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In April 656 rebels from Syria, Mesopotamia and Egypt converged in Medina and demanded that Uthman abdicate.<ref>Muir (1924), pp. 224-227.</ref> They besieged him in his house and cut off his water supply<ref>Jarrett/Suyuti pp. 162-163.</ref> while the citizens of Medina watched. Leading Muslims like Ali, Talha and Al-Zubayr made only token efforts to assist their Caliph.<ref>Muir (1924), pp. 230-231.</ref> Seeing that the rebels were likely to prevail, Aisha departed in June for the annual ''Hajj'' in Mecca so that she would be far from the crime-scene. She urged her brother Muhammad to accompany her, but he declined.<ref>Muir (1924), p. 231.</ref> During her absence, he was the leader of the besiegers who broke through the roof of Uthman’s house and stabbed him to death.<ref>{{Tabari|15|pp. 165-185}}; Jarrett/Suyuti pp. 165-167.</ref>
In April 656 rebels from Syria, Mesopotamia and Egypt converged in Medina and demanded that Uthman abdicate.<ref>Muir (1924), pp. 224-227.</ref> They besieged him in his house and cut off his water supply<ref>Jarrett/Suyuti pp. 162-163.</ref> while the citizens of Medina watched. Leading Muslims like Ali, Talha and Al-Zubayr made only token efforts to assist their Caliph.<ref>Muir (1924), pp. 230-231.</ref> Seeing that the rebels were likely to prevail, Aisha departed in June for the annual ''Hajj'' in Mecca so that she would be far from the crime-scene. She urged her brother Muhammad to accompany her, but he declined.<ref>Muir (1924), p. 231.</ref> During her absence, he was the leader of the besiegers who broke through the roof of Uthman’s house and stabbed him to death.<ref>{{Tabari|15|pp. 165-185}}; Jarrett/Suyuti pp. 165-167.</ref>
''Umar had appointed Amr ibn Al-Aas Governor of Egypt, but Uthman had replaced him with his kinsan Abdullah ibn Saad ibn Abi Sharh. Amr returned to Medina full of complaints against the Caliph. When Uthman was besieged…''
...Amr had not left his seat before a second rider passed by. Amr called him out: “How is Uthman doing?” The man replied: “He has been killed.” Amr then said: “I am Abu Abdillah. When I scratch an ulcer, I cut it off. (i.e., when I desire an object, I attain it). I have been provoking (people) against him, even the shepherd on the top of mountains with his flock.” Then Salamah Ibn Rawh said to him: “You Qurayshites have broken a strong tie between yourselves and the Arabs. Why did you do that?” Amr replied: “We wanted to draw the truth out of the pit of falsehood, and to have people be on an equal footing as regards the truth.”<ref>{{Tabari|15|pp. 171-172}}.</ref>
Abdurrahman Ibn al-Aswad said: “I constantly saw Ali avoiding (Uthman) and not acting as he formerly had. However, I know that he spoke with Talha when Uthman was under siege, to the effect that water skins should be taken to him. Ali was extremely upset (from Talha) about that until finally water skins were allowed to reach Uthman.”<ref>{{Tabari|15|pp. 180-181}}.</ref>
Once Aisha went to Uthman and asked for her share of inheritance of Prophet (after so many years passed from the death of Prophet). Uthman refrained to give Aisha any money by reminding her that she was one those who testified and encouraged Abu-Bakr to refrain to pay the share of inheritance of Fatima. So if Fatima did not have any share of inheritance, then why should she? Aisha became extremely angry at Uthman, and came out saying: “Kill this old fool (Na’thal), for he is unbeliever.”<ref>Ibn Athir, ''History'' vol. 3 p. 206. Also found in Lisan al-Arab, v14, p141; al-Iqd al-Farid, v4, p290; Sharh Ibn Abi al-Hadid, v16, pp 220-223.</ref>
When the people saw what Uthman was doing, the companions of the Prophet in Medina wrote to other companions who were scattered throughout the frontier provinces: “You have gone forth but to struggle in the path of Almighty God, for the sake of Muhammad’s religion. In your absence the religion of Muhammad has been corrupted and forsaken. So come back to re-establish Muhammad’s religion.” Thus, they came from every direction until they killed the Caliph (Uthman).<ref>{{Tabari|15|p. 184}}, citing Ibn Ishaq.</ref>
When the situation became extremely grave, Uthman ordered Marwan ibn al-Hakam and Abdurrahman ibn Attab ibn Usayd to try to persuade Aisha to stop campaigning against him. They went to her while she was preparing to leave for pilgrimage, and they told her: “We pray that you stay in Medina, and that Allah may save this man (Uthman) through you.” Aisha said: “I have prepared my means of transportation and vowed to perform the pilgrimage. By God, I shall not honour your request... I wish he (Uthman) was in one of my sacks so that I could carry him. I would then throw him into the sea.”<ref>Al-Baladhuri, ''Ansab al-Ashraf'' part 1 vol. 4 p. 75.</ref>
