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<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Hatred of Jews|2=[[File:Images-nazism-0022.jpg|160px|link=Islamic Antisemitism]]|3=Anti-Semitism is rampant among followers of Islam. This intense hatred of Jews is deeply rooted within Islamic scripture. According to the Qur'an; Most of the Jews are faithless, perverted transgressors, and even Allah fights against them. Jews will listen to any lie. Jews are only satisfied if you follow Judaism. Muslims can't take the Jews as friends and protectors. Jews are the most hateful towards Muslims. Allah turned some Jews into apes and pigs for breaking the Sabbath. They're also obstinant, rebellious, and blasphemous, and Allah has cursed them with enmity and hatred until judgment day. Allah halts their efforts of warfare, and they are always causing mischief. And according to Muhammad "''The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him.''" ([[Islamic Antisemitism|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Hatred of Jews|2=[[File:Images-nazism-0022.jpg|145px|link=Islamic Antisemitism]]|3=Anti-Semitism is deeply rooted within Islamic scripture and theology. According to the Qur'an; Most of the Jews are faithless, perverted transgressors, and even Allah fights against them. Jews will listen to any lie. Jews are only satisfied if you follow Judaism. Muslims can't take the Jews as friends and protectors. Jews are the most hateful towards Muslims. Allah turned some Jews into apes and pigs for breaking the Sabbath. They're also obstinant, rebellious, and blasphemous, and Allah has cursed them with enmity and hatred until judgment day. Allah halts their efforts of warfare, and they are always causing mischief. And according to Muhammad "''The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him.''" ([[Islamic Antisemitism|''read more'']])}}</option>

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<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=The Ultimate Message of the Qur'an|2=[[Image:Images-US-0030.gif|222px|link=The Ultimate Message of the Qur'an]]|3=The tag “religion of peace” strangely remains with Islam despite the abundance of scholarly evidence to the contrary, as well as the negative impressions of it given by the actions of many of its adherants. It's also rather ironic, as the god of Islam never meant for his religion to be ever perceived as a peaceful one. Muhammad, the founder of Islam, could never envision a non-violent, just world where members of all faiths would live a peaceful co-existence. Rather, he was driven with a virulent lust for domination. ([[The Ultimate Message of the Qur'an|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=The Genocide of the Jewish Banu Qurayza|2=[[File:Banu qurayza massacre.jpg|130px|link=The Genocide of Banu Qurayza]]|3=Hijra year 5 (627 AD), on the orders of Prophet Muhammad, almost nine hundred Jews of a Medinan tribe named Banu Qurayza were massacred by Muslims. The killing began early in the day, ending in torchlight. Those who escaped death (women and children, excluding boys who had begun to grow pubic hair) were taken captive by Muslims to be sold in slave markets and exchanged for horses and armour.  

Muslims propose many apologetic arguments to excuse this crime. The most favored argument they use is the alleged treachery of Banu Quraiza. Its flaws are evident when considering any act of treachery from this tribe would have put an end to Islam at Khandaq, and as a result, Islam would never have existed outside of Arabia. ([[The Genocide of Banu Qurayza|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=The Genocide of the Jewish Banu Qurayza|2=[[File:Banu qurayza massacre.jpg|130px|link=The Genocide of Banu Qurayza]]|3=Hijra year 5 (627 AD), almost nine hundred Jews of a Medinan tribe named Banu Qurayza were beheaded by Muslims in one day. Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, gave the order and was also the lead spectator of this inhumane butchery which began early in the day, ending in torchlight.
Those who escaped death (women and children, excluding boys who had begun to grow pubic hair) were taken captive by Muslims to be sold in slave markets and exchanged for horses and armour. This genocide is known in history as the Banu Qurayza incident. ([[The Genocide of Banu Qurayza|''read more'']])}}</option>

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<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Accidents and Natural Disasters in the Muslim World‎|2=[[File:Pakistan-earthquake-4.jpg|190px|link=Accidents and Natural Disasters in the Muslim World]]|3=Many Muslims often gloat and celebrate when an accident or natural disaster befalls the Western and/or non-Muslim world, believing that it is the actions of a vengeful Allah. As Allah's people, Muslims believe they will always be protected by Allah against such calamities. The Qur'an even states that earthquakes are for non-Muslims and occur as the wrath of an angry God. However accidents and natural disasters happen very often in Muslim countries and Allah seems to turn a blind eye when disaster strikes, even when they occur during the Hajj in Mecca, where Islam's holiest site, the Kaaba, is located. ([[Accidents and Natural Disasters in the Muslim World|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Accidents and Natural Disasters in the Muslim World‎|2=[[File:Pakistan-earthquake-4.jpg|190px|link=Accidents and Natural Disasters in the Muslim World]]|3=Many Muslims often gloat and celebrate when an accident or natural disaster befalls the Western and/or non-Muslim world, believing that it is the actions of a vengeful Allah. As Allah's people, Muslims believe they will always be protected by Allah against such calamities. The Qur'an even states that earthquakes are for non-Muslims and occur as the wrath of an angry God. However accidents and natural disasters happen very often in Muslim countries and Allah seems to turn a blind eye when disaster strikes, even when they occur during the Hajj in Mecca, where Islam's holiest site, the Ka'aba, is located. ([[Accidents and Natural Disasters in the Muslim World|''read more'']])}}</option>

