{{{apostatename}}} (Former Muslim)

From WikiIslam, the online resource on Islam
Revision as of 13:33, 9 June 2013 by Axius (talk | contribs)
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Note: This is a new submission that has not been reviewed yet.

This is a testimony of a Muslim leaving Islam. Views contained in these testimonies are not necessarily endorsed by WikiIslam. See the Testimony Disclaimer for details.
Personal information
Full name {{{fullname}}}
Country of origin    [[{{{countryoforigin}}}|{{{countryoforigin}}}]] [[Image: Flag of {{{countryoforigin}}}.png]]
Country of
[[{{{countryofresidence}}}|{{{countryofresidence}}}]] [[Image: Flag of {{{countryofresidence}}}.png]]
Gender    {{{gender}}}
Age    {{{age}}}
Website URL    [{{{websiteurl}}} WWW]
Influences    {{{influences}}}
Other interests    {{{otherinterests}}}
Faith Information
Current worldview {{{currentworldview}}}
Left Islam at age {{{leftislamatage}}}
Born or convert to Islam? default
Parents' worldview {{{parentsworldview}}}

Testimony of Leaving Islam


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[[Category:Former Muslims from {{{countryoforigin}}}]] [[Category:Former Muslims from {{{countryofresidence}}}]]