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21 May 2022
2 April 2022
29 December 2021
8 August 2021
25 April 2021
7 March 2021
23 February 2021
20 February 2021
28 December 2020
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The whirl ibn Abbas quote is in ibn Kathir's commentary for a different verse (36:40). His other quote is separate, for his commentary on 31:29.
27 December 2020
26 December 2020
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15 December 2020
14 December 2020
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→Qur'an 2:144 - praying towards the Ka'bah
→Qur'an 2:144 - praying towards the Ka'bah
→Modern perspectives and criticisms thereof
→Direct references to a flat Earth in the Qur'an
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→Earth is flat only from our perspective
→Tradition and scripture
→Problems with the "signification" of roundness
13 December 2020
→Tafsirs on the verse 79:30
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→Daha as derived from duhiya and related to madaahi
→Daha as derived from duhiya and related to madaahi
→Qur'an Translations
→Daha as derived from duhiya
→Daha as derived from duhiya
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→Qur'an Translations