<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=The Rising Star of Incompetent Muslim Science|2=[[File:Dr. Zakir Naik.jpg|250px|link=The Rising Star of Incompetent Muslim Science]]|3=A rising star in the field of Muslim apologetics is Dr. Zakir Naik of India. Many Muslims, especially the younger generation, refer to him as an expert in the “scientific miracles” of the Qur'an. One obviously would expect that such a great “scientific expert” would actually know a thing or two about science. He once attempted to refute the theory of evolution during the ‘Qur’an and Modern Science – Conflict or Conciliation?’ question and answer session. His entire refutation was rather short, and unsurprisingly received a rapturous applause from his audience. Yet in those few words, Dr. Naik managed to make 28 demonstrable errors of simple fact. This is an astounding level of scientific incompetence. ([[The Rising Star of Incompetent Muslim Science|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=The Rising Star of Incompetent Muslim Science|2=[[File:Dr. Zakir Naik.jpg|250px|link=The Rising Star of Incompetent Muslim Science]]|3=Many Muslims, especially the younger generation, refer to Dr. Zakir Naik (who believes apostates should be executed), as an expert in the “scientific miracles” of the Qur'an. One obviously would expect that such a great “scientific expert” would actually know a thing or two about science. He once attempted to refute the theory of evolution during the ‘Qur’an and Modern Science – Conflict or Conciliation?’ question and answer session. His entire refutation was rather short, and unsurprisingly received a rapturous applause from his audience. Yet in those few words, Dr. Naik managed to make 28 demonstrable errors of simple fact. This is an astounding level of scientific incompetence. ([[The Rising Star of Incompetent Muslim Science|''read more'']])}}</option>

<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Why Muslim women are required to wear the Hijab|2=[[File:Hijab-protest.jpg|260px|link=Revelation of the Hijab]]|3=The real reason that Muslim women wear the hijab today is not a spiritual one, nor a matter of piety. Covering the hair/face cannot be considered an act of modesty because Muslim men are not required to cover theirs. The sole reason they do it is because Umar bin Al-Khattab, a companion of Muhammad, wished that Muhammad would reveal verses from Allah requiring women to wear it. when Muhammad did not oblige, Umar did not bother praying to Allah for assistance. Umar knew he had to make it personal for Muhammad himself in order to bring the revelation down. He followed Muhammad's wives out when they went to go to the toilet and made his presence known.  When Muhammad heard of this, the revelation that Umar had so wanted was sent down from Allah. Umar knew where these revelations were really coming from, which is why he pestered Muhammad and bothered his wives instead of asking Allah. ([[Revelation of the Hijab|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=Why Muslim women are required to wear the Hijab|2=[[File:Hijab-protest.jpg|260px|link=Revelation of the Hijab]]|3=The real reason that Muslim women wear the hijab today is not a spiritual one, nor a matter of piety. Covering the hair/face cannot be considered an act of modesty because Muslim men are not required to cover theirs. The sole reason they do it is because Umar bin Al-Khattab, a companion of Muhammad, wished that Muhammad would reveal verses from Allah requiring women to wear it. When Muhammad did not oblige, Umar did not consider praying to Allah for assistance. Umar knew he had to make it personal for Muhammad himself in order to bring the revelation down. He followed Muhammad's wives out when they went to go to the toilet and made his presence known.  When Muhammad heard of this, the revelation that Umar had so wanted was sent down from Allah. Umar knew where these revelations were really coming from, which is why he went to Muhammad and harassed his wives instead of asking Allah. ([[Revelation of the Hijab|''read more'']])}}</option>

Revision as of 01:40, 18 April 2013

Also see: Template:Pictorial-Islam

Adam, Eve, and the Six Days of Creation
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According to Islamic sources, creation began six thousand years before the advent of Islam. The first thing to be created was the planet Earth, which took two days to complete, from Sunday to Monday. Then it took another two days to create the mountains, trees, and everything else. The final two days, Thursday and Friday, were spent creating the "heavens", the sun, moon, other planets, and a sixty cubits (approximately ninety feet) tall Adam.

Hawwa' (Eve) was created from Adam's left rib, whilst he was asleep in the Garden. She is blamed by Adam for persuading him to eat from the forbidden tree. As a result, they are both cast out from the garden in Paradise and sent down to the planet Earth, where their decedents continue to decrease in size.

As punishment for her transgression, Allah makes Eve menstruate, suffer pregnancy and become stupid. Therefore, according to Islamic beliefs, today all women menstruate (are deficient in religion) and are created stupid (deficient in intelligence). (read more)