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<noinclude>Also see: [[Template:Pictorial-Islam]]</noinclude><!-- HELP NOTES: Each option tag handles one random story --><choose>
<noinclude>Also see: [[Template:Pictorial-Islam]]</noinclude><!-- HELP NOTES: Each option tag handles one random story --><choose>

<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Isa al-Masih (Jesus Christ)|2=[[File:Ascension of Isa.jpg|165px|link=Isa al-Masih (Jesus Christ)]]|3=In Islam, Isa al-Masih (عيسى المسي usually translated as Jesus Christ) is believed to be a prophet, second in rank to Muhammad, and not the son of God. Indeed, associating divinity with Jesus is decried as blasphemy in the Qur'an time and again. ([[Isa al-Masih (Jesus Christ)|''read more'']])}}</option>

<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Joseph the Pedophile: A Case of Christian Hypocrisy?|2=[[File:Joseph-Mary.jpg|150px|link=Joseph the Pedophile A Case of Christian Hypocrisy]]|3=This article refutes the claim that Joseph, the husband of Mary (the mother of Jesus Christ), was a pedophile, a popular yet erroneous tu quoque argument used to defend Prophet Muhammad's pedophilic marriage to Aisha.
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Geocentrism and the Quran|2=[[File:SunMoonDesert.png|210px|link=Geocentrism and the Quran]]|3=The Qur'an says that both the sun and the moon swim or float in a rounded course, or perhaps in a celestial sphere or hemisphere (a 'falak' in the Arabic). It seems that Allah brings the sun from the east, it goes high above the Earth and ends after sunset with the Sun going to a resting place. All this took place around an Earth that was spread out and had a firmament of seven heavens built without pillars that can be seen above it. This was a common belief in the region at that time and can be found earlier with the Babylonians, ancient Hebrews, the Assyrians and numerous other cultures in the region. ([[Geocentrism and the Quran|''read more'']])}}</option>

Upon reading the non-canonical apocrypha, the Christian equivalent of da`if (weak) or maudu (fabricated) hadith, we find it does not say Mary married Joseph when she was aged only 12. It in fact says she was possibly 17 years of age at the time the marriage was eventually consummated, if ever.
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Wife Beating in Islamic Law|2=[[File:A scene from submission.jpg|210px|link=Wife Beating in Islamic Law]]|3=Wife-beating is supported by the teachings of Islamic religious texts such as the Qur'an and the Hadiths. Prophet Muhammad provided tacit approval of wife beating by not scolding Muslims for beating their wives, referred to women who spoke-out against abuse as "not the best among you", forbid Muslims from questioning men who beat their wives, allowed others to hit his wives (the very women whom all Muslims adore and refer to as "the Mother of believers"), reaffirms the command of wife-beating in his parting sermon, and himself struck one of his wives in the chest. In addition to Muhammad's actions, three of the four Rightly-Guided Caliphs also beat women. ([[Wife Beating in Islamic Law|''read more'']])}}</option>

The most decisive argument against the claim that Joseph was a pedophile is the fact that the same non-canonical writings which are used to gather information on Joseph and Mary's age, also confirm Mary's status as "ever virgin" (in The History of Joseph the Carpenter, Jesus says on Joseph's death "my mother, virgin undefiled"). ([[Joseph the Pedophile A Case of Christian Hypocrisy|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Aisha's Age|2=[[File:Muhammad and Aisha freeing chief's daughter.jpg|165px|link=Aisha's Age]]|3=Aisha (‘Ā’ishah, c. 613/614 –c. 678) or عائشة, (also transliterated as A'ishah, Aisyah, Ayesha, A'isha, Aishat, or Aishah) was married to Muhammad at the age of 6 or 7, and the marriage was consummated by Muhammad, then 53, at the age of 9 according to numerous sahih hadiths. Due to concerns about child marriage this topic is of heavy interest in the apologetic literature and public discourse.

Marriage at a young age was not unheard of in Arabia at the time, and Aisha's marriage to Muhammad may have had a political connotation, as her father Abu Baker was an influential man in the community. Abu Bakr, on his part, may have sought to further the bond of kinship between Muhammad and himself by joining their families together in marriage via Aisha. Egyptian-American Islamic scholar, Leila Ahmed, notes that Aisha's betrothal and marriage to Muhammad are presented as ordinary in Islamic literature, and may indicate that it was not unusual for children to be married to their elders in that era. ([[Aisha's Age|''read more'']])}}</option>

<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=The "Collapsing Mosque", A Miracle from Allah?|2=[[File:Jama Haman Wali mosque.jpg|150px|link=Standing Mosques]]|3=When mosques are left standing in natural disasters, Muslims often claim it's a miracle and attribute it to an intervention by Allah. It is then used by them for propaganda purposes in order to gain new converts. But there is nothing miraculous about strongly built structures with open architecture allowing water and wind to flow through, surviving waves and high winds better than weaker buildings.  
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Islamic Views on the Shape of the Earth|2=[[File:Flat Earth The Wonders of Creation.jpg|165px|link=Islamic Views on the Shape of the Earth]]|3=Islamic scriptures imply, adhere to, and describe a flat-Earth cosmography (arranged in a geocentric system) which conceives of the earth as existing in the form of a large plane or disk. While some early Islamic authorities maintained that the earth existed in the shape of a "ball", such notions are entirely absent in the earliest Islamic scriptures.

Nature is indiscriminate about what it damages during natural disasters, and mosques are no exception to this rule. This is proven by the hundreds of mosques which have been destroyed in natural disasters, and by the fact that non-Muslim buildings have also "miraculously" been left unharmed or standing during similar incidents. The "standing mosques" are no more miraculous than Morocco's 2010 "collapsing mosque" which only killed worshipers and left others unharmed. If the former can be used to claim Islam is the true faith, the latter can be used to prove it is a false faith. ([[Standing Mosques|''read more'']])}}</option>
Nonetheless, as knowledge of the Earth's spherical form has existed to greater or lesser degree since at least classical Greek (4th Century BCE), it has been frequently argued in recent times that the early scholars of Islam, the first followers of Muhammad, and indeed Islamic scripture itself supported the spherical-earth model, although evidence for these claims is lacking. ([[Islamic Views on the Shape of the Earth|''read more'']])}}</option>

<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=The Quran and Mountains|2=[[File:MarshakFaultBlock.png|165px|link=The Quran and Mountains]]|3=The Quran has a particular conception of the nature of mountains, their formation, and the geological role they play. In recent times, many Islamic scholars have argued that this conception is both scientifically sound and an instance of miraculous scientific foreknowledge on the part of the Quran.

