and Eve====

{{Quote|{{Tabari|1|p. 273}}|Iblis was driven out of Paradise when he was cursed, and Adam was settled in Paradise. Adam used to go about there all alone, not having a spouse to dwell with.`" He fell asleep, and when he woke up, he found sitting at his head '''a woman who had been created by God from his rib'''. He asked her what she was, and she replied: A woman. He asked for what purpose she had been created, and she replied: For you to dwell with me. The angels, looking (to find out) the extent of Adam's knowledge, asked him her name. He replied: Eve (Hawwa'). When the angels asked why she was called Eve, he replied: Because she was created from a living (hayy) thing. God said: "Adam, dwell you and your spouse in Paradise! Eat freely of its plenty wherever you wish!"}}
{{Quote|{{citation|title=The History of al-Tabari|trans_title=Ta’rikh al-rusul wa’l-muluk|volume=vol. I|ISBN=0-88706-562-7|year=1989|publisher=SUNY Press|author=al-Tabari (d. 923)|editor1=Franz Rosenthal|editor2=W. Montgomery Watt|url=https://archive.org/details/HistoryAlTabari40Vol/History_Al-Tabari_10_Vol/page/n1/mode/2up|page=273}}<BR>{{citation|title=تاريخ الرسل والملوك|author=أبو جعفر الطبري|url=https://app.turath.io/book/9783|publisher=al-Maktabah al-Shamilah|volume=vol.1 |page=103}}
|Iblis was driven out of Paradise when he was cursed, and Adam was settled in Paradise. Adam used to go about there all alone, not having a spouse to dwell with.`" He fell asleep, and when he woke up, he found sitting at his head '''a woman who had been created by God from his rib'''. He asked her what she was, and she replied: A woman. He asked for what purpose she had been created, and she replied: For you to dwell with me. The angels, looking (to find out) the extent of Adam's knowledge, asked him her name. He replied: Eve (Hawwa'). When the angels asked why she was called Eve, he replied: Because she was created from a living (hayy) thing. God said: "Adam, dwell you and your spouse in Paradise! Eat freely of its plenty wherever you wish!"}}

{{Quote|{{Tabari|1|p. 274}}|Then He '''took one of Adam's ribs from his left side and replaced it with flesh, while Adam was asleep and did not stir, until God had created his spouse Eve from that rib of his'''. He fashioned her to be a woman for him to dwell with. When slumber was lifted from him and he woke, he saw her at his side. It has been assumed-God knows best!-that Adam said: My flesh and blood and spouse, and he dwelled with her. When God gave him a spouse and made for him a comfort (sakan) from his own person, He said to him face to face': Adam, dwell you and your spouse in Paradise! Eat freely of its plenty wherever you wish, but do not go near this tree, or you will be wrongdoers."
{{Quote|{{citation|title=The History of al-Tabari|trans_title=Ta’rikh al-rusul wa’l-muluk|volume=vol. I|ISBN=0-88706-562-7|year=1989|publisher=SUNY Press|author=al-Tabari (d. 923)|editor1=Franz Rosenthal|editor2=W. Montgomery Watt|url=https://archive.org/details/HistoryAlTabari40Vol/History_Al-Tabari_10_Vol/page/n1/mode/2up|page=274}}<BR>{{citation|title=تاريخ الرسل والملوك|author=أبو جعفر الطبري|url=https://app.turath.io/book/9783|publisher=al-Maktabah al-Shamilah|volume=vol.1|page=104}}
|Then He '''took one of Adam's ribs from his left side and replaced it with flesh, while Adam was asleep and did not stir, until God had created his spouse Eve from that rib of his'''. He fashioned her to be a woman for him to dwell with. When slumber was lifted from him and he woke, he saw her at his side. It has been assumed-God knows best!-that Adam said: My flesh and blood and spouse, and he dwelled with her. When God gave him a spouse and made for him a comfort (sakan) from his own person, He said to him face to face': Adam, dwell you and your spouse in Paradise! Eat freely of its plenty wherever you wish, but do not go near this tree, or you will be wrongdoers."

