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Hello, I stumbled accross this site on the [ Images of Jihad (Indonesia)] and [ Images of Jihad (Indonesia): Killings, Various Dates] articles, and there are several pictures which are mislabelled and have nothing to do with religious violence.
Hello, I stumbled accross this site on the [ Images of Jihad (Indonesia)] and [ Images of Jihad (Indonesia): Killings, Various Dates] articles, and there are several pictures which are mislabelled and have nothing to do with religious violence.

Chinese didn't actually get killed in the streets on May 1998. What happened was Indonesian looters attacked Chinese shops and tried stealing from them, but accidently started a fire and burned themselves to death instead. And then after that, dozens of rapes were reported against the Chinese. Most violence against Chinese was not killing, but attempted looting and raping. And thats no whitewashing of what happened, since rape is a very repulsive act.
Chinese didn't actually get killed in the streets on May 1998. What happened was Indonesian looters attacked Chinese shops and tried stealing from them, but accidently started a fire and burned themselves to death instead. And then after that, dozens of rapes were reported against the Chinese. Most violence against Chinese was not killing, but attempted looting and raping. [] [] [] And thats no whitewashing of what happened, since rape is a very repulsive act.

The images of people getting killed on the streets and beheaded are from other incidents, like Dayaks vs Madurese in Kalimantan, in Sampit, Sambas, and Indonesians going on a witch hunt in Banyuwangi.
The images of people getting killed on the streets and beheaded are from other incidents, like Dayaks vs Madurese in Kalimantan, in Sampit, Sambas, and Indonesians going on a witch hunt in Banyuwangi.