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Even today in developed countries, someone who reaches the age of 60 is considered old, and rarely do people reach the age of 100. If you knew your daughter would die like Aisha at 66, would that make it okay for her to have sex at the age of 9 with a 54 year old man?
Even today in developed countries, someone who reaches the age of 60 is considered old, and rarely do people reach the age of 100. If you knew your daughter would die like Aisha at 66, would that make it okay for her to have sex at the age of 9 with a 54 year old man?

====All religious founders were products of their time. We cannot judge Muhammad by today's standards====
====Všichni zakladatelé náboženství byli produktem své doby. Nemůžeme soudit Mohameda dnešními standardy====

Most Muslims clearly disagree with this statement. Unlike other faiths, in Islam, Muhammad is the "[[Uswa Hasana|uswa hasana, al-Insān al-Kāmil]]" (the perfect human, whose example is worthy of imitation). The Qur'an even refers to his morality as “sublime”,<ref>"''And most surely you conform (yourself) to sublime morality.''" - {{Quran|68|4}}</ref> and as the Qur'an is believed by Muslims to be the literal and final words of God, they are beyond the constraints of time.  
Většina muslimů s tímto tvrzením jasně nesouhlasí. Narozdíl od jiných věr, v islámu je Mohamed "[[Uswa Hasana|uswa hasana, al-Insān al-Kāmil]]" (dokonalý člověk, jehož příklad je hoden napodobování). Korán dokonce popisuje jeho morálku jako "vznešenou",<ref>"''And most surely you conform (yourself) to sublime morality.''" - {{Quran|68|4}}</ref> a jelikož muslimové věří, že Korán je doslovné a konečné slovo boží, není to časově omezeno.

All mainstream Muslims consider Muhammad to be the perfect example to follow. For them to suggest otherwise (thereby conceding that Muhammad's actions are immoral when compared to today's standards) would constitute [[apostasy]] via [[Islam and Freedom of Speech|blasphemy]] in belief<ref>[{{Reference archive|1=http://web.archive.org/web/20101025105557/http://alsunna.org/Questions-about-Apostasy-Blasphemy.html|2=2011-10-24}} Questions about Apostasy (Blasphemy)] - Al Sunna.org</ref> and would make them liable for the death sentence under Islamic law.  
Všichni mainstreamoví muslimové považují Mohameda za dokonalý příklad pro následování. Pro ně, tvrdit něco jiného (tedy připustit, že Mohamedovy činy jsou nemorální ve srovnání s dnešními standardy) by znamenalo [[Odpadlictví|odpadlictví]] skrze [[Islám a svoboda slova|rouhání]] ve víře<ref>[{{Reference archive|1=http://web.archive.org/web/20101025105557/http://alsunna.org/Questions-about-Apostasy-Blasphemy.html|2=2011-10-24}} Questions about Apostasy (Blasphemy)] - Al Sunna.org</ref> a byli by zodpovědní za trest smrti, pod islámským právem.

They do not judge morality by "today's" standard, but by Muhammad's standard. Hence millions of young girls today are forced into [[Contemporary Pedophilic Islamic Marriages|pedophilic child marriages]] by individuals, and even entire countries, who explicitly use Muhammad and Aisha's relationship as justification.<ref name="University of Houston"></ref><ref name="Sheikh Hamoud"></ref><ref name="Mufti Fazlul"></ref><ref name="Imam Sani"></ref><ref name="Sheikh Mohamed Ben"></ref>
Oni nesoudí morálku podle "dnešního" standardu, ale podle Mohamedova standardu. Proto jsou dnes miliony mladých dívek nuceny do [[Moderní pedofilní islámská manželství|pedofilních dětských manželství]] lidmi, a i celými zeměmi, které explicitně používají vztah Aiši a Mohameda jako ospravedlnění.<ref name="University of Houston"></ref><ref name="Sheikh Hamoud"></ref><ref name="Mufti Fazlul"></ref><ref name="Imam Sani"></ref><ref name="Sheikh Mohamed Ben"></ref>