According to Muhammad b. 'Amr-Abu 'Asim (al-Nabil)-Isa (b. Maymun)-Ibn Abi Najih-Mujahid, commenting on God's word: '''"And He created from him his spouse, as follows: Eve from Adam's lowest rib''' (qusayra'), while he was asleep. Then Adam woke up and said: Attd!, which is "woman" in Nabataean
According to Muhammad b. 'Amr-Abu 'Asim (al-Nabil)-Isa (b. Maymun)-Ibn Abi Najih-Mujahid, commenting on God's word: '''"And He created from him his spouse, as follows: Eve from Adam's lowest rib''' (qusayra'), while he was asleep. Then Adam woke up and said: Attd!, which is "woman" in Nabataean
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We were told the same by al-Muthanna-Abu Hudhayfah -Shibl -Ibn Abi Najih-Mujahid. According to Bishr b. Mu'adh-Yazid b. Zuray'-Sa'id (b. Abi 'Arubah)-Qatadah, commenting on: "'''And He created from him his spouse": Meaning Eve who was created from one of Adam's ribs'''.}}
We were told the same by al-Muthanna-Abu Hudhayfah -Shibl -Ibn Abi Najih-Mujahid. According to Bishr b. Mu'adh-Yazid b. Zuray'-Sa'id (b. Abi 'Arubah)-Qatadah, commenting on: "'''And He created from him his spouse": Meaning Eve who was created from one of Adam's ribs'''.}}

{{Quote|{{Tabari|1|pp. 277-278}}|Eve took and ate of the (fruit offered to her). Then she went with it to Adam and said: Look at this tree! How sweet does it smell! How good does it taste! How beautiful is its color! Thus, Adam ate of it, and their secret parts became apparent to them. Adam went inside the tree (to hide). His Lord called out to him: Adam, where are you? Adam replied: I am here, my Lord. God said: Will you not come out? Adam replied: I feel shame before You, my Lord. God said: Cursed is the earth from which you were created, with a curse which will change its fruits to thorns. He continued. Neither in Paradise nor on earth was there a tree more excellent than the acacia (talk) and the lote-tree (sidr). Then '''God said: Eve, you are the one who inveigled My servant (Adam). Pregnancy will be difficult for you, and when you want to give birth to what is in your womb, you will often be in mortal danger'''. To the snake He said: You are the one who let the accursed Iblis enter your belly, so that he was able to inveigle My servant. '''You are cursed with a curse that will have the effect that your feet will be retracted into your belly''', and only the soil will be your sustenance. You will be the enemy of the children of Adam, and they will be your enemies. Wherever you encounter one of them, you will hold on to his heel, and wherever he encounters you, he will crush your head. Wahb was asked: And what did the angels use to eat? He replied: God does whatever He wants.}}
{{Quote|{{citation|title=The History of al-Tabari|trans_title=Ta’rikh al-rusul wa’l-muluk|volume=vol. I|ISBN=0-88706-562-7|year=1989|publisher=SUNY Press|author=al-Tabari (d. 923)|editor1=Franz Rosenthal|editor2=W. Montgomery Watt|url=https://archive.org/details/HistoryAlTabari40Vol/History_Al-Tabari_10_Vol/page/n1/mode/2up|pages=277-278}}<BR>{{citation|title=تاريخ الرسل والملوك|author=أبو جعفر الطبري|url=https://app.turath.io/book/9783|publisher=al-Maktabah al-Shamilah|volume=vol. |page=108-109}}
|Eve took and ate of the (fruit offered to her). Then she went with it to Adam and said: Look at this tree! How sweet does it smell! How good does it taste! How beautiful is its color! Thus, Adam ate of it, and their secret parts became apparent to them. Adam went inside the tree (to hide). His Lord called out to him: Adam, where are you? Adam replied: I am here, my Lord. God said: Will you not come out? Adam replied: I feel shame before You, my Lord. God said: Cursed is the earth from which you were created, with a curse which will change its fruits to thorns. He continued. Neither in Paradise nor on earth was there a tree more excellent than the acacia (talk) and the lote-tree (sidr). Then '''God said: Eve, you are the one who inveigled My servant (Adam). Pregnancy will be difficult for you, and when you want to give birth to what is in your womb, you will often be in mortal danger'''. To the snake He said: You are the one who let the accursed Iblis enter your belly, so that he was able to inveigle My servant. '''You are cursed with a curse that will have the effect that your feet will be retracted into your belly''', and only the soil will be your sustenance. You will be the enemy of the children of Adam, and they will be your enemies. Wherever you encounter one of them, you will hold on to his heel, and wherever he encounters you, he will crush your head. Wahb was asked: And what did the angels use to eat? He replied: God does whatever He wants.}}

