Islam and Miracles

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Muslims throughout the world point to alleged miracles that they claim prove Islam is from Allah. This page lists and refutes all of their claims.

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of WikiIslam articles related to it

Quranic Miracles

A Qur’anic UniverseMuhammad's Miracles

Many Muslims claim that the Qur'an contains information that could not have been known to people at the time the Qur'an was created, and that it contains within its pages many other miracles.


This article argues that the Georgica, written by Virgil in Golden Latin in the year 28 BC, contains many scientific miracles (i.e. scientific foreknowledge). Furthermore, Virgil was an ancient Roman poet and the ancient Romans were polytheists, thus the Roman pantheon of deities exist. Of course this article is written as part satire. It demonstrates very effectively how easy it is to reinterpret any ancient poetry, such as the Qur'an, and reveal so-called scientific miracles.

Word Count Miracles in the Qur'an

One of the most popular claims of miracles is that the word yawm (singular of day) is repeated 365 times in the Qur'an, its plural and dual forms "days (ayyam and yawmayn)" together are repeated 30 times, while the number of repetitions of the word "month" (shahar) is 12. The first flaw with this is that the Islamic calender consists of 355 days, so these apologists are essentially favoring Christianity. Secondly, these counts are manipulated, generally in unstated ways, to produce the striking totals. Most people do not have the time or energy to count so they just assume it is true.

The Miracle of 19

Some Muslims and Submitters believe that Qur'an 74:30 is proof that the occurrence of observed "19" related facts in Islam is a confirmation of the truth of the religion. However, when we analyze the claims, we find this miracle of 19 is not a miracle. The actual chance of finding this miracle is 1 in 19 which is not an impressive probability at all. Additionally, an equal number of miracles, sometimes more, are found in anti-Islamic texts. Where the Qur'an says, "over it are Nineteen," it was simply talking about the number of angels in Hell. This is also confirmed by Muslim websites. Even Rashad Khalifa, the inventor of 19 'miracles' believes that 19 is the number of Angels in heaven (for him, he sees it as a 'miracle' that everything is 19).

Odd-Even Mathematical Miracle

There is a widely spread claim, circulating on the web at least since 1998, that there is a “mathematical miracle” in the Qur’an concerning the sums of the surah numbers, and the sums of the ayats, or verses. It is sometimes called a binary, odd-even, or checksum miracle. It consists of two apparently remarkable coincidences. Some might imagine the odds of this are thousands to one, but they are not. Both parts of the “miracle” are really just two ways to describe the same single coincidence. And as the article shows, due to various factors, the likelihood of its occurrence by chance is not so low that anyone should be impressed by it and proclaim it a miracle.

Splitting the Moon

Muslims believe that while Muhammad was in Mecca, Allah split the Moon as a miracle to the Meccans. This claim is made in the Hadith and some say that the evidence for this is on the Moon itself. To back up this claim, they use close-up pictures of the moon taken by NASA as evidence. These images of a "spilt" are actually lunar rilles. Rilles are long and deep gorges resembling canyons. A rille is typically several kilometers wide and hundreds of kilometers in length. Similar formations are found on a number of planets in the solar system, including Mars, Venus, and on a number of moons. Rilles can be found all over the lunar surface and they do not form a belt and therefore do not in anyway support the claim that the moon had been split asunder.

The Cat's Eye Nebula in the Qur'an

Some Muslims claim that the Cat's eye nebula was foretold in the Qur'an (55:37-38) “And when the heaven splitteth asunder and becometh rosy like red hide.” As evidence, they provide photographs taken by the NASA Hubble Space Telescope. The pictures are captured in infrared or X-ray spectrum. So, the photos that you see are actually invisible most times to the naked eye (since we cannot see infrared and X-ray as colors). False colors are then added by NASA at the time of releasing the pictures. The way the false color algorithms work is that you can give any color and it will shade the picture accordingly in that spectrum or band. So the explosion is not actually rosy. NASA has given this color to the picture but they could have given it any color, thus the entire argument is baseless.


Pareidolia is not miraculous, it is a type of illusion or mis-perception involving a vague or obscure stimulus being perceived as something clear and distinct. Pareidolia is the result of the the human mind’s tendency to pick recognizable imagery out of chaotic forms. Also, different patterns naturally form in different objects in nature. Arabic letters, unlike Latin characters, are very simple and continuous and with a little bit of imagination one can find them naturally occurring everywhere.

Animals Marked by Allah

Muslims claim that the mark on the cow reads Allah and the one on the calf reads Muhammad. Of course it takes the imagination of a Muslim to see these words.

Praying Tree

The praying tree in Sydney is so ridiculous that it takes the cake.

Allah in the Sky

Allah appears in the sky! A must see!

Muhammad in the Clouds

Now its Muhammad's turn.

A Tomato's Shahadah

This tomato simply couldn't resist Shahadah!

Honeycomb Allah

Allah approves of honey.

Allah's Favorite Fish

A blessed fish, which has been touched by Allah.

Allah in an Egg Plant

Yes, its as silly as it sounds.

Right Hand

Muslims claim that Allah created our hands to show his name.

Allah in the Ear

As opposed to Satan urinating in it Sahih Bukhari 2:21:245.


Among other methods, Muslims sometimes use doctored or even entirely faked images to mislead people into believing in Islam. There are numerous well-known and lesser-known Islamic Hoaxes.

Baby with Qur'anic Verses

A modern-day miracle from Allah, or a case of child-abuse?

10 Meter Tall Human Skeleton found in Saudi Arabia

In 2004 a news story ran that claimed that a 10 meter tall human skeleton was found in Saudi Arabia and it was concluded that this proves the Qur'an to be true. But the story was fake and the image was doctored.

Trees Saying Shahadah

A Photo taken of trees in Germany which spelt out the Shahadah. The picture is actually an oil based painting.

Human Bronchus Makes Shahadah

A medical drawing supposedly of human air tubes reads the Islamic Shahadah. The drawing was forged by Muslims.

Shariff Idd

According to a huge number of online sources, a 5 year old Kenyan boy - sometimes he's claimed to be Tanzanian or Nigerian - can recite the entire Qur'an and preach in at least 5 languages. The boy is alleged to have converted thousands of people all over the world. The truth; he can recite a surah or two.

Fake Conversions

Muslims sometimes claim various famous persons have converted to Islam. These stories are tenacious. Even after these conversion stories have been shown to be untrue: they continue to circulate the internet and are retold in newspapers and televisions shows throughout the Islamic world. They do this in order to boost morale, to prove that Islam is the “truth,” and that even rich Western celebrities can see this. In reality, people are leaving Islam by the millions.

Allah's Melons

Some Muslims claim that a certain melon was a sign from Allah, but the picture had obviously been doctored in Photoshop.

Cactuses Spell Out Allah

These branches are supposed to resemble the word Allah. However a Muslim had cut a branch from somewhere else to create the loop of "H" at the end of Allah.


Standing Mosques

Mosques left standing after major natural disasters are interpreted by some Muslims as signs from Allah.

Dog Responds to the Adhan

The dog is not responding to the call to prayer, but is simply irritated by the noise. This is far from a miracle and perhaps the best judge of 'miracles' in relation to dogs are not Muslims, who believe them to be najis, and are forbidden to own them in most cases.

Google Earth Proves Islam


These are articles on Islamic miracles.

See Also


Other Core Articles

Core articles contain an overview of other articles related to a specific issue, and serve as a starting point for anyone wishing to learn about Islam:

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