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Hello I am Saggy!
My aim is to expose true Islam through this wiki.
These are all links for my sandbox use and expansion.
[[User:Saggy/Sandbox of Islamic Spain book]]
[[User:Saggy/Sandbox of Islamic Spain book]]

Qaf mountain:
Coccyx does not decay hadith (other scientific errors are in the same link) []..
Qaf mountain and more sources about sun set in muddy spring:

Hindu in Pak:
Hindu in Pak:
[ Punishments for neglecting jihad for the sake of Allaah]

Banu Mustaliq:
Banu Mustaliq:
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# [[Claims of Evolution in the Qur'an]]
# [[Claims of Evolution in the Qur'an]]
# [[User:Saggy/Sandbox - Issues with Quran and Hadith]]
# [[User:Saggy/Sandbox - Issues with Quran and Hadith]]
# [[WikiIslam:Sandbox/History of Slavery in the Muslim World]]
# [[WikiIslam:Sandbox/Early Christian Views of Islam]]
# [[WikiIslam:Sandbox/Martyrs of Córdoba]]
# [[WikiIslam:Sandbox/Martyrs of Córdoba]]
# [[WikiIslam:Sandbox/Islamic art]]
# [[WikiIslam:Sandbox/Islamic art]]
# [[WikiIslam:Sandbox/List of Genocides]]
# [[WikiIslam:Sandbox/List of Muslim Wars]]
# [[WikiIslam:Sandbox/Responses to Apologetics: Jizya]]

[[WikiIslam:Sandbox/Images of Jihad (France)]]

[[WikiIslam:Sandbox/How to Leave Islam]]
[[WikiIslam:Sandbox/50000 Reasons for Leaving Islam]]
==Jinn== (archive: [])  jinn exosism on youtube
Jizya by Umar [], [].
Latest Jizya in Turkey : [[w:Varlık Vergisi]]

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===spoils of war===
===spoils of war , booty===
# []
# []
# []
# []
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# - Jizya section with rules on non-Muslims
# - Jizya section with rules on non-Muslims
# interesting Hadiths with a whole book: ([ Archive])
# Tawhid book by Mohd abdal Wahab the Wahhabi

# interesting Hadiths with a whole book:

==Sira== with sira in PDF with sira in PDF

==Logical Errors in Quran article==
== Quran ==
Shall I inform you upon whom the devils descend? They descend upon every sinful liar. They pass on what is heard, and most of them are liars.
===Logical Errors in Quran article===
# [[WikiIslam:Sandbox/Logical Errors and Other Issues in the Qur'an]]
# [[WikiIslam:Sandbox/Logical Errors and Other Issues in the Qur'an]]

==Different versions of quran==
=Logical erors=
==Every title==
==Third person==
===Different versions of quran===

===Variant translations of Quran===
====Variant translations of Quran====
===Fabricated Quranic claims===
*''According to the Quran, marriage is intended to be unbounded in time, , as indicated by its characterization as a "firm bond" and by the rules governing divorce''[]

==Zoroastrian Persia war==
==Zoroastrian Persia war==

[] and details of persecution and massacres
[] and details of persecution and massacres
==Christian scholar==
Boulad [] archive: []
{{Quote||All attempts to reform Islam by liberal open-minded Muslims have tragically failed so far and I doubt that a ‘reformed Islam’ will still remain ‘Islam’. Here are six unsuccessful attempts to reform Islam in the last two centuries:
1. Reformism in the 19th century: Afghani, Mohamed Abdo, Rashid Reda
2. The Renaissance — or Nahda — in late 19th-early 20th century: Yasji, Girgi Zeidan, Taha Hussein, Salama Moussa, Tewfik el-Hakim…
3. Kemalism and the secularization of the Turkish state — Kemal Atatürk — 1923
4. The Baath and its Pan-Arabism ideology: Michel Aflaq, Bitar, George Habash and the PLO
5. Egyptian nationalism and the neutrality of the state (principle of secularism) – 1919 : Saad Zaghloul: "Religion is God’s affair and the State everybody’s. "
6. Reversal of the decree on the abrogating and abrogated. At the instigation of El-Azhar institution, Mahmoud Mohamed Taha was hanged in Khartoum on 18.1.1985 for wanting to give the pre-eminence to the Mekkan verses over the Medina ones inciting to war, hated and intolerance.}}
11 of frst 32 caliphs were murdered by Muslims
==Christianity gaining converts==
# [] ([ Archive])

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Martyrs of Otranto
Martyrs of Otranto

* [] []