{{Quote|{{Tabari|1|pp. 278-279}}|God forbade Adam and Eve to eat from one tree in Paradise, but (otherwise) they could freely eat of its plenty wherever they wished. Satan came and entered inside the snake. He spoke to Eve and whispered to Adam. He said: "Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels or live eternally. And (Iblis) assured them with an oath: I am one of those who give you good advice.""' He continued. Eve cut the tree, and it bled. The feathers that covered Adam and Eve dropped off, "and they started to cover themselves with leaves of Paradise stitched together. Their Lord called out to them: Did I not forbid you this tree, and did I not tell you that Satan is for you a clear enemy? " Why did you eat of it, when I have forbidden it to you? '''Adam said: My Lord, Eve made me eat of it'''. When God asked Eve: Why did you make him eat of it? she replied: The snake commanded me to do it. So God asked the snake: Why did you command Eve to do it? and the snake replied: Iblis commanded me to do it. God said: Cursed and banished (is Iblis).691 '''Now, you, Eve, as you caused the tree to bleed, you will bleed every new moon''', and you, '''snake, I shall cut off your feet and you will walk slithering on your face'''. Whoever encounters you, will crush your head with stones. "Fall down being one another's enemy!"}}
{{Quote|{{citation|title=The History of al-Tabari|trans_title=Ta’rikh al-rusul wa’l-muluk|volume=vol. I|ISBN=0-88706-562-7|year=1989|publisher=SUNY Press|author=al-Tabari (d. 923)|editor1=Franz Rosenthal|editor2=W. Montgomery Watt|url=https://archive.org/details/HistoryAlTabari40Vol/History_Al-Tabari_10_Vol/page/n1/mode/2up|page=278-279}}<BR>{{citation|title=تاريخ الرسل والملوك|author=أبو جعفر الطبري|url=https://app.turath.io/book/9783|publisher=al-Maktabah al-Shamilah|volume=vol.1 |page=109}}
|God forbade Adam and Eve to eat from one tree in Paradise, but (otherwise) they could freely eat of its plenty wherever they wished. Satan came and entered inside the snake. He spoke to Eve and whispered to Adam. He said: "Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels or live eternally. And (Iblis) assured them with an oath: I am one of those who give you good advice.""' He continued. Eve cut the tree, and it bled. The feathers that covered Adam and Eve dropped off, "and they started to cover themselves with leaves of Paradise stitched together. Their Lord called out to them: Did I not forbid you this tree, and did I not tell you that Satan is for you a clear enemy? " Why did you eat of it, when I have forbidden it to you? '''Adam said: My Lord, Eve made me eat of it'''. When God asked Eve: Why did you make him eat of it? she replied: The snake commanded me to do it. So God asked the snake: Why did you command Eve to do it? and the snake replied: Iblis commanded me to do it. God said: Cursed and banished (is Iblis).691 '''Now, you, Eve, as you caused the tree to bleed, you will bleed every new moon''', and you, '''snake, I shall cut off your feet and you will walk slithering on your face'''. Whoever encounters you, will crush your head with stones. "Fall down being one another's enemy!"}}

