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===الإفراط في تناول الطعام، الصداع وزيادة حمضية المعدة===
===الإفراط في تناول الطعام، الصداع وزيادة حمضية المعدة===

{{Quote||'Binge eating is a ''fairly common habit'' during the Ramadan period, especially as the day is spent without eating or drinking,' says Anjali Dange, Dietitian at Welcare Hospital.
{{Quote||تقول أنجالي دانغي، أخصائية تغذية في مستشفى ويلكير  : "الشراهة في تناول الطعام عادة شائعة خلال فترة رمضان، خاصة بعد قضاء اليوم دون أكل أو شرب"<br />

"During the initial days of fasting, you may encounter slight dizziness as well as frequent headaches."
"وخلال الأيام الأولى من الصيام، قد تواجه دوخة طفيفة وكذلك صداعًا متكررًا" <br />

Dr Phadke says that fasting can also increase levels of gastric acidity in the stomach which can cause burning and heaviness, and sometimes a sour taste in the mouth.<ref name="Anjali Dange">[http://www.webcitation.org/query?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.khaleejtimes.com%2FDisplayArticleNew.asp%3Fcol%3D%26section%3Dtheuae%26xfile%3Ddata%2Ftheuae%2F2008%2FSeptember%2Ftheuae_September167.xml&date=2011-07-12 <!-- http://www.khaleejtimes.com/DisplayArticleNew.asp?col=&section=theuae&xfile=data/theuae/2008/September/theuae_September167.xml -->Dietitian Advises Selective Eating Habits During Ramadan] - Khaleej Times Online, September 7, 2008</ref>}}
يقول الدكتور بهادكي إن الصوم يمكن أن يزيد أيضا من مستويات الحموضة في المعدة والتي يمكن أن تسبب حرقانًا وثقلًا، وأحيانا طعمًا مرًا في الفم
.<ref name="Anjali Dange">[http://www.webcitation.org/query?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.khaleejtimes.com%2FDisplayArticleNew.asp%3Fcol%3D%26section%3Dtheuae%26xfile%3Ddata%2Ftheuae%2F2008%2FSeptember%2Ftheuae_September167.xml&date=2011-07-12 <!-- http://www.khaleejtimes.com/DisplayArticleNew.asp?col=&section=theuae&xfile=data/theuae/2008/September/theuae_September167.xml -->Dietitian Advises Selective Eating Habits During Ramadan] - Khaleej Times Online, September 7, 2008</ref>}}

{{Quote||During Ramadan most of the population sleep during the day, with the iftar beginning at sundown: large feasts at which many end up eating so much they need to be taken to hospital casualty wards, with a record high almost 8,000 cases of indigestion recorded at the Hamad Medical Hospital emergency room solely in the first week of Ramadan 2011.<ref name="ANSMarch132012Ram">[{{Reference archive|1=http://www.ansamed.info/ansamed/en/news/sections/generalnews/2012/03/13/visualizza_new.html_131156617.html|2=2012-03-15}} Qatar: surge in diabetes/obesity, unhealthy Arab habits] - ANSAmed, March 13, 2012</ref>}}
{{Quote||During Ramadan most of the population sleep during the day, with the iftar beginning at sundown: large feasts at which many end up eating so much they need to be taken to hospital casualty wards, with a record high almost 8,000 cases of indigestion recorded at the Hamad Medical Hospital emergency room solely in the first week of Ramadan 2011.<ref name="ANSMarch132012Ram">[{{Reference archive|1=http://www.ansamed.info/ansamed/en/news/sections/generalnews/2012/03/13/visualizza_new.html_131156617.html|2=2012-03-15}} Qatar: surge in diabetes/obesity, unhealthy Arab habits] - ANSAmed, March 13, 2012</ref>}}
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