I [Talha] entered Uthman’s presence (During the agitation against Uthman) and talked with him for an hour. He said: “Come Ibn Abbas/Ayyash,” and he took me by the hand and had me listen to what the people were saying at his door. We heard some say, “what are you waiting for,” while others were saying, “wait, perhaps he will repent.” While the two of us were standing there (behind the door and listening), Talha Ibn Ubaydillah passed by and said: “Where is Ibn Udays?” He was told, “He is over there.” Ibn Udays came to (Talha) and whispered something with him, and then went back to his associates and said: “Do not let anyone go in (to the house of Uthman) to see this man or leave his house.” Uthman said to me: “These are the orders of Talha.” He continued, “O God! Protect me from Talha for he has provoked all these people against me. By God, I hope nothing will come of it, and that his own blood will be shed. Talha has abused me unlawfully. I heard the Messenger of God said: ‘The blood of a Muslim is lawful in three cases: apostasy, adultery, and the one who kills except in legitimate retaliation for another.’ So why should I be killed?” Ibn Abbas/Ayyash continued: I wanted to leave (the house), but they blocked my path until Muhammad Ibn Abi Bakr who was passing by requested them to let me go, and they did so.<ref>{{Tabari|15|pp. 199-200}}.</ref>
Abzay said: I witnessed the day they went in against Uthman. They entered the house through an opening in the residence of Amr Ibn Hazm. There was a skirmishing and they got in. By God, I have not forgotten that Sudan Ibn Humran came out and I heard him say: “Where is Talha Ibn Ubaydillah? We have killed Ibn Affan!”<ref>{{Tabari|15|p. 200}}.</ref>
Uthman said to Ali: “You owe me my Islamic right and the right of brotherhood and relationship. If I have non of these rights and if I were in pre-Islamic era, it would be still shame for a descendants of Abd Munaf (of whom both Ali and Uthman are descendants) to let a man of Tyme (Talha) rob us of our authority.” Ali said to Uthman: “You shall be informed of what I do.” Then Ali went to Talha’s house. There were a lot of people there. Ali spoke to Talha saying: “Talha, what is this condition in which you have fallen?” Talha replied: “O’ Abul Hasan! it is too late!”<ref>Ibn Athir, ''Al-Kamil'' vol. 3 p. 84.</ref>
Ali said to Talha: “I ask you by Allah to send people away from (attacking) Uthman.” Talha replied: “No, by God, not until the Umayad voluntarily submit to what is right.” (Uthman was the head of Umayad).<ref>{{Tabari|15|p. 235}}.</ref>
While Ibn Abbas was setting out for Mecca, he found Aisha in al-Sulsul (seven miles south of Medina). Aisha said: “O Ibn Abbas, I appeal to you by God, to abandon this man (Uthman) and sow doubt about him among the people, for you have been given a sharp tongue. (By the current siege over Uthman) people have shown their understanding, and light is raised to guide them. I have seen Talha has taken the possession of the keys to the public treasuries and storehouses. If he becomes Caliph (after Uthman), he will follow the path of his parental cousin Abu-Bakr.” Ibn Abbas said: “O’ Mother (of believers), if something happens to that man (i.e., Uthman), people would seek asylum only with our companion (namely, Ali).” Aisha replied: “Be quiet! I have no desire to defy or quarrel with you.”<ref>{{Tabari|15|pp. 238-239}}.</ref>
[''Before the start of battle of Camel.''] Ali said: “Zubair, do you fight me for the blood of Uthman after you killed him? May God give the most hostile to Uthman among us the consequence which that very person dislikes.” He said to Talha: “Talha, you have brought the wife of the Messenger of God (Aisha) to use her for war and hidden your wife at your house (in Medina)! Did you not give me your allegiance?” Talha said: “I gave you the allegiance while the sword was on my neck.” ... Ali addressed his own army saying: “Who among you will display this Quran and what is in it to the opposing army with the understanding that if he loses one of his hand he will hold the Quran with his other hand...?” A youth from Kufa said: “I will take the mission.” Ali went through his army offering them the mission. Only that youth accepted it. Then Ali said to him: “Exhibit this Quran and say to them: It is between you and us from its beginning to its end. Remember God, and spare your blood and our blood.” As the youth called upon them to resort to the Quran and surrender to its judgment, the Basrites army attacked and killed him. At this time, Ali said to his army: “Now the fight has become legal.” The battle then started.<ref>Tabari, Arabic edition, vol. 4 p. 905, "Events of the Year 36 AH".</ref>
Marwan Ibn al-Hakam who was in the ranks of Talha, saw Talha was retreating (when his army was being defeated in the battlefield). Since he and all Umayad recognized him and al-Zubair as the murderers of Uthman, he shot an arrow at him and severely wounded him. He then said to Aban, the son of Uthman, that: “I have spared you from one of your father’s murderers.” Talha was taken to a ruined house in Basra where he died.<ref>Ibn Saad, ''Tabaqat'' vol. 3 part 1 p. 159. Also found in Ibn Hajar's ''Al-Isaba'' vol. 3 pp. 532-533; Ibn Athir vol. 3 p. 244; ''Usd al-Ghabah'' vol. 3 pp. 87-88; Ibn Abdulbarr, ''Al-Istiaab'' vol. 2 p. 766; Ibn Kathir's ''History'' vol. 7 p. 248. A similar report is in Al-Hakim's ''Mustadrak'' vol. 3 pp. 169, 371.</ref>

===The Caliphate of Ali===
===The Caliphate of Ali===

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