<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Meeting of Fresh and Salt Water in the Qur'an|2=[[File:Klamath river estuary.jpg|320px|link=Meeting of Fresh and Salt Water in the Quran]]|3=Muslim apologists claim that Surah 25:53 of the Qur’an is scientifically accurate. They conclude that since the process was unknown to humankind during the time of Muhammad, this verse (and the Qur’an as a whole) is revealed by Allah. This article will prove the verse in question is scientifically wrong. Also it will prove that a layman could make a better guess than the allegedly divine author of the Qur'an. In summary, we will: briefly introduce you to a real river-estuary-ocean system, make logical deductions based on the verse and see how far only common sense can take us, explain what the verse claims on the meeting of fresh and salt water, explain what elementary science tells us about the process, explain what modern science tells us about the process, show you how apologists "prove" this “scientific miracle”, and state our analysis on the “scientific miracle”. ([[Meeting of Fresh and Salt Water in the Quran|''read more'']])}}</option>
Critics argue that these verses contain multiple mistakes from a scientific viewpoint. They describe the creation of mountains as one stage in the creation of the Earth. One verse describes mountains as pegs, while other verses state that they were cast into the Earth in some sense to stabilise it. This is commonly interpreted today as a reference to earthquakes, though multiple lines of evidence including hadith and pre-Islamic poetry indicate rather that the Quran here means that mountains prevent the Earth as a whole from shifting.   ([[The Quran and Mountains|''read more'']])}}</option>

<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Dihya the Berber Queen (Al-Kaahina)|2=[[File:Statue of Dyhia in Khenchela (Algeria).jpg|105px|link=Dihya the Berber Queen (Al-Kaahina)]]|3=Dihya was a Berber queen who led her people in resisting the Islamic conquest of her home in North Africa. She is better known as Kahina or al-Kahina, a title given to her by the Arab Muslims, which means "the witch" or "the sorceresses." ([[Dihya the Berber Queen (Al-Kaahina)|''read more'']])}}</option>

<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Islam and the Creation of the Jewish Yellow Badge of Shame|2=[[File:Juif.JPG|170px|link=Yellow Badge]]|3=The yellow badge (or yellow patch), also referred to as a Jewish badge, was a cloth patch that Jews were ordered to sew on their outer garments in order to mark them as Jews in public. It is intended to be a badge of shame associated with antisemitism.  
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Satanic Verses (Gharaniq Incident)|2=[[File:Al-Uzza with Zodiac.jpg|160px|link=Satanic Verses (Gharaniq Incident)]]|3=The Satanic Verses (also the Gharaniq incident) was an incident where Prophet Muhammad acknowledged Allat, Manat, and al-Uzza, the goddesses of the Pagan Meccans in a Qur'anic revelation, only to later recant and claim they were the words of the Devil. ([[Satanic Verses (Gharaniq Incident)|''read more'']])}}</option>