===Antisemitism, Jews===
===Antisemitism, Jews===
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* :Neverending enmity with Jews and more curses on them
* :Neverending enmity with Jews and more curses on them

*1805 Massacre of Jews in Algeria
* Mamluks including sultan Bayibars: treatment of Jews []
*1805 Massacre of Jews in Algeria [] and Many more []

====Banu Qurayza====
====Banu Qurayza====
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* []
* []

* [] Quotes by a Turk to refute, hidden:
{{Quote||<!-- So why did Ottoman-Armenians stop become disloyal, after being known for centuries as the "Loyal Millet," or Faithful Nation?
Deceptive Armenian propaganda would have us believe that Turks and other Muslims suddenly decided to start killing Armenians for sport in the late 1890s, and has concocted baseless theories for the 1915 period, such as "pan-Turanism" or "Muslims hate Christians" (without fully explaining why these reasons were absent in centuries past... and also without explaining why other minorities escaped the Armenians' fate of "deportation," the propagandists' synonym for "genocide").
Events do not suddenly exist, without reason, as though history takes place in a vacuum. In order to understand why something happened, it is necessary to delve into the sequence of events that transpired in the past. Prof. Justin McCarthy, in his extremely scholarly book "Death and Exile: The Ethnic Cleansing of Ottoman Muslims, 1821-1922," instructs us on the genuine, historical backdrop... without bias, which is what makes him such a historian par excellence. (This book is a must-have for any truthful party interested in the "genocide" matter.) The professor basically ties in the reason, also by examining the period that transpired before the "seventy years," with exactly what Jemal Pasha had written in his memoirs :
"As to the occurrences which took place during the deportations these must be ascribed to seventy years of accumulated hatred between Turks, Kurds, and Armenians. The responsibility must lie with Muscovite policy which made mortal enemies of three nations who for centuries had lived together in peace." (Perhaps why at least one Armenian scholar from Armenia, Rafael Hambartsumian, gave Russia "equal genocidal guilt." It's the rare Armenian who goes even beyond, acknowledging that "The real enemy of the Armenians were the Russians, not the Turks"... as William Saroyan wrote, in "Antranik of Armenia.")-->}}
{{Quote||<!-- Europeans did not consider that the deaths were a result of the rebellion, nor the Turk's intention. The Russians invaded ostensibly to save the Christians. The result was the death of 260,000 Turks, 17 percent of the Muslim population of Bulgaria, and the expulsion of a further 34 percent of Turks. The Armenian rebels expected to follow the same plan.
The Armenian rebellion began with the organization of guerilla bands made up of Armenians from both the Russian and Ottoman lands. Arms were smuggled in. Guerillas assassinated Ottoman officials, attacked Muslim villages, and used bombs, the nineteenth century's terrorist's standard weapon. By 1894 the rebels were ready for open revolution. Revolts broke out in Samsun, Zeytun, Van and elsewhere in 1894 and 1895. As in Bulgaria they began with the murder of innocent civilians. The leader of the Zeytun rebellion said his forces had killed 20,000 Muslims. As in Bulgaria the Muslims retaliated. In Van for example 400 Muslims and 1,700 Armenians died. Further rebellions followed. In Adana in 1909 the Armenian revolt turned out very badly for both the rebels and the innocent when the government lost control and 17,000 to 20,000 died, mostly Armenians. Throughout the revolts and especially in 1894 and 1897 the Armenians deliberately attacked Kurdish tribesmen, knowing that it was from them that great vengeance was not that likely to be expected. Pitched battles between Kurds and Armenians resulted.
But it all went wrong for the Armenian rebels. They had followed the Bulgarian plan, killing Muslims and initiating revenge attacks on Armenians. Their own people had suffered most. Yet the Russians and Europeans they depended upon did not intervene. European politics and internal problems stayed the Russian hand. What were the Armenian rebels trying to create? When Serbs and Bulgarians rebelled against the Ottoman Empire they claimed lands where the majorities were Serbs or Bulgarians. They expelled Turks and other Muslims from their lands, but these Muslims had not been a majority. This was not true for the Armenians. The lands they covered were overwhelmingly Muslim in population. The only way they could create an Armenia was to expel the Muslims. Knowing this history is essential to understanding what was to come during World War I. There had been a long historical period in which two conflicting sides developed.
Russian imperialists and Armenian revolutionaries had begun a struggle that was in no way wanted by the Ottomans. Yet the Ottomans were forced to oppose the plans of both Russians and Armenians, if only to defend the majority of their subjects. History taught the Ottomans that if the Armenians triumphed not only would territory be lost, but mass expulsions and deaths would be the fate of the Muslim majority. This was the one absolutely necessary goal of the Armenian rebellion.
The preview to what was to come in the Great War came in the Russian Revolution of 1905. Harried all over the Empire, the Russians encouraged ethnic conflict in Azerbaijan, fomenting an inter-communal war. Azeri Turks and Armenians battled each other when they should have attacked the Empire that ruled over both. Both Turks and Armenians learned the bitter lesson that the other was the enemy, even though most of them wanted nothing of war and bloodshed. The sides were drawn.
In late 1914, inter-communal conflict began in the Ottoman East with the Armenian rebellion. Anatolian Armenians went to the Russian South Caucasus for training, approximately 8,000 in Kagizman, 6,000 in Igdir and others elsewhere. They returned to join local rebels and revolts erupted all over the East. The Ottoman Government estimated 30,000 rebels in Sivas Vilayeti alone, probably an exaggeration but indicative of the scope of the rebellion. Military objectives were the first to be attacked.
Telegraph lines were cut. Roads through strategic mountain passes were seized. The rebels attacked Ottoman officials, particularly recruiting officers, throughout the East. Outlying Muslim villages were assaulted and the first massacring of Muslims began. The rebels attempted to take cities such as Zeytun, Mus, Sebin Karahisar and Urfa. Ottoman armed forces which were needed at the front were instead forced to defend the interior.
The most successful rebel action was in the city of Van. In March 1915 they seized the city from a weak Ottoman garrison and proceeded to kill all the Muslims who could not escape. Some 3,000 Kurdish villagers from the surrounding region were herded together into the great natural bowl of Zeve, outside the city of Van, and slaughtered. Kurdish tribes in turn took their revenge on any Armenian villagers they found. -->}}
===Christians persecuted today===
# [ Minority Report: Christian Persecution in Muslim-Majority Countries] [ archive]
# [] [archive]
# {{cite web|url= |title=Christianity-most-persecuted-religion |publisher= |author= |date= |archiveurl= |deadurl=no}}
# {{cite web |url= |title=Christian persecution: How many are being killed, where they are being killed|archiveurl= |date= April 14, 2017}}
# [ archive]

