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*[[Islam in the News#Bangladesh: 85 dead, 700 Hindu homes and 47 temples destroyed as violence over Jamaat-e-Islami leader's sentencing continues|Bangladesh: 85 dead, 700 Hindu homes and 47 temples destroyed as Muslim violence continues]] <small>- Mar. 14, 2013</small>
*[[Islam in the News#Egypt: Government warns that a U.N. declaration on women's rights could destroy society by allowing a woman basic rights|Egypt: Government warns that a U.N. declaration on women's rights could destroy society]] <small>- Mar. 14, 2013</small>
*[[Islam in the News#UK: Lord Nazir Ahmed, one of Britain's first Muslim peers, blames jail term on Jewish 'conspiracy'|UK: Lord Nazir Ahmed, one of Britain's first Muslim peers, blames jail term on Jewish 'conspiracy']] <small>- Mar. 14, 2013</small>
*[[Islam in the News#UK: Lord Nazir Ahmed, one of Britain's first Muslim peers, blames jail term on Jewish 'conspiracy'|UK: Lord Nazir Ahmed, one of Britain's first Muslim peers, blames jail term on Jewish 'conspiracy']] <small>- Mar. 14, 2013</small>
*[[Islam in the News#Libya: Egyptian Copts working in Benghazi being rounded up by Muslim militia and tortured by Government|Libya: Egyptian Copts working in Benghazi being rounded up by militia and tortured by Government]] <small>- Mar. 14, 2013</small>
*[[Islam in the News#Saudi Arabia: Firing squads to carry out executions due to a lack of qualified swordsmen, acceptable by Shar'iah says senior cleric|Saudi Arabia: Firing squads to carry out executions due to a lack of qualified swordsmen]] <small>- Mar. 13, 2013</small>
*[[Islam in the News#Saudi Arabia: Firing squads to carry out executions due to a lack of qualified swordsmen, acceptable by Shar'iah says senior cleric|Saudi Arabia: Firing squads to carry out executions due to a lack of qualified swordsmen]] <small>- Mar. 13, 2013</small>
*[[Islam in the News#Pakistan: Man beaten, blindfolded and stoned to death for attempting to elope with a girl|Pakistan: Man beaten, blindfolded and stoned to death for attempting to elope with a girl]] <small>- Mar. 13, 2013</small>
*[[Islam in the News#Pakistan: Man beaten, blindfolded and stoned to death for attempting to elope with a girl|Pakistan: Man beaten, blindfolded and stoned to death for attempting to elope with a girl]] <small>- Mar. 13, 2013</small>
*[[Islam in the News#US: San Francisco officials say anti-jihad ads quoting jihadis offends Muslims|US: San Francisco officials say anti-jihad ads quoting jihadis offends Muslims]] <small>- Mar. 12, 2013</small>
*[[Islam in the News#Libya: 48 Coptic Christians arrested, devout Muslims torture and attempt to convert them to Islam, desecrate Christian imagery|Libya: 48 Coptic Christians arrested, devout Muslims torture and attempt to convert them to Islam]] <small>- Mar. 13, 2013</small>
*[[Islam in the News#Sudan: Country will continue amputations, any doctors who refuse 'the rule of Allah' will face prosecution|Sudan: Country will continue amputations, doctors who refuse 'the rule of Allah' will face prosecution]] <small>- Mar. 12, 2013</small>


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