This badge, that was to be eventually used by the Nazis against the Jews, was actually first introduced by a Muslim caliph in Baghdad in the 9th century as a variant of the zunnār belt. This then spread to the West in medieval times.
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Dhul-Qarnayn and the Alexander Romance|2=[[File:Alexander the Great.jpg|150px|link=Dhul-Qarnayn and the Alexander Romance]]|3=The story of Dhul-Qarnayn (in Arabic ذو القرنين, literally "The Two-Horned One", also transliterated as Zul-Qarnain or Zulqarnain) is found in the 18th Surah of the Qur'an, al-Kahf (the Cave). While he is never mentioned explicitly by name, the story is clearly based upon a legendary account of Alexander the Great. For centuries, most Muslim historians and Qur'anic commentators endorsed the identity of Dhul-Qarnayn as Alexander, though some also proposed alternatives. In recent years, this identification of Dhul-Qarnayn has become particularly problematic and controversial for Muslim scholars, as historians have gradually discovered that the historical Alexander was a Greek pagan who fashioned himself as a god. ([[Dhul-Qarnayn and the Alexander Romance|''read more'']])}}</option>
As recently as 2001, Afghanistan's Hindus were required by the Taliban to wear yellow badges to segregate "un-Islamic" and "idolatrous" communities from Islamic ones. ([[Yellow Badge|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Jacques Cousteau's alleged conversion to Islam|2=[[File:Cousteau.jpg|170px|link=Jacques Cousteau (Conversion to Islam)]]|3=There is no evidence whatsoever to support the claim that Jacques Cousteau converted or even considered converting to Islam.
The only quote attributed to Cousteau concerning this issue originates from an Islamic publication that aims to propagate Islam, and is not attributed to Cousteau by any reliable neutral sources.
The Cousteau Society founded by Jacques-Yves Cousteau himself denied the rumor, a denial which came in the form of an official communication that Cousteau felt no need to repudiate even though he had the time and authority to do so.
His family have respectfully denied there is any truth behind the rumor on several occasions, and he was also buried in a Roman Catholic Christian funeral. ([[Jacques Cousteau (Conversion to Islam)|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Greek and Jewish Ideas about Reproduction in the Qur'an and Hadith|2=[[File:Galen.jpg|110px|link=Greek and Jewish Ideas about Reproduction in the Quran and Hadith]]|3=The hadith contain many statements about fluids from both the man and woman that were believed to form the human embryo. The Qur’an too says that the embryo is formed from emitted fluid, and in one verse perhaps indicates a mingling of male and female fluids. In this article we shall present new research to trace the origins of each of these ideas at least as far back as the Jewish Talmud and the ancient Greek physicians. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the influence of ideas from other cultures on the Qur’an and hadith regarding reproduction. It will go without saying that these ideas are inaccurate compared with current scientific knowledge of reproduction and embryology. ([[Greek and Jewish Ideas about Reproduction in the Quran and Hadith|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Neil Armstrong's alleged conversion to Islam|2=[[File:Neil armstrong.jpg|150px|link=Neil Armstrong (Conversion to Islam)]]|3=There is no evidence whatsoever to support the claim that Neil Armstrong converted to Islam, or that he and the other Apollo 11 crew members witnessed anything miraculous while on the moon. The evidence against this claim is so strong that there has even been a fatwa issued confirming it as fabricated.
Armstrong himself, in his autobiography, denied ever converting to Islam. His administrative aide and the US State Department also denied any truth behind the conversion rumors. He would later, in Malaysia, explicitly deny that there was any truth behind the claim that he also heard the Muslim call to prayer on the moon, and the transcript and audio of the moon landing itself contradict the claim that "strange" sounds or words were ever heard. ([[Neil Armstrong (Conversion to Islam)|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Adam, Eve, and the Six Days of Creation|2=[[File:Adam and Eve.jpg|230px|link=Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars:Creation]]|3=According to Islamic sources, creation began six thousand years before the advent of Islam. The first thing to be created was the planet Earth, which took two days to complete, from Sunday to Monday. Then it took another two days to create the mountains, trees, and everything else. The final two days, Thursday and Friday, were spent creating the "heavens", the sun, moon, other planets, and a sixty cubits (approximately ninety feet) tall Adam.
Hawwa' (Eve) was created from Adam's left rib, whilst he was asleep in the Garden. She is blamed by Adam for persuading him to eat from the forbidden tree. As a result, they are both cast out from the garden in Paradise and sent down to the planet Earth, where their decedents continue to decrease in size.
As punishment for her transgression, Allah makes Eve menstruate, suffer pregnancy and become stupid. Therefore, according to Islamic beliefs, today all women menstruate (are deficient in religion) and are created stupid (deficient in intelligence). ([[Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars:Creation|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Sunita Williams' alleged conversion to Islam|2=[[File:Sunita-williams-fake-conversion.jpg|150px|link=Sunita Williams (Conversion to Islam)]]|3=Sunita Williams (born September 19, 1965) is a United States Naval officer and a NASA astronaut. She was assigned to the International Space Station as a member of Expedition 14 and then joined Expedition 15. She holds the record of the longest spaceflight (195 days) for female space travelers.
It has been claimed on various websites, blogs, forums, and in chain e-mails/mass sms texts, that Sunita Williams had converted to Islam on her return from the moon. However, after looking at the facts, we can rightly conclude that their is no evidence whatsoever to back up the claim that Sunita Williams, or any of the other unspecified individuals, ever witnessed a miracle in space/on the moon, nor did they ever agree to convert to Islam upon their return to earth. ([[Sunita Williams (Conversion to Islam)|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Fastest Growing Religion|2=[[File:Religion distribution.jpg|260px|link=Fastest Growing Religion]]|3=Many Muslims and websites claim that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. As proof, they usually bombard us with unverifiable claims and baseless media quotes. Apparently ABC News had claimed "Already more than a billion-people strong, Islam is the world's fastest-growing religion", a quote which cannot be traced to its source. Also CNN World News stated "Fast-growing Islam winning converts in Western world", a statement which they fail to back up with any evidence.
