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[[Suicide]] is clearly forbidden in Islam, but the [[The Islamic Ruling on the Permissibility of Martyrdom Operations|permissibility of martyrdom operations]] (Istishhad) is an altogether different topic, with scholars being split on the issue.
[[Suicide|Sebevražda]] je v islámu jasně zakázána, ale [[The Islamic Ruling on the Permissibility of Martyrdom Operations|Svolení k sebevražedným atentátům]] (Istishhad/ Ištišáda) je problematické téma, na kterém se mnozí učenci neshodnou.

Notable scholars and apologists such as Shaykh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, the world's most quoted independent Islamic jurist,<ref name="Faisal">Faisal Bodi - [{{Reference archive|1=http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2001/aug/28/comment.israelandthepalestinians|2=2012-02-21}} Bombing for God (Special report: Israel and the Middle East)] - The Guardian, August 28, 2001</ref> [[Dr.]] [[Zakir Naik]], known for his advocacy of "[[Islam and Science|Qur'anic science]]", and Tahir Ashrafi, the Chairman of the [[All Pakistan Ulema Council]], have justified the use of suicide bombing in Islam.<ref>Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi - [http://www.islamonline.net/servlet/Satellite?pagename=IslamOnline-English-Ask_Scholar/FatwaE/FatwaE&cid=1119503545134 Palestinian Women Carrying Out Martyr Operations] - Islam Online, November 6, 2006</ref><ref>[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtZxNqxpb8s Is Suicide Bombing allowed in Islam? By Dr. Zakir Naik] (a YouTube video posted by PeaceTVUK on September 20, 2008</ref><ref>Abdul Haq Omari - [{{Reference archive|1=http://www.tolonews.com/en/afghanistan/9627-pakistan-ulema-permits-suicide-attacks|2=2013-03-05}} Pakistan Ulema Permits Suicide Attacks] - TOLOnews, March 2, 2013</ref> Opinion polls have further shown that an [[Muslim Statistics (Terrorism)‎|extremely large number]] of Muslims from around the world support the practice.<ref name="Faisal"></ref><ref name="JP">Michael Freund - [http://web.archive.org/web/20070210015156/http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1167467849587&pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull Right On: The straightforward arithmetic of jihad] - The Jerusalem Post, January 31, 2007</ref><ref>Khalid A-H Ansari - [{{Reference archive|1=http://web.archive.org/web/20040412010339/http://web.mid-day.com/news/world/2004/march/79639.htm|2=2012-02-11}} 65% Pakistanis support Osama, says report] - Mid Day, March 27, 2004</ref><ref>[{{Reference archive|1=http://www.scotsman.com/news/international/one_in_eight_uk_muslims_support_terrorist_attacks_1_517610|2=2012-02-04}} One in eight UK Muslims 'support terrorist attacks'] - Scotsman.com, March 15, 2004</ref>
Významní učenci a zastánci islámu jako například Šejk Yusuf Al-Karadáví, celosvětově nejcitovanější nezávislý znalec islámského práva,<ref name="Faisal">Faisal Bodi - [{{Reference archive|1=http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2001/aug/28/comment.israelandthepalestinians|2=2012-02-21}} Bombing for God (Special report: Israel and the Middle East)] - The Guardian, 28.9.2001</ref> [[Dr.]] [[Zakir Naik]], známý svou obhajobou [[Islam and Science|Koránské vědy]]", a Tahir Ashrafi, předseda [[All Pakistan Ulema Council|pákistánského islámského tribunálu Ulema]], ospravedlňují užití sebevražedných atentátů v islámu.<ref>Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi - [http://www.islamonline.net/servlet/Satellite?pagename=IslamOnline-English-Ask_Scholar/FatwaE/FatwaE&cid=1119503545134 Palestinian Women Carrying Out Martyr Operations] - Islam Online, 6.11.2006</ref><ref>[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtZxNqxpb8s Is Suicide Bombing allowed in Islam? By Dr. Zakir Naik] (a YouTube video posted by PeaceTVUK on September 20, 2008</ref><ref>Abdul Haq Omari - [{{Reference archive|1=http://www.tolonews.com/en/afghanistan/9627-pakistan-ulema-permits-suicide-attacks|2=2013-03-05}} Pakistan Ulema Permits Suicide Attacks] - TOLOnews, 2.3.2013</ref> Průzkumy veřejného mínění pak ukázaly, že [[Muslim Statistics (Terrorism)‎|extrémně velké množství]] muslimů z celého světa podporuje tuto praxi.<ref name="Faisal"></ref><ref name="JP">Michael Freund - [http://web.archive.org/web/20070210015156/http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1167467849587&pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull Right On: The straightforward arithmetic of jihad] - The Jerusalem Post, 31.1.2007</ref><ref>Khalid A-H Ansari - [{{Reference archive|1=http://web.archive.org/web/20040412010339/http://web.mid-day.com/news/world/2004/march/79639.htm|2=2012-02-11}} 65% Pakistanis support Osama, says report] - Mid Day, 27.3.2004</ref><ref>[{{Reference archive|1=http://www.scotsman.com/news/international/one_in_eight_uk_muslims_support_terrorist_attacks_1_517610|2=2012-02-04}} One in eight UK Muslims 'support terrorist attacks'] - Scotsman.com, 15.3.2004</ref>