{{Quote|{{Tabari|1|pp. 280-281}}|Satan whispered to Eve about the tree and succeeded in taking her to it; then he made it seem good to Adam. He continued. When Adam felt a need for her and called her, she said: No! unless you go there. When he went, she said again: No! unless you eat from this tree. He continued. They both ate from it, and their secret parts became apparent to them. He continued. Adam then went about in Paradise in flight. His Lord called out to him: Adam, is it from Me that you are fleeing? Adam replied: No, my Lord, but I feel shame before You. '''When God asked what had caused his trouble, he replied: Eve, my Lord. Whereupon God said: Now it is My obligation to make her bleed once every month, as she made this tree bleed. I also must make her stupid, although I created her intelligent (halimah), and must make her suffer pregnancy and birth with difficulty, although I made it easy for her to be pregnant and give birth. Ibn Zayd continued: Were it not for the affliction that affected Eve, the women of this world would not menstruate, and they would be intelligent and, when pregnant, give birth easily'''.
{{Quote|{{citation|title=The History of al-Tabari|trans_title=Ta’rikh al-rusul wa’l-muluk|volume=vol. I|ISBN=0-88706-562-7|year=1989|publisher=SUNY Press|author=al-Tabari (d. 923)|editor1=Franz Rosenthal|editor2=W. Montgomery Watt|url=https://archive.org/details/HistoryAlTabari40Vol/History_Al-Tabari_10_Vol/page/n1/mode/2up|page=280-281}}
<br>{{citation|title=تاريخ الرسل والملوك|author=أبو جعفر الطبري|url=https://app.turath.io/book/9783|publisher=al-Maktabah al-Shamilah|volume=vol.1 |page=111-112}}|Satan whispered to Eve about the tree and succeeded in taking her to it; then he made it seem good to Adam. He continued. When Adam felt a need for her and called her, she said: No! unless you go there. When he went, she said again: No! unless you eat from this tree. He continued. They both ate from it, and their secret parts became apparent to them. He continued. Adam then went about in Paradise in flight. His Lord called out to him: Adam, is it from Me that you are fleeing? Adam replied: No, my Lord, but I feel shame before You. '''When God asked what had caused his trouble, he replied: Eve, my Lord. Whereupon God said: Now it is My obligation to make her bleed once every month, as she made this tree bleed. I also must make her stupid, although I created her intelligent (halimah), and must make her suffer pregnancy and birth with difficulty, although I made it easy for her to be pregnant and give birth. Ibn Zayd continued: Were it not for the affliction that affected Eve, the women of this world would not menstruate, and they would be intelligent and, when pregnant, give birth easily'''.

According to Ibn Humayd-Salamah-Muhammad b. Ishaq- Yazid b. 'Abdallah b. Qusayt -Sa'id b. al-Musayyab: I heard him swear by God unequivocally: '''As long as Adam was in his right mind, he did not eat from the tree. Eve, however, gave him wine to drink, and when he was drunk, she led him to the tree, and he ate from it.'''
According to Ibn Humayd-Salamah-Muhammad b. Ishaq- Yazid b. 'Abdallah b. Qusayt -Sa'id b. al-Musayyab: I heard him swear by God unequivocally: '''As long as Adam was in his right mind, he did not eat from the tree. Eve, however, gave him wine to drink, and when he was drunk, she led him to the tree, and he ate from it.'''
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What we have stated about the subject was also stated by the early Muslim scholars}}
What we have stated about the subject was also stated by the early Muslim scholars}}

