Genealogy of Muhammad

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Genealogy of Muhammad is a topic surrounded by doubt and controversies according to Islamic scholars. [1]

In Sirat Rasul Allah

Muhammad's biography lists all 49 ancestors up to the mythical Adam.

هذا كتاب سيرة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم . قال : محمد بن عبد الله بن عبد المطلب ، واسم عبد المطلب : شيبة بن هاشم واسم هاشم : عمرو بن عبد مناف واسم عبد مناف : المغيرة بن قصي ، ( واسم قصي : زيد ) بن كلاب بن مرة بن كعب بن لؤي بن غالب بن فهر بن مالك بن النضر [ ص: 2 ] بن كنانة بن خزيمة بن مدركة ، واسم مدركة : عامر بن إلياس بن مضر بن نزار بن معد بن عدنان بن ( أد ، ويقال ) : أدد بن مقوم بن ناحور بن تيرح بن يعرب بن يشجب بن نابت بن إسماعيل بن إبراهيم - خليل الرحمن - بن تارح ، وهو آزر بن ناحور بن ساروغ بن راعو بن فالخ [ ص: 3 ] بن عيبر بن شالخ بن أرفخشذ بن سام بن نوح بن لمك بن متوشلخ بن أخنوخ ، وهو إدريس النبي فيما يزعمون والله أعلم ، وكان أول بني آدم أعطى النبوة ، وخط بالقلم - ابن يرد بن مهليل بن قينن بن يانش بن شيث بن آدم صلى الله عليه وسلم .

This is the book of the biography of the apostle of God. Muhammad was the son of 'Abdullah [1], b. 'Abdu'l-Muttalib (whose name was Shayba) [2], bin.( bin means the son of in Arabic) Hashim (whose name was 'Amr) [3], b. 'Abdu Manaf (whose name wasal-Mughira) [4], b. Qusayy (whose name was Zayd) [5], b. Kilab [6], b. Murra [7], b. Ka'b [8], b.Lu'ayy [9], b. Ghalib [10], b. Fihr [11], b. Malik [12], b. al-Nadr [13], b. Kinana [14], b. Khuzayma [15], b.Mudrika (whose name was Amir) [16], b. Ilyas [17], b. Mudar [18], b. Nizar [19], b. Ma'add [20], b.'Adnan [21], b. Udd (or Udad) [22], b. Muqawwam [23], b. Nahur [24], b. Tayrah [25], b. Yarub [26], b.Yashjub [27], b. Nabit [28], b. Isma'il [29], b. Ibrahim (Ibrahim is Arabic for Abraham), the friend of the Compassionate [30], b. Tarih(who is Azar) [31], b. Nahur [32], b. Sarugh [33], b. Ra'u [34], b. Falikh [35], b. 'Aybar [36], b. Shalikh [37], b.Arfakhshadh [38], b. Sam [39], b. Nuh [40], b. Lamk [41], b. Mattushalakh [42], b. Akhnunk, who is that prophet Idris according to what they allege, but God alone knows best ... [43] b.Yard [44], b. Mahil [45], b. Qaynan [46], b. Yanish [47], b. Shith [48], b. Adam [49]

Ibn Ishaq/Ibn Hisham, Sirat Rasul Allah, p.3

Son of Ismail (Ishmael)

Muhammad is considered to be a descendant of Abraham's son Ishmael. According to the Bible, the covenant was between Abraham's son Isaac, not Ishmael:

Then God said, “Yes, but your wife Sarah will bear you a son, and you will call him Isaac. d I will establish my covenant with him as an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him. And as for Ishmael, I have heard you: I will surely bless him; I will make him fruitful and will greatly increase his numbers. He will be the father of twelve rulers, and I will make him into a great nation. But my covenant I will establish with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear to you by this time next year.” When he had finished speaking with Abraham, God went up from him.

The Bible (NIV), Genesis 17:19-22

Young earth creationism

Since Muhammad is considered to be among the 50th generation of people on Earth, even if each generation procreated around the age 100, the age of the world would be only 5000 years. While scientists have found human fossils 200000 years old. [2]

Since the mythical Adam was included in the biography of Muhammad, it puts doubt also on the historicity of Muhammad.