All the actual data available reveals that Islam is neither the fastest growing religion by number of adherents or the fastest growing religion by percentage-increase. ([[Fastest Growing Religion|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Historical Correspondence with Jihadists|2=[[File:Muhammad-Letter-To-Heraclius.jpg|370px|link=Historical Correspondence with Jihadists]]|3=...."In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful (This letter is) from Muhammad, the slave of Allah, and His Apostle, to Heraculius, the Ruler of the Byzantine. Peace be upon the followers of guidance. Now then, I invite you to Islam (i.e. surrender to Allah), embrace Islam and you will be safe; embrace Islam and Allah will bestow on you a double reward. But if you reject this invitation of Islam, you shall be responsible for misguiding the peasants (i.e. your nation). O people of the Scriptures! Come to a word common to you and us and you, that we worship. None but Allah, and that we associate nothing in worship with Him... ([[Historical Correspondence with Jihadists|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Health Effects of Islamic Dress‎|2=[[File:Burqa.jpg|220px|link=Health Effects of Islamic Dress‎]]|3=The majority of female Muslims worldwide, following the Islamic requirement of observing Hijab, wear some form of Islamic dress. This ranges anywhere from wearing a simple head covering, to the burqa (a form of "full hijab"), which covers almost all exposed skin.
There is concern among the medical community about some of the health effects of the extreme styles of Islamic dress, with the main issues arising from Vitamin D deficiency due to lack skin exposed to UV light. It has been established by credible scientific evidence that almost all women who observe the full hijab are chronically deficient in Vitamin D. Vitamin D is a vital nutrient and deficiency of this kind can lead to osteomalacia in adults and rickets in children. There is also a strong association between deficiency in Vitamin D and an increased risk of developing several deadly cancers, including breast cancer. ([[Health Effects of Islamic Dress‎|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Jahannam (Allah's Hell)|2=[[File:Women in hell.jpg|260px|link=Jahannam]]|3=Jahannam was specifically created and prepared with eternal fire by Allah, so that he could torture disbelievers. In fact, disbelievers are the fuel of Allah's fire.
A list of tortures include; blazing fire, exchangeable skins so that people can be roasted all over again, binding chains, binding yokes, boiling water, filthy fluid of pus and blood, garments of liquid pitch and fire, maces of iron, burning embers beneath the arches of the feet or shoes of fire that will cause one's brain to boil, painful, noxious, choking foods, and intestines coming out. ([[Jahannam|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Are Judaism and Christianity as Violent as Islam?|2=[[File:Image-Judaism Christianity Islam.JPG|250px|link=Are Judaism and Christianity as Violent as Islam?]]|3="There is far more violence in the Bible than in the Qur'an; the idea that Islam imposed itself by the sword is a Western fiction, fabricated during the time of the crusades when, in fact, it was Western Christians who were fighting brutal holy wars against Islam." This quote sums up the single most influential argument currently serving to deflect the accusation that Islam is inherently violent and intolerant: All monotheistic religions, proponents of such an argument say, and not just Islam, have their fair share of violent and intolerant scriptures, as well as bloody histories. Thus, whenever Islam's sacred scriptures are highlighted as demonstrating the religion's innate bellicosity, the immediate rejoinder is that other scriptures, specifically those of Judeo-Christianity, are as riddled with violent passages. But is that really the case? Does Hebrew violence in the ancient era, and Christian violence in the medieval era compare to, explain away or even legitimize the tenacity of Muslim violence in the modern era? ([[Are Judaism and Christianity as Violent as Islam?|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Michael Jackson's alleged conversion to Islam|2=[[File:Jack-1.jpg|230px|link=Michael Jackson (Conversion to Islam)]]|3=Many news sites carried the story that Michael Jackson had converted to Islam in 2008. This was of course seized upon by Muslims and spread through the blogosphere and user-contributed media sites like Youtube.
This article refutes all of the proofs that have been offered in support of Michael Jackson's alleged conversion to Islam, thus they must be discarded when researching the claim further. Once this has been done, we are left with nothing. There is absolutely no evidence that Michael Jackson converted to Islam; be it Nation of Islam or otherwise. ([[Michael Jackson (Conversion to Islam)|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Adverse Effects of Islamic Fasting|2=[[File:Sawm and Ramadhan.jpg|300px|link=Adverse Effects of Islamic Fasting]]|3=Medical fasting is different from Islamic fasting (Sawm), and contrary to popular Muslim beliefs, Islamic fasting, unlike Medical fasting, has numerous adverse effects that have been observed using scientific studies and news sources. Intermittent and prolonged fasting is generally not conducive to a healthy lifestyle. Infact it causes a host of health, performance and mood disorders. Any claims that prolonged and intermittent fasting contributes to the well-being of an individual's health are misleading, based on the scientific studies that prove otherwise. If the Islamic argument in favor of fasting is that “we fast because Allah commanded us to do so," then it is obvious that Allah is not a nutritionist or a dietitian because the negatives definitely outweigh the positives. ([[Adverse Effects of Islamic Fasting|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Drinking Zamzam Water and its Health Risks|2=[[File:Zamzam water.jpg|300px|link=Drinking Zamzam Water and its Health Risks]]|3=Millions of Muslims visit the Zamzam well in Mecca each year while performing the Hajj or Umrah pilgrimages, in order to drink its water and, in many cases, to take home some of its water for distribution among friends and relations believing the well and the water which it pumps to be miraculous.
As with urine, milk, and alcohol, Muslims often make claims of their religious beliefs being backed by science. However, in May 2011, a BBC investigation found that genuine Zamzam water taken from the well contained arsenic levels three times the legal limit, something which could contribute to increasing people's risk of cancer. In addition to the dangerous arsenic levels, the holy water contained high levels of nitrate and potentially harmful bacteria. ([[Drinking Zamzam Water and its Health Risks|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Setting the Record Straight: The Non-Miracle of Islamic Science|2=[[File:The Miracle of Islamic Science.jpg|180px|link=Setting the Record Straight: The Non-Miracle of Islamic Science]]|3=This is a refutation of Dr K. Ajram's Setting the Record Straight: The Miracle of Islamic Science. The purpose of this analysis is to put the achievements of Golden Age Muslim scientists in the proper perspective; neither denigrating their achievements nor inflating them. All scientific and technological progress is accomplished in progression; Muslim achievements are but links in the chain. Few of the great Muslim scientific achievements stood alone, but were derived by Muslim scientists standing on the shoulders of those who came before them. This analysis also highlights the fatal flaw of the Islamic Golden Age. There were few ‘follow-up’ breakthroughs on the backs of the works of the great Muslim scientists. In effect, the Ummah allowed or encouraged these works to wither on the vine or die stillborn, even before the rise of mysticism at the expense of rational thinking, an event often attributed to al-Ghazzali around the turn of the 12th century. Indeed, it would seem orthodox Islam utterly stifles intellectual reasoning. Therefore, Islam is not the cause of scientific progress during the Golden Age. Many people would say that the Golden Age scientific progress was made in spite of Islam, not because of it. A prime example is the great philosopher-physician Ibn Sina (Avicenna) whose work is constantly referenced by Dr K. Ajram. ([[Setting the Record Straight: The Non-Miracle of Islamic Science|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Pedophilia in the Qur'an|2=[[File:Women protesters.jpg|250px|link=Pedophilia in the Qur'an]]|3=March 23, 2010: Women protesters hold up copies of the Qur'an outside parliament in Sanaa while stating that a proposed law banning marriages under the age of 17 in Yemen is un-Islamic.
