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==The 'Iddah of Slaves and Women Taken As War Booty==
==The 'Iddah of Slaves and Women Taken As War Booty==
Islam critics point out that:
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*Muslim are allowed to derive sexual pleasures from the prisoner virgin girls with ‘penetration’ the same night, without giving them any 'waiting period' to mourn their dead family members.
*In spite of the aforementioned claims of concern for the well-being of women, according to traditional [[Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence)]] Muslim men are allowed to derive sexual pleasures from the virgin girls taken as war booty during Jihad  without giving them any 'waiting period' to mourn their dead family members. As far as the non-virgin slaves taken as war booty are concerned, if already have husbands, then vaginal coitus is not allowed till they become free of their first menstrual period, but theMuslim mujhaahiduun are allowed to undress them the same night and to take all kinds of other sexual pleasures and sexual favors from them aside from vaginal penetration.
*And as far as the prisoner women are concerned, who already have husbands, then penetration in their vaginas is not allowed till they become free of their first menstrual period. But still Muslims are allowed to undress them the same night and to take all kind of other sexual pleasures and sex services with their naked bodies except for penetration.
{{Quote|1=[http://web.archive.org/save/http://library.islamweb.net/newlibrary/display_book.php?idfrom=4080&idto=4081&bk_no=52&ID=1404&idfrom=4523&idto=5022&bookid=18&startno=425 Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqallani, in his book Fath-ul-Bari]|2=وقال عطاء لا بأس أن يصيب من جاريته الحامل ما دون الفرج
{{Quote|1=[http://web.archive.org/save/http://library.islamweb.net/newlibrary/display_book.php?idfrom=4080&idto=4081&bk_no=52&ID=1404&idfrom=4523&idto=5022&bookid=18&startno=425 Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqallani, in his book Fath-ul-Bari]|2=وقال عطاء لا بأس أن يصيب من جاريته الحامل ما دون الفرج

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Hasan Basri finds nothing objectionable in kissing a woman or to having sex with her. And Ibn Umar said that such a slave woman who is given as a present, or who is sold, or who is made free, but sex had been done with her before that, then she had to undergo a waiting period. '''And Atta said if a slave woman had become pregnant (from the earlier owner/husband), then still pleasure could be derived from the whole of her body, except for her vagina.'''}}
Hasan Basri finds nothing objectionable in kissing a woman or to having sex with her. And Ibn Umar said that such a slave woman who is given as a present, or who is sold, or who is made free, but sex had been done with her before that, then she had to undergo a waiting period. '''And Atta said if a slave woman had become pregnant (from the earlier owner/husband), then still pleasure could be derived from the whole of her body, except for her vagina.'''}}
In order to understand the trauma of those captive women due to the killing of their relatives, please see the following tradition.
The sorrow and pain of such women are recorded in Tabari:
{{Quote|1=[https://books.google.de/books?id=4A-4ZC4l0dMC&pg=PA122&lpg=PA122&dq=she+commanded+that+Safiyyah+should+be+kept+behind+him+and+that+the+Messenger+of+God+had+chosen+her+for+himself&source=bl&ots=pHDBKo-6Bv&sig=W8sWDq8ZJ4nLwFZpsA1obfYZJ48&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwizjuC41L7bAhVHXRQKHSEhD7EQ6AEIKTAA#v=onepage&q=she%20commanded%20that%20Safiyyah%20should%20be%20kept%20behind%20him%20and%20that%20the%20Messenger%20of%20God%20had%20chosen%20her%20for%20himself&f=false History of Tabari, Volume 8, Page 112]|2=Ibn Ishaq said: After the Messenger of God conquered al-Qamus, Safiyyah bint Huyayy was brought to him, and another woman with her. Bilal (a companion), who was the one who brought them, led them past some of the slain Jews. When the woman who was with Safiyyah saw them, she cried out, struck her face, and poured dust on her head. When the Messenger of God saw her, he said, "Take this she-devil away from me!" ... The Messenger of God said to Bilal, when he saw the Jewish woman doing what he saw her do, "Are you devoid of mercy, Bilal, that you take two women past their slain men?"}}
{{Quote|1=[https://books.google.de/books?id=4A-4ZC4l0dMC&pg=PA122&lpg=PA122&dq=she+commanded+that+Safiyyah+should+be+kept+behind+him+and+that+the+Messenger+of+God+had+chosen+her+for+himself&source=bl&ots=pHDBKo-6Bv&sig=W8sWDq8ZJ4nLwFZpsA1obfYZJ48&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwizjuC41L7bAhVHXRQKHSEhD7EQ6AEIKTAA#v=onepage&q=she%20commanded%20that%20Safiyyah%20should%20be%20kept%20behind%20him%20and%20that%20the%20Messenger%20of%20God%20had%20chosen%20her%20for%20himself&f=false History of Tabari, Volume 8, Page 112]|2=Ibn Ishaq said: After the Messenger of God conquered al-Qamus, Safiyyah bint Huyayy was brought to him, and another woman with her. Bilal (a companion), who was the one who brought them, led them past some of the slain Jews. When the woman who was with Safiyyah saw them, she cried out, struck her face, and poured dust on her head. When the Messenger of God saw her, he said, "Take this she-devil away from me!" ... The Messenger of God said to Bilal, when he saw the Jewish woman doing what he saw her do, "Are you devoid of mercy, Bilal, that you take two women past their slain men?"}}  
Islam critics thus question the double standards here:

*On one side, Islam advocates claim that a Muslim woman is not allowed to be wed during 3 periods/months long 'Iddah while she is mentally under stress after the divorce.
*The clear disregard for the well-being of women presents a conundrum for modern day advocates of these Islamic laws and traditions. On one hand, Islamic law advocates claim that a Muslim woman is not allowed to be wed during 3 periods/months long 'Iddah while she is mentally under stress after the divorce. Yet on the flip side of the coin, by endorsing a tradition with such endorsements of sexual slavery, they ignore any such mental stress for the prisoner women and girls. Far away from the subject of divorce, even after killing all the men of their family, Muslim men are allowed their use sex objects the very same night that their slavery begins. They are provided with no 'waiting period' to come out of their mental stress.
*But on the other side, they deny any such mental stress for the prisoner women and girls. And what to talk about divorce, but even after killing all the men of their family, Muslim men use them as sex object the same night. They are provided with no 'waiting period' to come out of their mental stress.

Contrary to Islam, the Judaism and the Christianity allowed the prisoner women to mourn their relatives for one complete month, during which men were not allowed  to take any other sexual services from them.   
Contrary to Islam, even the laws of the Jewish Bible allowed the prisoner women to mourn their relatives for one complete month, during which men were not allowed  to take any other sexual services from them.   

{{Quote|1=[https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy%2021&version=NIV Bible, Deuteronomy, Chap 21]|2='''Marrying a Captive Woman'''
{{Quote|1=[https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy%2021&version=NIV Bible, Deuteronomy, Chap 21]|2='''Marrying a Captive Woman'''
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(14) If you are not pleased with her, let her go wherever she wishes. You must not sell her or treat her as a slave, since you have dishonored her.}}
(14) If you are not pleased with her, let her go wherever she wishes. You must not sell her or treat her as a slave, since you have dishonored her.}}

Islam critics point out that Muhammad rejected the Sharia of Moses in this case, and he followed the laws of the pagan Arab society of that time, as it benefitted him and the Muslims financially and they were free to seek sexual pleasures through the prisoner women the same night.
In creating these new rulings around taking the sexual pleasure of female sex slaves, Islamic law rejected the law of the Bible in this case, and more closely followed the laws of the pagan Arab society of the time of Muhammad, as it benefitted the Muslims financially and they were free to seek sexual pleasures through the prisoner women the same night.