==[[WikiIslam:Sandbox/Problems with Notable Hadith]]==
==[[WikiIslam:Sandbox/Problems with Notable Hadith]]==
Line 107: Line 222:
*[]: "Allah has forbidden the earth to consume the bodies of the Prophets.” Narrated by Imam Ahmad in al-Musnad (26/840)
*[]: "Allah has forbidden the earth to consume the bodies of the Prophets.” Narrated by Imam Ahmad in al-Musnad (26/840)
*[ fatwa on killing snakes]: Quoted interesting hadith
*[ fatwa on killing snakes]: Quoted interesting hadith
*[]  when a man curses anything, the curse goes up to heaven and the gates of heaven are locked against it. Then it comes down...
*'''DONE''' []  when a man curses anything, the curse goes up to heaven and the gates of heaven are locked against it. Then it comes down...

===Comedy hadith===
===Comedy hadith===

* : 11 Women describe their husbands including a divorcee
*'''DONE''' : 11 Women describe their husbands including a divorcee

===All the "Hima" ahadith===

*[] Archive: []
**"They (i.e. women and children) are from them (i.e. pagans)" I also heard the Prophet saying, "The institution of Hima is invalid except for Allah and His Apostle."

==Houris, 72 virgins==
===Family Planning===
# ([ Archive])
# ([ Archive])
===Houris, 72 virgins===

*Ghazali quotes: []
*Ghazali quotes: []
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* Alim: Abu Bakr's wife is called a houri []
* Alim: Abu Bakr's wife is called a houri []
# [ Author of Saudi Curriculums Advocates Slavery] [ archive]