The Qur'an in verse 33:49 states that no 'Iddah is prescribed for a woman who has not had intimate contact with her husband, but goes on to stipulate the 'Iddah for pre-pubescent girls in verse 65:4, meaning: the holiest text of Islam supports marrying and having sex with prepubescent girls. This is definitive proof that the Qur'an endorses pedophilia, the most abominable of all sexual crimes. ([[Pedophilia in the Qur'an|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=The Geocentric Qur'an|2=[[File:Geocentrism.jpg|350px|link=The Geocentric Qur'an]]|3=According to the Qur'an, the Sun (and the moon and the five known planets) follow a curved course. This course starts in the east, goes high above the earth and ends after sunset with the Sun resting at night at a hidden place. All this took place around an earth that was spread out and had a firmament built on invisible pillars above it. This was a common belief at the time. Sahih hadiths affirm this geocentric cosmology, and great ancient, and even modern-day, Muslim astronomists agree that the Qur'an is geocentric. In ancient times, many people - but certainly not all - did not know any better than what they seemed to observe everyday: the sun appeared to be going around the earth through our skies. We cannot blame a 7th century Bedouin for not knowing this, but should not the omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient creator of the universe know better? ([[The Geocentric Qur'an|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Georgics|2=[[File:Georgics.jpg|130px|link=Georgics]]|3=To demonstrate how ludicrously easy it is to prove that any ancient poetry can be reinterpreted to reveal scientific miracles, we present to you a satiric article that 'proves' that the Georgica, written by Virgil in Golden Latin in the year 28 BC, contains scientific miracles. In the very first eight words alone of the Georgics we find no less than five (there's probably many more) scientifically accurate statements of which Virgil himself (born in the first century BC) could not have had any knowledge of, due to science only confirming them many centuries later.
What divine source could have whispered all this into Virgil's ear? Virgil was a polytheist, who worshipped many different gods. Is this truly a miracle sent down from the ancient Roman gods? Let the honest reader draw his or her own conclusions. All we request is that you look upon this with an open mind. ([[Georgics|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Women are Deficient in Intelligence|2=[[File:In Islam 1 man equals 2 women.jpg|241px|link=Women are Deficient in Intelligence]]|3=Muhammad's dislike for women caused him to declare that the majority of the inhabitants of Hell are women. When asked why he said it was because they are deficient in intelligence and religion and because they are ungrateful to their husbands. Although apologists and female Muslims use a lot of creative arguments to explain away Muhammad's declarations about women, they don't stand up to scrutiny. This article presents evidence showing Muhammad's belief that ''all'' women are less intelligent than their male counterparts, as well as refuting the common Muslim claims. ([[Women are Deficient in Intelligence|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Misquoting Jesus and Others in the Qur'an|2=[[File:Misquoting Jesus and Others in the Quran.JPG|150px|link=Misquoting Jesus and Others in the Qur'an]]|3="O Jesus son of Mary!" said the disciples, or so claims the Qur'an in surah 5:112. On the surface this quote from one of Jesus' (Isa's) disciples may seem unextraordinary, but there is a subtle error here that few ever notice. However, once it is noticed, few will ever forget.
This article will show beyond a doubt that Muhammad was putting words into other people's mouths and fabricating quotes so that he could artificially create reinforcement and confirmation of the points he was trying to make, which is that Jesus was not the Son of God and Muhammad is Allah's prophesied final Messenger.
It was by Muhammad's good fortune that he was such a great military leader, for as a playwright he would have been sorely lacking. ([[Misquoting Jesus and Others in the Qur'an|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Flat Earth and the Qur'an|2=[[File:Muslim Researcher on Astronomy Fadhel Al-Sa'd.JPG|280px|link=Flat Earth and the Qur'an]]|3=As recently as 1993 the supreme religious authority of Saudi Arabia Sheik Abdul-Aziz Ibn Baaz declared "The earth is flat. Whoever claims it is round is an atheist deserving of punishment." In a televised debate aired on Iraqi Al-Fayhaa TV (October 31, 2007), Muslim Researcher on Astronomy Fadhel Al-Sa'd also declared that the Earth is flat as evidenced by Qur'anic verses and that the sun is much smaller than the Earth and revolves around it. As devout Muslims, they have good reason to conclude the Earth is flat; the Qur'anic verses 15:19, 20:53, 43:10, 50:7, 51:48, 71:19, 78:6, 79:30, 88:20 and 91:6 all clearly state this. Many apologists have attempted to explain away this oddity to fellow Muslims and Westerners, preying on their listeners ignorance of the Arabic language. As such, their apologetic claims have been easily refuted by native Arabic speakers. ([[Flat Earth and the Qur'an|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Refutation to Muslim Apologetics against Aisha's Age of Consummation|2=[[File:Moiz amjad.JPG|250px|link=Refutation to Muslim Apologetics against Aisha's Age of Consummation]]|3=The majority of Muslims today agree that Aisha was nine lunar years old when her marriage to the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, was consummated. However, some modernist Islamic apologists try to cast doubt on the age of Aisha when she married and had sex with Muhammad despite the many sahih hadiths in which Aisha explicitly and directly states that she was nine years old at the time. They are clearly embarrassed that their prophet married and had sex with a nine-year-old pre-pubescent child, and they sometimes seek to explain that Aisha was in fact not nine-years-old as the Sahih hadiths of Aisha’s own testimony claim, but some other ages derived from misquotations, indirect sources, fuzzy dating techniques, and downright slander. The most common of these arguments is propounded by the “Learner”, or Moiz Amjad. ([[Refutation to Muslim Apologetics against Aisha's Age of Consummation|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Witnessing the Moon Splitting Miracle|2=[[File:Rilles1.jpg|140px|link=Witnessing the Moon Splitting Miracle]]|3=Many Islamists, embarrassed that Muhammad had apparently split the moon without any of the great astronomy/astrology cultures like the Chinese, Indians, Persians, Romans and Greeks noticing, have come up with the legend of Cheraman Perumal (aka Cheraman Perumal aka Rajasekhara Varman), the last King of Malabar (now Kerala).
