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2 December 2016
→ِArabic letters ambiguously compatible with the English alphabet
→Arabic letters compatible with the English alphabet
→CH like in Charles
→CH like in Charles
→Missing Arabic letters
→Arabic letters compatible with the English alphabet
→E like in America
→Missing Arabic letters
→Missing Arabic letters
→Missing Arabic letters
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→ِArabic letters ambiguously compatible with the English alphabet
→ِArabic letters ambiguously compatible with the English alphabet
→ِArabic letters not compatible with the English alphabet
→ِArabic letters not compatible with the English alphabet
→ِArabic letters not compatible with the English alphabet
→ِArabic letters ambiguously compatible with the English alphabet
→ِArabic letters ambiguously compatible with the English alphabet
1 December 2016
→ِArabic letters ambiguously compatible with the English alphabet
→ِArabic letters not compatible with the English alphabet
→ِArabic letters not compatible with the English alphabet
→ِArabic letters ambiguously compatible with the English alphabet
→ِArabic letters ambiguously compatible with the English alphabet
→ِArabic letters not compatible with the English alphabet
→ِArabic letters ambiguously compatible with the English alphabet
→ِArabic letters ambiguously compatible with the English alphabet
→ِArabic letters ambiguously compatible with the English alphabet
→ِArabic letters ambiguously compatible with the English alphabet
→ِArabic letters ambiguously compatible with the English alphabet
→ِArabic letters kind of compatible with the English alphabet
→ِArabic letters kind of compatible with the English alphabet
→ِArabic letters not compatible with the English alphabet
→ِArabic letters kind of compatible with the English alphabet
→ِArabic letters kind of compatible with the English alphabet
→ِArabic letters kind of compatible with the English alphabet
→Arabic letters compatible with the English alphabet
→Arabic letters compatible with the English alphabet
→Arabic letters easily compatible with the English alphabet
→Simple Arabic letters compatible with the English alphabet
→Letters compatible with the English alphabet