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*[[Islam in the News#Australia: Man accused of terrorism-related charges discussed poisoning water supplies and making bombs to take out non-Muslims|Australia: Man accused of terrorism-related charges discussed poisoning water supplies and making bombs to take out non-Muslims]] <small>- Apr. 8, 2013</small>
*[[Islam in the News#Bangladesh: Muslims give government three weeks to meet their 13 demands, PM rules out new blasphemy law|Bangladesh: Muslims give government three weeks to meet their 13 demands, PM rules out new blasphemy law]] <small>- April. 6, 2013</small>
*[[Islam in the News#Bangladesh: Muslims give government three weeks to meet their 13 demands, PM rules out new blasphemy law|Bangladesh: Muslims give government three weeks to meet their 13 demands, PM rules out new blasphemy law]] <small>- April. 6, 2013</small>
*[[Islam in the News#Syria: Western backed rebels recruit children for military missions, sexual abuse and human shields|Syria: Western backed rebels recruit children for military missions, sexual abuse and human shields]] <small>- Apr. 7, 2013</small>
*[[Islam in the News#Syria: Western backed rebels recruit children for military missions, sexual abuse and human shields|Syria: Western backed rebels recruit children for military missions, sexual abuse and human shields]] <small>- Apr. 7, 2013</small>
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*[[Islam in the News#Australia: Women and non-Muslims 'not welcome' at mosque funeral for former policeman|Australia: Women and non-Muslims 'not welcome' at mosque funeral for former policeman]] <small>- Apr. 7, 2013</small>
*[[Islam in the News#Australia: Women and non-Muslims 'not welcome' at mosque funeral for former policeman|Australia: Women and non-Muslims 'not welcome' at mosque funeral for former policeman]] <small>- Apr. 7, 2013</small>
*[[Islam in the News#Egypt: Al-Qaeda leader urges Muslims in "Arab Spring" countries to violence for goal of Islamic law|Egypt: Al-Qaeda leader urges Muslims in "Arab Spring" countries to violence for goal of Islamic law]] <small>- Apr. 7, 2013</small>
*[[Islam in the News#Egypt: Al-Qaeda leader urges Muslims in "Arab Spring" countries to violence for goal of Islamic law|Egypt: Al-Qaeda leader urges Muslims in "Arab Spring" countries to violence for goal of Islamic law]] <small>- Apr. 7, 2013</small>
*[[Islam in the News#Bangladesh: Half a million Muslims take part in anti-atheist protest, demand hanging of atheist bloggers|Bangladesh: Half a million Muslims take part in anti-atheist protest, demand hanging of atheist bloggers]] <small>- Apr. 6, 2013</small>