Only someone severely lacking in their mental faculties would believe that a man living in the ninth century could personally witness a 'miracle' performed by Muhammad in the seventh century, an event not witnessed by anybody else. Truly a miracle of Islam. ([[Witnessing the Moon Splitting Miracle|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Dhul-Qarnayn and the Sun Controversy in the Qur'an|2=[[File:Rising place of the sun.JPG|280px|link=Dhul-Qarnayn and the Sun Controversy in the Qur'an (Part One)]]|3=The precise meaning of the opening phrases in verses 86 and 90 in the 18th chapter of the Qur’an, Sura al-Kahf, or “The Cave”, is a matter of considerable controversy. Our analysis shows that the various interpretations that have been proposed for verses 18:86 and 18:90 in the Qur’an to reconcile them with scientific facts do not stand up to detailed scrutiny.
The evidence overwhelmingly supports the clear and obvious interpretation that this is intended to be understood as a historical account in which Dhu’l Qarnayn travelled until he reached the place where the sun sets and actually found that it went down into a muddy spring near to where a people were, and that he then travelled until he reached the place where the sun rises and actually found that it rose up above a people who lived close to the place where the sun rises. ([[Dhul-Qarnayn and the Sun Controversy in the Qur'an (Part One)|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Islam, Science and the Problems at Wikipedia|2=[[File:Wikipedia.JPG|230px|link=Islam, Science and the Problems at Wikipedia]]|3=At Wikipedia, Islam-related articles are severely compromised by Muslim editors. An example of this is a 2010 incident where an editor with over 67,000 edits was caught intentionaly inserting false information into articles.
Jagged 85 is the main contributor to the many inaccurate Islam/Science/Golden Age articles which are still being copied and pasted all over the internet by Muslims, and more than 20% of Wikipedia's "Timeline of historic inventions" was provided by him.
With contributions to over 8,100 separate articles, it is unlikely that all of Jagged 85's edits will ever be fixed. And even if they were, these Wikipedia articles have already been reproduced all over the net by other sites which use Wikipedia as a source. ([[Islam, Science and the Problems at Wikipedia|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Quran and Embryology|2=[[File:Fetus.jpg|160px|link=Quran and Embryology]]|3=There are propagations of the Qur'anic ‘so-called’ Embryology by such luminaries as Dr. Keith Moore and Dr. Maurice Bucaille. These works are aped by such Islamic scholars as Dr. Al Zeiny, Dr. Zakir Naik, Dr. Ibrahim Syed, Dr. Sharif Kaf Al-Ghazal, and the ubiquitous Harun Yahya aka Adnan Oktar.
A good additional material is provided by Dr. Omar Abdul Rehman in which he goes into even greater detail in his attempt to validate the Qur'anic ‘human reproduction’ verses with modern scientific facts.
Ignoring the "embryology hadiths" which are dealt with [[Embryology in Islamic Scripture|here]] and concentrating solely on the Qur'anic verses, this article refutes Qur'anic Embryology Pseudoscience (“QEP”). ([[Quran and Embryology|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Wife Beating in Islam|2=[[File:A scene from submission.jpg|210px|link=Wife Beating in Islam]]|3=Wife-beating in the Muslim world comes from the teachings of Islamic religious texts such as the Qur'an and the Hadiths. Because of this, domestic violence has been used as a tool to maintain control and dominance over Muslim women, this has created a patriarchal society where the men rule the women and women are to be submissive. In this article we will explore how wife-beating is promoted in the Qur'an and Hadiths, along with commentary from Muslim scholars, statistics on wife beating in the Muslim world, and common arguments made by Muslims and responses to them. ([[Wife Beating in Islam|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=How Islamic inventors did not change the world|2=[[File:20 Islamic inventions.JPG|190px|link=Islamic Inventions? How Islamic Inventors Did Not Change The World]]|3=These past few years have seen many inventions falsely claimed and attributed to Islamic inventors, which in fact either existed in pre-Islamic eras, were invented by other cultures, or both. Such claims have even been forced upon the unsuspecting public in a nationwide tour which opened with an exhibition at the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester and the University of Manchester, England. To celebrate this 'momentous' series of events, an article titled “How Islamic inventors changed the world” was written by Paul Vallely and published in The Independent. This article lists and examines all twenty of these “Islamic inventors/inventions that changed the world” and in doing so, it exposes the lengths some will sink to in order to appease the Islamists. ([[Islamic Inventions? How Islamic Inventors Did Not Change The World‎|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Muhammad and History's 100 Most Influential People‎|2=[[File:The 100 A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History.jpg|190px|link=Muhammad and History's 100 Most Influential People]]|3=In 1978 Jewish American astrophysicist Michael H. Hart (born April 28, 1932) released a book titled "The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History". This book, which has sold over 500,000 copies to date, has been somewhat controversial, not least due to its placing of Muhammad (the founder of Islam) over Jesus Christ (the founder of Christianity). This has unsurprisingly led to the list being used for the purpose of Islamic propaganda. Its choice of Muhammad as the most influential person in history has been, and still is being, celebrated on numerous Islamic websites and blogs, used in various videos on user-contributed media sites, and has been cited during the course of countless forum discussions. Hopefully any Muslim that reads this article will ponder the following; what exactly do they (as followers of Islam) consider so great about a Jewish American “Islamophobe's” opinion that an individual who he refers to as a “conqueror” ranked alongside Adolf Hitler is the most influential (not 'greatest') person in human history? ([[Muhammad and History's 100 Most Influential People‎|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Muslims Caught Using Deception‎|2=[[File:Muslims Taqiyya.JPG|190px|link=Muslims Caught Using Deception]]|3=Religiously, Muslims are permitted to lie or use deception if it is used to further the cause of Islam. This is generally referred to as Taqiyya. It is most often used to distort Islamic teachings, and also in the attempt to deceive people into believing that they are being persecuted for their faith in the West. This is particularly important to some Muslims, hoping to paint the persecutor as the persecuted and shifting focus away from the millions who face real persecution at the hands of Islam. It is also useful in creating an atmosphere of fear among the general Muslim population, gaining the sympathy of the West, and shaming vocal critics of Islam into silence. The most troubling aspect of Muslims "crying wolf" is not the extra cost to the tax-payers for wasted police time, resources etc., but the fact that the lives of many innocent non-Muslims would be, and no doubt have been, destroyed if the Muslim claims are believed. ([[Muslims Caught Using Deception‎|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Honor Related Violence‎|2=[[File:Honor victims.JPG|190px|link=Honor Killing Index]]|3=Honor Related Violence is physical violence that is inflicted on an individual by perpetrators who believe the victim has brought dishonor upon the family, clan, or community by engaging in any conduct that is perceived as immoral or unacceptable by religious or social/cultural standards. This violence almost always happens in Muslim families.
