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- Bucailleism
- Did Muhammad and the early Muslims know that the Earth is round
- Creation of Humans from Clay
- The Islamic Whale
- Science and the Seven Earths
- Qur'anic Claim of Everything Created in Pairs
Prophet Muhammad
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- Wpływ muzułmańskiego stroju na zdrowie (Polish)
- Invito a convertirsi all'islam prima dell'attacco (Italian)
- Taqiyya (Italian)
- Les origines païennes de l'Islam (French)
- La religione che cresce di più (Italian)
- 72 Hüri (Bakirə) (Azerbaijani)
- Örtünmenin Vahyolunması (Turkish)
- Olamning Qurondagi manzarasi (Uzbek)
- Jak Kusto (Islomni qabul qilishi) (Uzbek)
Origins of Islam