{{Quote|''The History of al-Tabari'', [Albany: SUNY Press, 1985], pp. 292-293.|It has been mentioned that '''the summit of the mountain upon which Adam was cast down is one of those closest to heaven among the mountains of the earth''' and that, when Adam was cast down upon it, '''his feet were upon it while his head was in heaven''' and he heard the prayer and praise-giving of the angels. Adam became (too) familiar with that, and the angels were in awe of him. Therefore, Adam's size was reduced.
{{Quote|{{citation|title=The History of al-Tabari|trans_title=Ta’rikh al-rusul wa’l-muluk|volume=vol. I|ISBN=0-88706-562-7|year=1989|publisher=SUNY Press|author=al-Tabari (d. 923)|editor1=Franz Rosenthal|editor2=W. Montgomery Watt|url=https://archive.org/details/HistoryAlTabari40Vol/History_Al-Tabari_10_Vol/page/n1/mode/2up|pages=292-293}}<BR>تاريخ الرسل والملوك
{{citation|title=تاريخ الرسل والملوك|author=أبو جعفر الطبري|url=https://app.turath.io/book/9783|publisher=al-Maktabah al-Shamilah|volume=vol.1 |pages=122-123}}
|It has been mentioned that '''the summit of the mountain upon which Adam was cast down is one of those closest to heaven among the mountains of the earth''' and that, when Adam was cast down upon it, '''his feet were upon it while his head was in heaven''' and he heard the prayer and praise-giving of the angels. Adam became (too) familiar with that, and the angels were in awe of him. Therefore, Adam's size was reduced.

Those who said this
Those who said this
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====Adam and Eve====
====Adam and Eve====

{{Quote|Ibn Sa’d, Vol. 1, pt. 1:4:1|He (Ibn Sa'd) said: Hajjáj Ibn Muhammad informed us on the authority of Ibn Jurays, he on the authority of Mujàhid respecting Allah's words ("and from it created its mate") (AI-Qur'an, 4:1); He said:
{{Quote|Ibn Sa’d, Vol. 1, 27-28|He (Ibn Sa'd) said: Hajjáj Ibn Muhammad informed us on the authority of Ibn Jurays, he on the authority of Mujàhid respecting Allah's words ("and from it created its mate") (AI-Qur'an, 4:1); He said:

'''He (Allah) created Eve out of Adam's short rib''', while he was asleep. Then he awoke and repeated Iththa, which signifies woman in Nabataean language.}}
'''He (Allah) created Eve out of Adam's short rib''', while he was asleep. Then he awoke and repeated Iththa, which signifies woman in Nabataean language.}}

{{Quote|Ibn Sa’d, Vol. 1, pt. 1:4:2|He (Ibn Sa`d) said: Muhammad Ibn `Abd Allah al-Asadi informed us: Sufyàn Ibn Sa'id al-Thawri informed us on the authority of his father, he on the authority of a mawlá of Ibn `Abbas, he on the authority of Ibn `Abbas; he said:
{{Quote|Ibn Sa’d, Vol. 1, 28|He (Ibn Sa`d) said: Muhammad Ibn `Abd Allah al-Asadi informed us: Sufyàn Ibn Sa'id al-Thawri informed us on the authority of his father, he on the authority of a mawlá of Ibn `Abbas, he on the authority of Ibn `Abbas; he said:

She was named Eve because '''she was the mother of all human beings'''.}}
She was named Eve because '''she was the mother of all human beings'''.}}

{{Quote|Ibn Sa’d, Vol. 1, pt. 1:4:3|He (lbn Sa`d) said: Hishám Ibn Muhammad Ibn al-Sa'ib al-Kalbi informed us on the authority of his father, he on the authority of Abu Salih, he on the authority of Ibn 'Abbas; he said:
{{Quote|Ibn Sa’d, Vol. 1, 22|He (lbn Sa`d) said: Hishám Ibn Muhammad Ibn al-Sa'ib al-Kalbi informed us on the authority of his father, he on the authority of Abu Salih, he on the authority of Ibn 'Abbas; he said:

'''Adam was cast down in India and Eve at Juddah'''. Then he came in her search and reached Jam'a; then Eve joined him, and so the place was known as al-Muzdalifah, and they had come together at Jam'a so it was known as Jam'a.}}
'''Adam was cast down in India and Eve at Juddah'''. Then he came in her search and reached Jam'a; then Eve joined him, and so the place was known as al-Muzdalifah, and they had come together at Jam'a so it was known as Jam'a.}}
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[[Category:Islam and Science]]
[[Category:Islam and Science]]
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