Muhammad and Aisha's relationship is also used to hinder attempts by developing countries to move forward by banning child marriages. For example; in countries like Yemen, Bangladesh, Iran, and Northern Nigeria, recent attempts at reforming laws and banning child marriages have been opposed and stopped on the grounds that such a ban would be "un-Islamic".<ref name="Imam Sani"></ref><ref name="Weekly Blitz">[http://www.weeklyblitz.net/1386/islamist-leader-threatens-of-waging-jihad <!-- Backup link from Jihad Watch {{Reference archive|1=http://www.jihadwatch.org/2011/04/bangladesh-islamic-cleric-threatens-jihad-if-child-marriage-is-banned.html|2=2011-04-23}}  -->Islamist leader threatens of waging Jihad] - Weekly Blitz, April 20, 2011</ref><ref name="MESSAGE">yessir - [{{Reference archive|1=http://www.abigmessage.com/child-marriage-death-of-13-year-old-bride-after-wedding.html|2=2011-10-25}} Child Marriage - Death Of 13 Year Old Bride After Wedding] - A BIG MESSAGE, April 10, 2010</ref><ref name="IRIN">[{{Reference archive|1=http://www.irinnews.org/Report.aspx?ReportId=88589|2=2011-10-25}} YEMEN: Deep divisions over child brides] - IRIN, March 28, 2010</ref>
Vztah Mohameda a Aiši je také použit pro překážení pokusům rozvojových zemí posunout se dál zrušením dětských manželství. Například v zemích jako Jemen, Bangladéš, Irán a Severní Nigérie, nedávné pokusy o reformaci zákonů a zrušení dětských sňatků byly odmítnuty a zastaveny, na základě toho, že takový zákaz by byl "ne-islámský".<ref name="Imam Sani"></ref><ref name="Weekly Blitz">[http://www.weeklyblitz.net/1386/islamist-leader-threatens-of-waging-jihad <!-- Backup link from Jihad Watch {{Reference archive|1=http://www.jihadwatch.org/2011/04/bangladesh-islamic-cleric-threatens-jihad-if-child-marriage-is-banned.html|2=2011-04-23}}  -->Islamist leader threatens of waging Jihad] - Weekly Blitz, April 20, 2011</ref><ref name="MESSAGE">yessir - [{{Reference archive|1=http://www.abigmessage.com/child-marriage-death-of-13-year-old-bride-after-wedding.html|2=2011-10-25}} Child Marriage - Death Of 13 Year Old Bride After Wedding] - A BIG MESSAGE, April 10, 2010</ref><ref name="IRIN">[{{Reference archive|1=http://www.irinnews.org/Report.aspx?ReportId=88589|2=2011-10-25}} YEMEN: Deep divisions over child brides] - IRIN, March 28, 2010</ref>

In some cases, Muhammad and Aisha's relationship is used to effectively "turn back the clock" by legalizing child marriages in places they were previously illegal. For example; in 2010, the Malaysian State of southern Malacca legalized child marriages specifically between adult Muslim men and young Muslim girls ''below'' the age of 16. Ivy Josiah, the executive director of the ''Women's Aid Organisation'', noted "Child marriage amounts to paedophilia ... It is really a regressive move. It is turning back the clock."<ref name="World News Australia">[{{Reference archive|1=http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-world/outcry-over-malaysian-child-marriages-20100804-11fey.html|2=2011-10-25}} Outcry over Malaysian child marriages] - Sydney Morning Herald, August 4, 2010</ref>
V některých případech je vztah Mohameda a Aiši efektivně použit pro "vrácení v čase", legalizací dětských manželství v místech, kde byly dříve ilegílní. Např. v roce 2010 Malajsijský stát jižní Malakky legalizoval dětská manželství speciálně mezi dospělými muslimskými muži a mladými muslimskými dívkami věku menšího, než 16. Ivy Josiah, výkonný ředitel ''Women's Aid Organisation'', poznamenal "Dětské sňatky se rovnají pedofilii ... Je to opravdu krok zpátky. Je to posouvání času zpět."<ref name="World News Australia">[{{Reference archive|1=http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-world/outcry-over-malaysian-child-marriages-20100804-11fey.html|2=2011-10-25}} Outcry over Malaysian child marriages] - Sydney Morning Herald, August 4, 2010</ref>

The Islamic texts themselves specifically destroy any appeals to cultural relativism that could be otherwise aimed at Muhammad's marriage. In Sahih Bukhari, Muhammad claimed it was Allah's will (through a dream)<ref>"''....You were shown to me twice (in my dream) before I married you. I saw an angel carrying you in a silken piece of cloth, and I said to him, 'Uncover (her),' and behold, it was you. I said (to myself), 'If this is from Allah, then it must happen.....''" - {{Bukhari|9|87|140}}</ref> that he marry Aisha. Thus, it was not the primitive Arabian culture that led to his marriage, but the "timeless" morality of Allah.
Samy islámské texty výslovně ničí jakékoliv výzvy kulturního relativismu, které by jinak mohly být namířeny proti Mohamedově manželství. V Sahih Bucharí, Mohamed tvrdil, že to byla Aláhova vůle (skrze sen)<ref>"''....You were shown to me twice (in my dream) before I married you. I saw an angel carrying you in a silken piece of cloth, and I said to him, 'Uncover (her),' and behold, it was you. I said (to myself), 'If this is from Allah, then it must happen.....''" - {{Bukhari|9|87|140}}</ref> aby si vzal Aišu. Nebyla to tedy primitivní Arabská kultura, která vedla k jeho manželství, ale "nadčasová" morálka Aláhova.

====Židovský Talmud říká, že sex s malou holkou je povolen když jí jsou tři roky====
====Židovský Talmud říká, že sex s malou holkou je povolen když jí jsou tři roky====