Line 127: Line 254:
* [ First Great Sin - Shirk]
* [ First Great Sin - Shirk]
* [ Sodomy]
* [ Sodomy]
* Humor: The Shia's excellent logic: Forty-third Greater Sin: Insulting a Muslim, making fun, exposing indecency punishments []
* Shia Jizya: []
* [] Khomeini on women
*Shia jihad []
* Shia Khums or booty, spoils of war []
{{Quote|{{cite web|url= |title=Islamic Unity |publisher= |author= |date= |archiveurl= |deadurl=no}}|1. Question: I would like to ask, is there any fatwa from Ayatollah regarding Ukhuwah Islamiyah, between Sunni and Shia. and how about the connection with the fatwa that other Maraja’ has revealed about Ukhuwah Islamiyah, does his eminence agree with that fatwa. The reason i ask this because there is someone who claimed that he’s a muqallid from Ayatullah Sadiq Shirazi and said that there’s no fatwa about Ukhuwah Islamiyah, and so he attack everyone who does not agree with his point of view and say everyone.
'''Islamic unity and Muslim brotherhood is only possible under the Wilayah (Authority) of Imam Ali (a.s) and Ahlulbayt (a.s). Other than that, it is all a political scam.''' We Shia Muslims don't only differ with other sects in prayer, we rather differ in the pillars of Islam as well.  Islamic unity is only valid if all Muslims embrace the faith of Ahlulbayt (a.s).}}
==Women, Feces spray, 29 reasons to leave Islam==
{{Quote|[]|Below are a list of reason why I would like to leave Islam:
That my religion’s founder called women, “a toy” (Tuffaha, Ahmad Zaky, Al-Mar’ah wal-Islam, Dar al-Kitab al-Lubnani, Beirut, first edition, 1985, p. 180)
That my religion forces my sister and mother to wear a burka, long sleeved shirt (and maybe even a jacket to which I have seen women have to wear!) even in 120 degree weather
That even if my sister and mother do wear this crap, they still are groped, pinched, harassed and even raped!
That my dad can beat my mother and not even be asked about it (Ibn-Kathir, “a man must not be asked why he beat his wife.” -sura 4:34)
That my dad can force my mother to be in her room as long as he wants:
That my sister’s and mother’s testimony automatically means one half a man’s testimony just because they are women! (sura 2:11)
That my own clerics defend the rape of non-muslim women by muslim men CALLING IT THE FAULT OF THE WOMEN!
That my god was the pagan moon-god of the Arabians
That my founder married a 6 year old girl
That whenever truth is brought out about my founder, my own people will threaten to kill those who are bringing out the truth
That my fellow-believer (who are restaurant and pastry owners) are putting crap in their food when they sell it to non-muslims
That my fellow-believers can throw gasoline upon a woman (even if she steps outside the house and talks to a man!) set her ablaze AND CALL IT AN “HONOR KILLING!”:
That many of my clerics around the world are calling for bloodshed against the non-Muslim
That my own holy book condones war against the non-muslim
That those who deny my holy book condones war against the non-muslim are “watering down” my holy book just to make it say something they want it or not want it to say
That those who “water down” my holy book matters well do that to the whole koran
That my holy book says god “leads those who he will” and “misleads those who he will.”
That Saudi textbooks call Christians “swine” and Jews “condemnable” AFTER MY OWN LEADERS TRY TO APPEASE THEM TO THEIR FACES HAVING A DOUBLE-STANDARD!
That my leaders will keep blaming Israel and the US for it’s own troubles!
That sexual intercourse is ONLY for the man, and not the woman (contemporary Muslim commentator)
That my mom has to please my dad at all times in order for her to enter paradise (Hadith no. ii, 60)
That although women outnumber men in hell, she MAY be able to slip into paradise ONLY if she is totally obedient, and TOTALLY pleasing to her husband at the time of her death.
That it is said, “When a woman comes she comes in the form of a devil.” (Hadith no. 3240).
That it is said, “The support of the woman (nafaaqa) is obligatory on the man in return for the woman being locked up in the man’s house, and for being exclusively his.” (‘Abd ar-Rahman al-Gaziri, al-Fiqh ‘ala al-Mazahibib al-Arba’a, Dar al-Kutub al-‘EElmeyah, 1990, vol. 4, pg. 495.)
THAT A MAN HAS THE RIGHT TO PREVENT HIS WIFE FROM CARING FOR HER CHILD FROM A PREVIOUS MARRIAGE (“The husband has the right to prevent his wife form looking after and breast feeding her baby, from her previous husband, (if she was living in the husband’s house), because that will make her too busy to attend to the husband, and it will affect her beauty and cleanliness, all these are the rights of the husband alone.” (Hanafites.–‘Abd ar-Rahman al-Gaziri, 1990, vol. 4., p. 488.)
That when Islamists complain about how “they are treated” in other countries, in their own countries they burn churches, kidnap non-Muslim women, persecute them and even kill them if they convert from Islam calling it “honor killing” (like, the guy in Saudi Arabia–never prosecuted for cutting out his daughter’s tongue and brutally killing her.
That “Honor killings” are not prosecuted even if it’s a Muslim daughter or wife.
==Scientific errors==


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