Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars:Jizyah: Difference between revisions

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وقال الشافعي: دينار على الغني والفقير من الأحرار البالغين لا ينقص منه شيء واحتج بما رواه أبو داود وغيره عن معاذ: أن رسول الله صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ بعثه إلى اليمن وأمره أن يأخذ من كل حالم دينارا في الجزية. قال الشافعي: وهو المبين عن الله تعالى مراده. وهو قول أبي ثور. قال الشافعي: وإن صولحوا على أكثر من دينار جاز، وإن زادوا وطابت بذلك أنفسهم قبل منهم. وإن صولحوا على ضيافة ثلاثة أيام جاز، إذا كانت الضيافة معلومة في الخبز والشعير والتبن والإدام، وذكر ما على الوسط من ذلك وما على الموسر وذكر موضع النزول والكن من البرد والحر.  
وقال الشافعي: دينار على الغني والفقير من الأحرار البالغين لا ينقص منه شيء واحتج بما رواه أبو داود وغيره عن معاذ: أن رسول الله صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ بعثه إلى اليمن وأمره أن يأخذ من كل حالم دينارا في الجزية. قال الشافعي: وهو المبين عن الله تعالى مراده. وهو قول أبي ثور. قال الشافعي: وإن صولحوا على أكثر من دينار جاز، وإن زادوا وطابت بذلك أنفسهم قبل منهم. وإن صولحوا على ضيافة ثلاثة أيام جاز، إذا كانت الضيافة معلومة في الخبز والشعير والتبن والإدام، وذكر ما على الوسط من ذلك وما على الموسر وذكر موضع النزول والكن من البرد والحر.  

And the fourth: Allah, praised and high, did not mention in his book the amount of the Jizya to be taken from them (the dhimmis). The scholars have differed on the amount of the jizya to be taken from them. A'ta' bin Abi Ribah said: 'There is not set amount, it is rather dependent on what they (the dhimmis and the amir) came to an agreement on.' And likewise so said Yahya bin Adam and Abu 'Ubayd and Al-Tabari, with Tabari saying: 'its minimum is 1 dinar, and there's no limit to its maximum.' And they brought as evidence what the people of sahih (the scholars of hadith) recounted from 'Amru bin 'Auf: that the messenger of Allah, peace and prayer of Allah be upon him, came to an agreement with the people of Bahrain on the jizya. And Shafi'i said: 'a dinar from the rich and the poor from their free adults, and nothing must be subtracted from this (amount)', and he brought for evidence of this what Abu Dawud and others related from Mu'adh: The the messenger of Allah, peace and prayer of Allah be upon him, sent him (Mu'adh) to Yemen and commanded him to take from every Halim 1 dinar of Jizya. And Shafi'i said: Allah's will is apparent. And this is the saying of Abi Thaur. Shafi'i said: if they agreed upon more than one dinar, it is permissible, and if the increased the amount of it and they were satisfied with it (then it is also permissible). And if they agreed upon hosting (of Muslims by dhimmis) for three days it is permissible, and the hosting is known to consist  is known in terms of bread, barley, hay, and food. He mentioned what is due from the middle class and what is due from the wealthy. He also mentioned the place of lodging and shelter from the cold and heat.}}
And the fourth: Allah, praised and high, did not mention in his book the amount of the Jizya to be taken from them (the dhimmis). The scholars have differed on the amount of the jizya to be taken from them. A'ta' bin Abi Ribah said: 'There is no set amount, it is rather dependent on what they (the dhimmis and the amir) came to an agreement on.' And likewise so said Yahya bin Adam and Abu 'Ubayd and Al-Tabari, with Tabari saying: 'its minimum is 1 dinar, and there's no limit to its maximum.' And they brought as evidence what the people of sahih (the scholars of hadith) recounted from 'Amru bin 'Auf: that the messenger of Allah, peace and prayer of Allah be upon him, came to an agreement with the people of Bahrain on the jizya. And Shafi'i said: 'a dinar from the rich and the poor from their free adults, and nothing must be subtracted from this (amount)', and he brought for evidence of this what Abu Dawud and others related from Mu'adh: The the messenger of Allah, peace and prayer of Allah be upon him, sent him (Mu'adh) to Yemen and commanded him to take from every Halim 1 dinar of Jizya. And Shafi'i said: Allah's will is apparent. And this is the saying of Abi Thaur. Shafi'i said: if they agreed upon more than one dinar, it is permissible, and if the increased the amount of it and they were satisfied with it (then it is also permissible). And if they agreed upon hosting (of Muslims by dhimmis) for three days it is permissible, and the hosting is known to consist  is known in terms of bread, barley, hay, and food. He mentioned what is due from the middle class and what is due from the wealthy. He also mentioned the place of lodging and shelter from the cold and heat.}}

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