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{{Quote||The kind of power mothers have is enormous. Take the skyline of Istanbul—enormous breasts, pathetic little willies, a final revenge on Islam. I was so scared I had to crouch in the bottom of the boat when I saw it.<ref>Angela Carter (1940-1992), British author. interview by Lorna Sage in New Writing, eds. Malcolm Bradbury and Judy Cooke (1992).</ref>}}
{{Quote||The kind of power mothers have is enormous. Take the skyline of Istanbul—enormous breasts, pathetic little willies, a final revenge on Islam. I was so scared I had to crouch in the bottom of the boat when I saw it.<ref>Angela Carter (1940-1992), British author. interview by Lorna Sage in New Writing, eds. Malcolm Bradbury and Judy Cooke (1992).</ref>}}

==Anthony Flew==  
==Anthony Flew==  

Antony Garrard Newton Flew (1923 – 2010) was a British philosopher. He was also known for the development of the [[No True Scotsman|no true Scotsman]] fallacy.
Antony Garrard Newton Flew (1923 – 2010) fu un filosofo britannico. È conosciuto per aver ideato la fallacia logica del [[No True Scotsman|no true Scotsman|Nessun vero scozzese]]

{{Quote||I would never regard Islam with anything but horror and fear because it is fundamentally committed to conquering the world for Islam... it is, I think, best described in a Marxian way as the uniting and justifying ideology of Arab imperialism. Between the New Testament and the Qur'an there is (as it is customary to say when making such comparisons) no comparison. Whereas markets can be found for books on reading the Bible as literature, to read the Qur'an is a penance rather than a pleasure. There is no order or development in its subject matter.... The Prophet, though gifted in the arts of persuasion and clearly a considerable military leader, was both doubtfully literate and certainly ill-informed about the contents of the Old Testament and about several matters of which God, if not even the least informed of the Prophet’s contemporaries, must have been cognizant... one thing I’ll say in this comparison is that, for goodness sake, Jesus is an enormously attractive charismatic figure, which the Prophet of Islam most emphatically is not.<ref>Antony Flew and Gary Habermas, [ "My Pilgrimage from Atheism to Theism"], Philosophia Christi, the journal of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, Winter 2004.</ref>}}

{{Quote||The Koran calls for belief and consequent obedience. It is, surely, calculated to inspire fear, indeed abject terror, rather than love.<ref>Antony Flew, [ "The Terrors of Islam"], Atheist Notes No. 6, 2004, ISBN 1856372928</ref>}}
{{Quote||Non considererei mai l'islam se non con orrore e paura perché il suo scopo principale è quello di conquistare il mondo per l'islam... penso sia meglio descritto con un'analogia marxiana come l'ideologia unificante e giustificante di un imperialismo arabo. Tra il Nuovo Testamento e il Corano non c'è (com'è tipico dire facendo questi paragoni) nessun paragone. Se puoi leggere la Bibbia come letteratura in certi mercati, leggere il Corano è una penitenza piuttosto che un piacere. Non c'è nessun ordine o sviluppo nel suo svolgimento... il Profeta, sebbene dotato dell'arte della persuasione e un considerevole capo militare, era sia dubbiamente alfabetizzato e certamente male informato riguardo i contenuti dell'Antico Testamento e riguardo altre questioni riguardanti Dio, che anche il meno informato dei contemporanei del Profeta avrebbe dovuto conoscere... dico una cosa in questo paragone, per dio, Gesù è una figura enormemente attrattiva e carismatica mentre il Profeta dell'islam non lo è sicuramente.<ref>Antony Flew and Gary Habermas, [ "My Pilgrimage from Atheism to Theism"], Philosophia Christi, il diario della società filosofica evangelica, inverno 2004.</ref>}}
{{Quote||Il Corano chiede di credere e successivamente di obbedire. È sicuramente pensato per ispirare paura e terrore puro e non per ispirare amore.<ref>Antony Flew, [ "The Terrors of Islam"], Atheist Notes No. 6, 2004, ISBN 1856372928</ref>}}

==Apostolos Euangelou Vacalopoulos==
==Apostolos Euangelou Vacalopoulos==
Editors, em-bypass-2, Reviewers


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