The Qur'an states that all Muslim males, not only martyrs, will be rewarded with virgins.<ref name="q56_36">"''Then We have made them virgins''" - {{Korán|56|36}}</ref> However, the Qur'an does also mention that those who [[The Meaning of Qatal|fight]] in the way of Allah ([[jihad]]) and get killed will be given a "great reward",<ref name="Sura4 74">"''Let those (believers) Who sell the life of this world for the hereafter fight in the cause of Allah and whoso fights in the cause of Allah, - and is slain or gets victory, We shall bestow on him a great reward.''" - {{Korán|4|74}}</ref> and there are also hasan (good) hadith<ref name="QA 8511"></ref> which refer to 72 virgins as one of the "seven blessings from Allah" to the martyr.<ref name="alMiqdaam"></ref> This has lead to the 72 virgins concept being widely used as a way to entice other Muslims into carrying out "martyrdom operations" for Islam.  
Korán prohlašuje, že všichni muslimští- muži, nejen mučedníci, budou odměněni pannami.<ref name="q56_36">"''a pannami jsme je učinili''" - {{Quran|56|36}}</ref> Nicméně, Korán rovněž zmiňuje, že ti, kdož [[The Meaning of Qatal|bojují]] na cestě Alláha ([[jihad]]) a budou zabiti, budou obdarováni „nesmírnou odměnou“,<ref name="Sura4 74">" Nechť tedy bojují na stezce Boží ti, kdož kupují za život pozemský život budoucí! A těm, kdož bojují na stezce Boží a budou zabiti či zvítězí, těm dáme odměnu nesmírnou.''" - {{Quran|4|74}}</ref> a existují rovněž dobré (hasan) hadísy,<ref name="QA 8511"></ref> které odkazují na 72 pannen jakožto jedno ze „sedmi požehnání Alláha“" pro mučedníka.<ref name="alMiqdaam"></ref> Tím se myšlenka 72 pannen začala široce používat jako způsob k lákání muslimů na provádění "mučednických operací" pro islám.  