Honor Killing is a major problem in Muslim countries and has now spread to the west through immigration. In the west, if a Muslim women refuses to wear the traditional female Muslim clothing, wears makeup, wants to choose her own husband or leaves a husband, wants to live on her own or has an affair, her family takes offense at her desires and in their eyes she has dishonored the family. ([[Honor Killing Index|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Converts to Islam‎|2=[[File:Converts to islam.JPG|190px|link=Converts to Islam]]|3=A number of converts to Islam have appeared in the media due to their involvement in terrorism or terrorist organizations. Although terrorism is not exclusive to the Islamic ideology, it should be noted that a disproportionate number of terrorists are Muslims who are motivated by the teachings of Islam. Many converts to Islam are more zealous than those who are born into it; learning as much about their new found faith as they can. When they do that, the only conclusion that they can draw is that Islam's deity endorses terrorism and rewards the terrorists. The hate for non-Muslims found in Islam is quickly picked up by those who convert to it. As a result, these converts often turn to the practice or support of terrorism and violence; often showing hatred for their own countries, people, and their former way of life. ([[Converts to Islam|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=The Story of Umm Qirfa|2=[[File:Umm-Qirfa tied between two camels-pictorial-Islam-small.jpg|300px|link=The Story of Umm Qirfa]]|3=Umm Qirfa was an old Arab woman contemporaneous to Muhammad, the prophet of Islam. She belonged to a pagan tribe named Banu Fazara at Wadi Al-Qurra. This old woman who was also a chief of her clan was brutally killed when Muhammad’s followers raided her tribe and won over them. She was tied between two camels which were driven in opposite directions and her body was split apart. Later her decapitated head was presented to Muhammad as a gift who ordered it to be paraded throughout the streets of Medina. ([[The Story of Umm Qirfa|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Muhammad and Aisha|2=[[File:Woman-Girl-Man-2.jpg|250px|link=Aisha's Age of Consummation]]|3=Muhammad married Aisha when she was six years old and consummated the marriage while she remained pre-pubescent, aged just nine years old. Consequently, while following their prophet's example, Muslims throughout the world and throughout history have married girls as young six and in modern times many Islamic states have set the minimum age of marriage for females to be six or nine years of age.
''Narrated 'Aisha: that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old.'' ([[Aisha's Age of Consummation|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Islam and Freedom of Speech|2=[[File:Sudanese teddy bear controversy01.jpg|230px|link=Islam and Freedom of Speech]]|3=On the 30th of November 2007, as fifty-four year-old British schoolteacher Gillian Gibbons appealed for non-Muslim tolerance towards Muslims, ten thousand Muslim protesters took to the streets of Sudan, many waving swords, machetes, and clubs, demanding her execution. During the march, protesters chanted "Shame, shame on the UK", "No tolerance: execution", "Kill her, kill her by firing squad", Western journalists were harassed, and newspapers bearing her photographs were burnt. Her only crime was allowing her class of 7-year-old primary school pupils, at Unity High School in Khartoumto, to name a teddy bear 'Muhammad.' In accordance with the Sunnah of the prophet; blasphemy is punishable by death in Islam. ([[Islam and Freedom of Speech|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Slavery in Islam|2=[[File:Images-slavery-0008.jpg|300px|link=Islamic_Law#Slavery]]|3=Under Islamic laws, slavery is explicitly permitted. As Saudi Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan, a member of the Senior Council of Clerics had said in 2003, those who argue that slavery is abolished are "ignorant, not scholars. They are merely writers. Whoever says such things is an infidel." Muhammad himself was a slaver. He not only owned many male and female slaves, but he also sold, captured, and had sex with his slaves. Even his wives owned slaves. Muhammad's actions perpetuated the existence of this reprehensible trade by institutionalizing it within Islam. This sanction of slavery has helped the Muslim world create one of the largest trans-continental slave trades in history.  Slavery was (due largely to pressure from the West) officially abolished in the 1960's, but the trade still exists in the Islamic East. As of July 2009, there were over half a million slaves in Mauritania alone.  ([[Slavery|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Persecution of Homosexuals|2=[[File:Homosexuals.jpg|160px|link=Islam and Homosexuality]]|3=Mahmoud Asgari, 16, and Ayaz Marhoni, 18, were Iranian teenagers from the province of Khuzestan who were publicly hanged in Iran in July 2005 for engaging in consensual homosexual sex. Homosexuality in Islam is not only a sin, but a crime under Islamic law. [[Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars:Homosexuality|Muhammad asked Muslims]] to kill homosexuals. With the rise of the Islamic population in the West, also comes the rise in persecution. For example, while Muslims comprise just 2% of the total British population, they commit 25% of all anti-Homosexual crimes. However, this ongoing and increasing persecution of homosexuals by Muslims around the world, rarely makes the mainstream news. ([[Islam and Homosexuality|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=What They Say About Islam|2=[[File:Noteworthy on Islam.JPG|190px|link=Quotations on Islam from the Noteworthy]]|3="How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity.
The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men." - '''Sir Winston Churchill''' ([[Quotations on Islam from the Noteworthy|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Hatred of Jews|2=[[File:Images-nazism-0022.jpg|160px|link=Islamic Antisemitism]]|3=Anti-Semitism is rampant among followers of Islam. This intense hatred of Jews is deeply rooted within Islamic scripture. According to the Qur'an; Most of the Jews are faithless, perverted transgressors, and even Allah fights against them. Jews will listen to any lie. Jews are only satisfied if you follow Judaism. Muslims can't take the Jews as friends and protectors. Jews are the most hateful towards Muslims. Allah turned some Jews into apes and pigs for breaking the Sabbath. They're also obstinant, rebellious, and blasphemous, and Allah has cursed them with enmity and hatred until judgment day. Allah halts their efforts of warfare, and they are always causing mischief. And according to Muhammad "''The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him.''" ([[Islamic Antisemitism|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Islamic Silliness|2=[[File:Muhammad-the-fat-dwarf.jpg|160px|link=Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars:Islamic Silliness]]|3={{Quote|{{Abudawud|40|4731}}|Narrated AbuBarzah:
...'''When Ubaydullah saw him, he said: This Muhammad of yours is a dwarf and fat. The old man (i.e. AbuBarzah) understood it.''' So he said: I did not think that I should remain among people who would make me feel ashamed of the company of Muhammad (peace be upon him)...}}
Anyone who claims there is no humor in Islam, just hasn't looked close enough. ([[Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars:Islamic Silliness|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=The Ultimate Message of the Qur'an|2=[[Image:Images-US-0030.gif|222px|link=The Ultimate Message of the Qur'an]]|3=The tag “religion of peace” strangely remains with Islam despite the abundance of scholarly evidence to the contrary, as well as the negative impressions of it given by the actions of many of its adherants. It's also rather ironic, as the god of Islam never meant for his religion to be ever perceived as a peaceful one. Muhammad, the founder of Islam, could never envision a non-violent, just world where members of all faiths would live a peaceful co-existence. Rather, he was driven with a virulent lust for domination. ([[The Ultimate Message of the Qur'an|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=The Genocide of the Jewish Banu Qurayza|2=[[File:Banu qurayza massacre.jpg|130px|link=The Genocide of Banu Qurayza]]|3=Hijra year 5 (627 AD), almost nine hundred Jews of a Medinan tribe named Banu Qurayza were beheaded by Muslims in one day. Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, gave the order and was also the lead spectator of this inhumane butchery which began early in the day, ending in torchlight.
Those who escaped death (women and children, excluding boys who had begun to grow pubic hair) were taken captive by Muslims to be sold in slave markets and exchanged for horses and armour. This genocide is known in history as the Banu Qurayza incident. ([[The Genocide of Banu Qurayza|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=72 Virgins with firm breasts and appetizing vaginas|2=[[File:72-houris.jpg|175px|link=72 Virgins]]|3=In Islam, the concept of 72 virgins (houri) refers to an aspect of paradise. The Qur'an, hadith and Islamic scholars all mention that virgins will be awarded to Muslims in heaven, therefore we can conclude, in relation to the Islamic faith, it is not a myth.
Some of the virgins physical and sexual attributes include; being white, beautiful, eternally young, hairless except for the brows and the head, with appetizing vaginas and large round breasts which are not inclined to hang. Clearly none of these features can be attributed to raisins. ([[72 Virgins|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Allah "I sent Jibreel to blow into Mary's Vagina"|2=[[File:Angel Gabriel with the Virgin Mary.jpg|150px|link=Allah: I sent Jibreel to blow into Mary's Vagina]]|3=In Qur'anic verses 21:91 & 66:12, Allah says that he breathed into Mary's vagina in order to conceive Isa (the Islamic Jesus). When looking at the tafsir's we find that Allah did this by sending the Angel Jibreel (Gabriel) to complete this task. The word "Farj" is used in these verses to indicate where Allah/Jibreel blew, and Farj means "vagina." The verse uses "Farjaha" which means "her vagina."
“...''Allah sent the angel Jibril to Maryam, and he came to her in the shape of a man in every respect. Allah commanded him to blow into a gap of her garment and that breath went into her womb through her private part; this is how `Isa was conceived''...” - Tafsir Ibn Kathir ([[Allah: I sent Jibreel to blow into Mary's Vagina|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Accidents and Natural Disasters in the Muslim World‎|2=[[File:Pakistan-earthquake-4.jpg|190px|link=Accidents and Natural Disasters in the Muslim World]]|3=Many Muslims often gloat and celebrate when an accident or natural disaster befalls the Western and/or non-Muslim world, believing that it is the actions of a vengeful Allah. As Allah's people, Muslims believe they will always be protected by Allah against such calamities. The Qur'an even states that earthquakes are for non-Muslims and occur as the wrath of an angry God. However accidents and natural disasters happen very often in Muslim countries and Allah seems to turn a blind eye when disaster strikes, even when they occur during the Hajj in Mecca, where Islam's holiest site, the Kaaba, is located. ([[Accidents and Natural Disasters in the Muslim World|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=The Rising Star of Incompetent Muslim Science|2=[[File:Dr. Zakir Naik.jpg|250px|link=The Rising Star of Incompetent Muslim Science]]|3=A rising star in the field of Muslim apologetics is Dr. Zakir Naik of India. Many Muslims, especially the younger generation, refer to him as an expert in the “scientific miracles” of the Qur'an. One obviously would expect that such a great “scientific expert” would actually know a thing or two about science. He once attempted to refute the theory of evolution during the ‘Qur’an and Modern Science – Conflict or Conciliation?’ question and answer session. His entire refutation was rather short, and unsurprisingly received a rapturous applause from his audience. Yet in those few words, Dr. Naik managed to make 28 demonstrable errors of simple fact. This is an astounding level of scientific incompetence. ([[The Rising Star of Incompetent Muslim Science|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Why Muslim women are required to wear the Hijab|2=[[File:Hijab-protest.jpg|260px|link=Revelation of the Hijab]]|3=The real reason that Muslim women wear the hijab today is not a spiritual one, nor a matter of piety. Covering the hair/face cannot be considered an act of modesty because Muslim men are not required to cover theirs. The sole reason they do it is because Umar bin Al-Khattab, a companion of Muhammad, wished that Muhammad would reveal verses from Allah requiring women to wear it. when Muhammad did not oblige, Umar did not bother praying to Allah for assistance. Umar knew he had to make it personal for Muhammad himself in order to bring the revelation down. He followed Muhammad's wives out when they went to go to the toilet and made his presence known.  When Muhammad heard of this, the revelation that Umar had so wanted was sent down from Allah. Umar knew where these revelations were really coming from, which is why he pestered Muhammad and bothered his wives instead of asking Allah. ([[Revelation of the Hijab|''read more'']])}}</option>

<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Seven Sleepers of Ephesus in the Quran|2=[[File:Seven_sleepers.jpg|170px|link=Seven Sleepers of Ephesus in the Quran]]|3=The Qur'anic story of the "Companions of the Cave" has traditionally been explained by the Islamic narrative as proof of Allah's divine power whereby he miraculously caused 7 youths to fall asleep and awaken after more than 300 years. Yet comparison with the literary milieu of the Qur'an, 7th century Chrisian culture in the Middle East, reveals parallels to the 7 Sleepers of Ephesus, a Christian legend dating from the 5th century which tells the story of Christian youths being persecuted by the pagan Roman Emperor Decius in the 3rd century. ([[Seven Sleepers of Ephesus in the Quran|''read more'']])}}</option>

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Latest revision as of 18:21, 7 August 2023

Also see: Template:Pictorial-Islam

Isa al-Masih (Jesus Christ)
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In Islam, Isa al-Masih (عيسى المسي usually translated as Jesus Christ) is believed to be a prophet, second in rank to Muhammad, and not the son of God. Indeed, associating divinity with Jesus is decried as blasphemy in the Qur'an time and again. (read more)