Olamning Qurondagi manzarasi: Difference between revisions

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{{Quote|{{Quron|21|16}}|Biz osmon va yerni hamda ularning orasidagi narsalarni öynab-behuda yaratganimiz yöq.}}
{{Quote|{{Quron|21|16}}|Biz osmon va yerni hamda ularning orasidagi narsalarni öynab-behuda yaratganimiz yöq.}}

Ajablanarli emas-ki, ushbu "osmon va yer orasidagi" fazo yerda turgan odamning (har doim ham töğri emas) nuqtai nazaridan tushuntirilgan. Atrofga qaraganda, Yer tekis körinadi, ufq esa kuzatuvchi tekis disk markazida turganidek taassurot qoldiradi. Tepaga qaralsa, osmon ufqqa örnatilgan qattiq kök gumbazdek tuyuladi. Quronda ham aynan shu taassurot tasvirlangan.
Ajablanarli emas-ki, ushbu "osmon va yer orasidagi" fazo yerda turgan odamning (har doim ham töğri emas) nuqtai nazaridan tushuntirilgan. Atrofga qaraganda, Yer tekis körinadi, ufq esa kuzatuvchi tekis disk markazida turganidek taassurot qoldiradi. Tepaga qaralsa, osmon gardishi ufqqa örnatilgan qattiq kök gumbazdek tuyuladi. Quronda ham aynan shu taassurot tasvirlangan.

Quronda Alloh osmonu yerni yaratayotganida, avval yerdan boshlagani ochiq aytiladi.
Quronda Alloh osmonu yerni yaratayotganida, avval yerdan boshlagani ochiq aytiladi.
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{{Quote|{{Quron|2|29}}|U shunday zotki, siz uchun Yerdagi barcha narsani yaratdi. Söngra samoga yuzlandi-da, ularni yetti osmon qilib tikladi. U hamma narsani bilguvchidir.}}
{{Quote|{{Quron|2|29}}|U shunday zotki, siz uchun Yerdagi barcha narsani yaratdi. Söngra samoga yuzlandi-da, ularni yetti osmon qilib tikladi. U hamma narsani bilguvchidir.}}

Shunday qilib islomiy olamning asosini kördik. Yer - tekis disk, osmon esa - ustma-ust yetti qattiq gumbaz.
Shunday qilib islomiy olamning asosini kördik. Yer - tekis disk, osmon esa - ustma-ust yetti qattiq gumbaz. Quyida bularni batafsil körib chiqamiz.
===Osmonlar va u yerda yashovchilar===
Yerdan qaralganda, eng ichki osmon gumbazi tepaga örlaydi, Quronda bu osmon aslida asosi yer diski bölgan yettita konsentrik gumbazdan iboratligi aytiladi.
{{Quote|{{Quron|2|29}}|U shunday zotki, siz uchun Yerdagi barcha narsani yaratdi. Söngra samoga yuzlandi-da, ularni yetti osmon qilib tikladi. U hamma narsani bilguvchidir.}}
{{Quote|{{Quron|41|12}}|Bas ikki kunda yetti osmonni barpo qildi va har bir osmonga ishi-vazifasini vahiy qildi. Biz quyi osmonni chiroqlar-yulduzlar bilan bezadik va saqladik. Bu qudratli va bilguvchi zotning taqdiri - ölchovidir.}}
Bu yetti osmon qattiq jismlardir; buni bir necha yöl bilan körsatish mumkin. Boshlanishiga shuni aytish mumkin: osmonlar himoyalash (tom kabi) va saqlash uchun tösiq sifatida xizmat qiladi.
Bu tomning himoyalovchi ekani bunga öxshash oyatlarda eslatiladi:
{{Quote|{{Quron|21|32}}|Biz osmonni qulab tushmaydigan tom qilib qöydik. Ular esa alomatlardan yuz ögiruvchidirlar.}}
Ularning qattiq ekanligi esa osmonlarning qulashi va yerda yashovchilarni jarohatlashi mumkinligi bilan tushuntiriladi.
{{Quote|{{Quron|34|9}}|Axir ular oldilaridagi va ortlaridagi narsalarga - osmonu zaminga boqmaydilarmi?! Agar Biz xohlasak, ularni yerga yuttirib yuborurmiz yoki osmonni ustlariga parcha-parcha qilib tushirurmiz. Albatta bunda har bir qaytguvchi banda uchun oyat-ibrat bordir.}}
In fact, they are so substantial that it is even conceivable to climb up onto them using a ladder.
{{Quote|{{Quron|6|35}}|If their spurning is hard on thy mind, yet if thou wert able to seek a tunnel in the ground or a ladder to the skies and bring them a sign,- (what good?).}}
And finally, the heavens are apparently heavy enough to require physical supports of some sort. Contrary to some Muslim claims, the Qur'an acknowledges that such supports are required, but also explains that they are invisible.
{{Quote|{{Quron|13|2}}|Allah is He Who raised the heavens without any pillars that ye can see; is firmly established on the throne (of authority); He has subjected the sun and the moon (to his Law)! Each one runs (its course) for a term appointed. He doth regulate all affairs, explaining the signs in detail, that ye may believe with certainty in the meeting with your Lord.}}
The authors here take it as obvious that the heavens require support of some kind. But their emphasis is on their invisibility, not their actual absence.
Ignoring the giant mountain goats which are never mentioned in the Qur'an itself, the outermost heaven lies beneath a sea that is as deep as the distances between adjacent heavens. That Allah’s “throne” is above such waters is mentioned in the Qur'an as well as the hadith.
{{Quote|{{Quron|11|7}}|He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days - and His Throne was over the waters - that He might try you, which of you is best in conduct. But if thou wert to say to them, "Ye shall indeed be raised up after death", the Unbelievers would be sure to say, "This is nothing but obvious sorcery!"}}
There are however no mentions of galaxies, quasars, galaxy clusters or empty space. Simply water, a throne, and Allah himself.
Additional details concerning the individual heavens are found in the accounts of Muhammad’s “night journey.” Rather than quoting at length, readers are referred to {{Bukhari|9|93|68}} for the long version. But here are the key points.
Each of the seven heavens is populated by multiple angels and a few other folks as well. These heavens are entered through doors in the solid domes, each with an angelic guard and each populated by a resident prophet. For example, immediately above the dome of the first heaven is where Muhammad met Adam, and discovered (in the absence of true geographic knowledge) the sources of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The second heaven is the home of the Prophet Idris. Aaron is in the fourth heaven, Abraham the sixth, and Moses the seventh.

Editors, em-bypass-1