This is witnessed in [[Palestinian Authority area|Palestine]], where the actions of a mother who sends her son to die as a martyr is sometimes seen as "marrying him off",<ref>[{{Reference archive|1=http://palwatch.org/main.aspx?fi=565|2=2012-02-21}} The model Palestinian mother sends her son to die as Martyr, thereby marrying him off] - Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, January 8, 2012</ref> and where the concept is used in Friday sermons and [[music]] [[videos]], both airing on official television.<ref>[{{Reference archive|1=http://palwatch.org/main.aspx?fi=565|2=2012-02-21}} 72 wives await the Martyrs for Allah: Six rewards quoted in Hamas TV sermon] - Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), January 1, 2010</ref><ref>[{{Reference archive|1=http://palwatch.org/main.aspx?fi=565|2=2012-02-21}} Beautiful virgins await Muslim Martyrs in Paradise] - Palestinian TV (Fatah), February 7, 2010 (1 min)</ref> It has even been used in the [[United Kingdom]], where, in one event, Muslim teens were told to train with Kalashnikov rifles  with the promise that the would receive 72 virgins in paradise if they died as religious martyrs.<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/2687797.stm British martyrs 'promised 72 virgins'] - BBC News, January 23, 2003</ref>  
Příkladem toho je dnešní [[Palestinian Authority area|Palestina]], kde je matka, která pošle syna na sebevražednou „mučednickou“ operaci, vnímána jako by ho „oženila“",<ref>[{{Reference archive|1=http://palwatch.org/main.aspx?fi=565|2=2012-02-21}} The model Palestinian mother sends her son to die as Martyr, thereby marrying him off] - Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, 8.1.2012</ref> a k sebevražedným (mučednickým) akcím jsou muslimové vyzýváni na pátečních kázáních. a [[music|v hudbě]] a [[videos|videích]], která se vysílají ve státní televizi.<ref>[{{Reference archive|1=http://palwatch.org/main.aspx?fi=565|2=2012-02-21}} 72 wives await the Martyrs for Allah: Six rewards quoted in Hamas TV sermon] - Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), 1.1.2010</ref><ref>[{{Reference archive|1=http://palwatch.org/main.aspx?fi=565|2=2012-02-21}} Beautiful virgins await Muslim Martyrs in Paradise] - Palestinian TV (Fatah), 7.2.2010 (1 min)</ref> Dokonce to bylo propagováno ve [[United Kingdom|Velké Británii]], kde britští muslimové byli v Londýně vyzýváni, aby trénovali se samopaly Kalašnikov pod příslibem, že dostanou 72 pannen v Ráji, pokud zemřou jako mučedníci.<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/2687797.stm British martyrs 'promised 72 virgins'] - BBC News, 23.1.2003</ref>  

Contrary to what the Qur'an, hadith, scholars and Muslims themselves say, a Western author named Margaret Nydell in a book that "promotes understanding between modern-day Arabs and Westerners", states that mainstream Muslims regard the belief of 72 virgins in the same way that mainstream Christians regard the belief that after death they will be issued with wings and a harp, and walk on clouds.<ref>{{cite book|title=Understanding Arabs: A Guide for Modern Times|author=Margaret Kleffner Nydell|pages=109|year=2006|publisher=Intercultural Press|isbn=1931930252}}</ref>  
V rozporu s tím, co Korán, hadísy, islámští učenci a muslimové sami říkají, prohlašuje západní autorka jménem Margaret Nydell v knize, která „propaguje mezikulturní porozumění mezi moderními Araby a Zápaďany", že běžní muslimové vnímají myšlenku 72 pannen stejným způsobem, jako vnímají běžní křesťané myšlenku, že po smrti budou obdařeni křídly a harfou a budou chodit po nebesích.<ref>{{cite book|title=Understanding Arabs: A Guide for Modern Times|author=Margaret Kleffner Nydell|pages=109|year=2006|publisher=Intercultural Press|isbn=1931930252}}</ref>  
Nicméně jak Korán, tak Prorok islámu Mohammad v hadísech se zaobírají myšlenkou pannen, které budou muslimským mužům v Ráji poskytnuty. Takže, přestože Bible, nebo spíše [[Jesus|Ježíš]] ve [[Injil|čtyřech Evangeliích]], prohlašuje, že křesťané budou po vstupu do Nebe obdařeni křídly a harfami, poukazování na údajnou paralelu s islámem je nesprávné a zavádějící.

However, both the Qur'an and Muhammad in the hadith literature discuss the issue of virgins being provided for men in Paradise. So, unless the Bible, and more specifically [[Jesus]] in the [[Injil|four Gospels]], claims Christians will indeed be issued with wings and a harp upon their arrival in Heaven, this claim is inaccurate and misleading.

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